Brucellosis outbreaks in China are not a source of concern in the United States, experts say
Important point
- Brucellosis is a bacterial infection that is transmitted from animals to humans, but not among humans.
- Experts say the recent outbreaks in China are not the cause of vigilance in the United States.
Currently, in China, there is an outbreak of brucellosis, a disease caused by a bacterial infection. People may wonder what it is, what they are at risk, and whether this deploys like COVID-19. However, experts say that brucellosis spreads very differently from COVID-19.
Experts say there is not much room for caution due to the low rate of human-to-human transmission.
“The outbreak in China should not increase concerns in the United States. The disease does not spread from person to person.” Justin Lessler, PhdVery Well, an associate professor of epidemiology at Johns Hopkins University, said:
Brucellosis is a bacterial infection also known as Maltese fever and Mediterranean fever. Brucella abortion, Brucella With meritensis Brucella According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), suis is a strain of bacteria that causes brucellosis.To useTo use
Contact with livestock that carry brucellosis, a type of bacterium, causes brucellosis. People can also get brucellosis from inhalation of bacteria. This is what the authorities believe happened in China. Human-to-human transmission is extremely rare, but it can occur when an infected mother is breastfeeding, according to the CDC website.To useTo use
There are about 100 cases a year in the United States, which has been the case for decades, says Lessler.
“The risk is very low for the general public in the United States.” Amira Albert Roess, PhD, MPH“Infections in the United States usually lead to contact with infected wildlife and contaminated edible animal products such as unpasteurized milk and raw meat,” said Berrywell, a professor of global health and epidemiology at George Mason University. Related. In the US dairy and other edible animal sectors, the disease is under control, especially in yellowstone wildlife. ”
What does this mean to you
Brucellosis differs significantly from COVID-19 in terms of patient outcomes and can occur wherever livestock are present.
Brucellosis Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment
Symptoms of brucellosis include fever, headache, fatigue, and muscle aches. According to the CDC, some symptoms, such as neurological symptoms, swelling of organs, depression, and arthritis, are long-term or permanent.
Doctors perform blood and bone marrow examinations to detect brucellosis. For example, blood tests work by detecting antibodies to bacteria.
Brucellosis is generally treated with antibiotics. Recovery can take weeks or months, with death occurring in less than 2% of all cases.
Brucellosis in China
As of September 14, 2020, the Lanzhou Health Commission reported that 3,245 people were positive for brucellosis.To useTo use
The outbreak occurred at the Lanzhou Biological Preparation Plant in Zhonglan Lanzhou. Between late July and late August 2019, the factory was producing brucellosis Vaccine for animals. However, their manufacturing process used expired disinfectants and disinfectants, so the released waste gas still contained bacteria.
The gas leaked into the air and winded towards the Lanzhou Veterinary Institute, where the outbreak was first recorded. In November 2019, people began reporting infections. The Xinhua News Agency reports that nearly 200 people had been infected by the end of the year. By January 2020, authorities had revoked a vaccine production permit from a pharmaceutical factory.To useTo use
Bacterial basis
Eating or drinking raw, unpasteurized dairy products is the most common way people get infected with bacteria. Other animals, including cattle, goats, sheep, and dogs, can become infected with brucellosis. According to the National Park Service, eating cooked meat from infected animals does not give you bacteria.To useTo use
In the United States, bison and elks inhabiting the Greater Yellowstone region contain bacteria.
Perception of infection
Dr. Jürgen A. RichtBerrywell, a professor and director of the Kansas State University Center for Emerging and Zoonosis Research (CEEZAD), told him it was a shame that it took nine months to inform the public about the release of bacteria. Told.
Due to the new coronavirus, Licht says people are now more sensitive to the outbreak of new zoonotic diseases and the reappearance of microorganisms of known zoonotic diseases such as brucellosis.
Roess believes that Americans will be concerned about the outbreak of infectious diseases in other countries in the near future.
“The important thing to remember about brucellosis is that you have known it for a very long time and there are effective ways to control it in food animal production,” she says.
In other words, it is not a new disease like COVID-19.
“[Brucellosis] A systemic bacterial infection as opposed to a respiratory virus [such as SARS-COV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19]”It’s very different,” says Lessler. “I share some of the same symptoms, but it’s generally not a respiratory illness.”
Lessler is concerned that people are very focused on outbreaks from China.
“New infections can emerge anywhere in the world, and there is no guarantee that the next threat will come from China,” he says.
Even in the era of COVID-19, he adds, there are other threats of infection and food safety is paramount.
“No matter where the infection occurs, we should be interested in fighting it,” says Lessler.
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