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The CDC has found an association between COVID-19 cases and eating in restaurants, but experts say it is safe to eat indoors.


Two friends dine in Farmingdale, NY (Photo: Raychel Brightman / Newsday RM via Getty Images)
Two friends dine in Farmingdale, NY (Photo: Raychel Brightman / Newsday RM via Getty Images)

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released evidence this week. People who test positive for COVID-19 are more likely to have visited a restaurant or bar two weeks before those who are negative. New York City And Florida Resume indoor dining.

of InvestigationRandom sampling of individuals tested for COVID-19 from July 1-2 at medical facilities in 11 states, including California, Colorado, Ohio, and Tennessee, published in the CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. I was broken. Overall, 154 people were positive (after showing symptoms) and 160 were negative for COVID-19.

Participants were asked to rate the frequency of visits to offices, salons, gyms, bars, etc. on a five-point scale, from “nothing at all” to “multiple times a day.” In addition, they were asked to evaluate compliance with guidelines issued in these locations, such as social distance and wearing masks, and to select answers such as “none” or “almost all.”

Researchers have found that there is no significant difference between those who were negative for COVID-19 and those who were positive when visiting places such as offices, salons, and gyms. However, those who tested positive for the virus were twice as likely to have eaten at a restaurant or bar two weeks before the onset. They were also less likely to report that they saw all users in the facility “adhering to recommendations such as wearing masks or staying away from society.”

The authors point out that this finding will affect the reopening of the state. “The use of masks and exposures and activities that make it difficult to maintain social distance, including going to places where food and drink are provided on site, may be important risk factors for obtaining COVID-19. Yes, “concludes the report. “As the community reopens, efforts to reduce potential exposure at locations offering on-site eating and drinking options should be considered to protect customers, employees, and the community.”

Studies did not distinguish between outdoor and indoor meals, but experts previously warned that the latter was more dangerous, Due to poor ventilation, distance, etc... However, Dr. Ameshua Darja, a senior researcher at the Johns Hopkins Center Health Security Center, says avoiding eating indoors altogether is not always the solution.

“We need to anticipate some increase in cases and provide guidance to those restaurants and bars so that they can change their operations in ways that reduce transmissions,” Adalja told Yahoo Life. “Another way is to not eat indoors for a year. I don’t think this is a solution either.”

Adalha Pennsylvania, Resumed indoor dining with 25% capacity and did not see an increase in the number of cases (state) 50% occupancy next week). He says the key is to implement safety measures such as wearing a mask when not at the table, frequent hand washing / disinfection, and requiring the server to wear a mask and / or face shield. .. With all these precautions in place, Adalia says it’s not too dangerous to take off the mask and eat or drink.

“When you’re sitting at the table, you’re usually with people who are already mixed, so the face-covering policy is for when you’re not sitting at the table,” says Adalja. “If the server wears a mask and face shield, there is probably no benefit to wearing a mask at the table. [COVID-19] It does not spread with short contact, but it is a serious exposure, 10 to 15 minutes. Servers are usually not very long, a few feet away. “

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo joins the list of reopening regions Announced this week Restaurants in New York will be able to resume face-to-face meals with 25% capacity starting September 30th. Dr. William Schaffner, an infectious disease expert and professor of preventive medicine at Vanderbilt University, agrees with Adalha that it is possible to take this step while reducing risk.

But it’s a decision like Florida Governor Ron de Santis. Announced This week the bar will be able to reopen at 50% capacity. “It’s a particularly energetic bar, and the COVID accelerator has been around indoors for a very long time because people are intimately connected without a mask,” Schaffner told Yahoo Life. “It’s a small party that can be spread out, unlike the restaurant scene where the people who serve them are masked and they actually interact closely with the people they eat.”

He says the tavern environment itself is not very suitable for social distance. “The whole atmosphere is different. People come in, take off their masks and put them in their pockets — and they’re there for two hours and they’re close to people,” says Schaffner. “They are always sipping and drinking in search of their intimacy, their mildness. Therefore, they never consider wearing a mask.”

“Let’s see what happens,” Schaffner added, “we need to get more people out. They’re approaching this the way they’re approaching the restaurant,” said Schaffner, as to whether the bar can be safely reopened during the pandemic. Or do they allow longer violent mixing? That’s where it becomes dangerous. “

for Latest Coronavirus News and Updates,Please follow the According to experts, people over the age of 60 and those who are immune-protected are still at greatest risk. If you have any questions, CDC And Whose Resource guide.

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