What can your body do with Covid-19 and the flu
“You can certainly get both the flu and Covid-19 at the same time, which may be catastrophic to your immune system,” said Dr. Adrian Burrows, a Florida family doctor.
In fact, epidemiologist Dr. Cima Yasmine said that infecting one makes it more likely to infect the other.
“Infection with the flu and other respiratory viruses can weaken the body,” said Yasmine, director of the Stanford Health Communication Initiative.
“It reduces your defenses and makes you more susceptible to a second infection.”
Dr. Michael Massey, a medical professor and critical care expert at the University of California, San Francisco, said that the simultaneous occurrence of both diseases “increased the risk of long-term effects on these organ systems.”
However, it is too early to know exactly how much worse the double wormy will be compared to using each virus alone.
That’s because Covid-19 didn’t spread throughout the United States until near the end of the last flu season, Masai said. Therefore, there is still not much data on people with both illnesses at the same time.
But Matthew suspects that if the body is infected with both the flu and the coronavirus, the chances of pneumonia are greater.
“The two (viruses) together are definitely harmful to the lungs and can cause more respiratory failure,” he said.
Respiratory failure does not necessarily mean that the lungs fail. That means the lungs cannot get enough oxygen in the blood.
How can I tell if it’s Covid-19 and / or influenza?
“It’s difficult to distinguish between the two because the symptoms of influenza and Covid-19 are so similar,” said Dr. Leonard Melmel, medical director of epidemiology and infection control at Rhode Island Hospital.
“Some people can have vomiting and diarrhea, which is more common in children than in adults,” the CDC said.
Therefore, the best way to know if you have the new coronavirus and / or the flu is to get tested.
How can I avoid this influenza Covid-19 double wormy?
In the impending flu season, such precautions “can doubly protect us from both of those viruses,” Yasmine said.
However, in the United States, some people are neglecting to wear masks and social distance. And that’s a big problem, said Dr. Jeanne Marazzo, head of the infectious disease department at the University of Alabama in Birmingham.
She accelerated Covid as they became more and more, especially inside, as they became tired of wearing masks, social distance, hand hygiene, and as they were. -19 Said that a complete storm of activity could occur. I was exposed to seasonal flu. “
Also, because the Covid-19 vaccine has not yet been released, influenza vaccination is the only way to prevent both viruses at the same time.
Dr. Susan Bailey, an immunologist who is the president of the American Medical Association, says that flu shots can help many people as well as themselves.
“Hospitals and doctors’ offices are very busy caring for Covid-19 patients, so the flu vaccine reduces the burden on the healthcare system and ensures that those in need of it have access to it. It helps. “
“Every year, many patients get the severe flu with respiratory failure,” Masai said. Among patients with influenza to severe pneumonia, “the majority of those patients did not have the flu vaccine that year.”
CNN’s Amanda Watts, Jenrose Smith, John Bonifield, Jacqueline Howard, and Elizabeth Cohen contributed to this report.
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