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British Columbia Top Doctors Recommend Wearing a Mask Outside Due to Wildfire Smoke


Victoria (News 1130) — State Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry recommends wearing a mask outdoors due to poor air quality due to wildfire smoke.

“This is what people should do when they are out now,” she said on Monday, announcing six deaths and more than 317 COVID-19 cases over the weekend.

“We now need to hold a solid layer of protection and be prepared for what we know and are ready to do,” Henry added. “We have to play our part and be prepared for the unexpected challenges we are seeing here in wildfire smoke, which is affecting the state-wide community. . “

Henry said outdoor or strenuous exercise should be avoided until the wildfire smoke is extinguished.

“We know that wearing a mask helps. If it fits snugly, it also helps reduce the amount of inhaled particles we bring into our lungs, so it’s That’s what people should do when they’re out now, “she said.

“We avoid strenuous outdoor exercise and limit indoor exercise to low intensity to ensure that people with asthma and other chronic heart or lung disease can take medication.”

Henry also said he was worried about the symptoms caused by smoky sky, especially the confusion associated with COVID-19.

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She said a dry cough, runny nose and inflamed eyes and throat could be associated with both smoke and COVID-19. However, fever, chills and pain are associated with COVID-19

“That’s one of the things you can use to tell the difference,” she said.

Henry added that some schools and classrooms have filters that help clean the air during the protracted wildfire smoke, she added.

“BOut we do not do I want of Windows Open. We I want To cut back of amount of smoke that is Arrival “And that’s not what we were saying. If windows are available and people outside are outside to reduce the risk of COVID, we want to increase ventilation.”

Wildfire smoke is to be dissipated later in the week.

On Monday, many schools in New Westminster were closed due to toxic smoke from a fire at Pier Park the night before.

Early in the day BC Teachers Federation Expresses Concerns About keeping people in a room without fresh air, and recommending members to spend a sick day if they feel sick.

School districts in Sally, Vancouver, and Delta said that smoke allowed students to stay indoors during breaks and lunch.

From the second half of last week, BC Worst air quality measurements In the world for the smoke of wildfires.

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