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After death from 200,000 coronaviruses, the United States faces a rude awakening again | World News


DOnald Trump attended one of his then-daily White House Coronavirus briefings on April 17, and at a rare and candid moment. Speaking openly About his prediction of the number of Americans who could die of illness.

“Now we’re probably heading for around 60, maybe around 65,000,” he added, “one is too much. I always say so.

If one person is killed too much by the coronavirus, the US president has much to explain. His total death toll of 60,000 is predicted passed By May 1st, just two weeks after he made it.

By the end of the month 100,000 deaths Exceeded. In less than four months, tolls doubled again and the virus surpassed 200,000 points with a refreshing abandonment.

Healthcare professionals are preparing to test women at a mobile clinic in Los Angeles, California on July 15.

Healthcare professionals are preparing to test women at a mobile clinic in Los Angeles, California on July 15. Photo: Mario Tama / Getty Images

The American experience of Covid-19 has the quality of Groundhog Day. Back in March, under Trump, protective gear to keep healthcare professionals safe Insufficient supply, Coronavirus test Terrible inadequate And black Americans were dying in disproportionate numbers to grotesque.

Today, six months later, I hear exactly the same grief. “There’s a theme here,” said Eric Topol, a professor of molecular medicine at Scripps Research in San Diego. “Reproduce the crime. We keep doing it over and over again.”

As autumn approaches, colder weather is more likely to drive millions indoors, the virus could spread more easily, and colleges returning home Giant disease incubator, The United States is again ready for a rude awakening. If the new case is still running in about 4, there is no chance of containing the infection. 35,000 Day.

In March, Guardian asked Jeremy Condik, a senior policy fellow at the Center for Global Development, who was at the forefront of the US government’s response to Ebola in 2014, for his views on how to deal with the pandemic. He called the Trump administration’s efforts “one of the greatest failures of basic governance in modern times.”

When the country passed the mark of the devastating 200,000 dead, we returned to Connidic to ask how he sees it now. “I think my analysis is working very well,” he said. “We plan to lose 250,000 Americans by the end of the year, and there’s no reason why it had to happen. It was all preventable. So yes, this is an amazing percentage. It ’s a failure of leadership. ”

Personal protection Equipment (PPE)

When the number of coronavirus infections began to increase in the United States in March, the Trump administration’s immediate failure to mobilize the country’s response led to a serious shortage of protective equipment across the country. After inadequate supply of masks, gowns and disinfectants, hospital workers and other important staff are at personal risk, and some medical staff are PPE. Pile of fabric To the nurse protest Outside the white house.

PPE deficiency was one of the key factors behind the tragic loss of life for health care workers. Kaiser Health News and Guardian Project, Lost on the front line, Covid-19 confirmed that 1,150 healthcare workers were infected with the virus at work.

Despite such a tragedy, the United States is still significantly unprepared. Susan Bailey, President of the American Medical Association, Said last week That serious PPE shortage persists, “in many ways things are just getting worse.”

Many hospital systems, including Scripps Health in San Diego, home of Topol, are still assigned the N95 mask, which is the most effective form of protection.

“It’s a mystery to me why the Trump administration, which bailed out trillions of dollars, didn’t invest in protecting Americans with the best protection we could offer,” said Toe Paul.

Under test

The United States has struggled to provide adequate diagnostic tests for the virus since the outbreak of the pandemic. From the beginning, Mr. Trump was reluctant to urge the federal government to promote tests nationwide on a scale that could include the disease.

As a result, US testing remains inadequate to this day, and there are still no signs of the Trump administration’s attempt to fix the problem. In fact, the amount of daily testing Actually fall, From more than 800,000 daily tests in July, it is now down to about 600,000 daily tests.

In the daily test 20 minutes One day test Harvard University estimates that the safe and effective economic resumption estimated by the Edmond Safra Center at Harvard University

Healthcare professionals will conduct a swab test on April 28 at the Covid-19 drive-through test site in San Pablo, CA.

Healthcare professionals will conduct a swab test on April 28 at the Covid-19 drive-through test site in San Pablo, CA. Photo: Getty Images David Paul Morris / Bloomberg

The individual components of the coronavirus test are also missing. “We’re not investing in the quick home testing that was previously available due to lack of cotton swabs and reagents,” Topol said.

Lack of testing can be linked directly to the opposite of Trump. President of the United States consistently I got in the way As a result of more tests, he claims that it leads to a higher number of bad confirmed cases that are bad for his political position.

In fact, the scientific understanding is the opposite. Increasing testing can help identify and isolate infected individuals, ultimately reducing the number of cases and deaths.

Trump imposed his resistance on testing at the country’s major public health services. Last month, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) changed its official recommendations under its director, Dr. Robert Redfield. Leaning on the White House..

The new guidelines state that people who do not show symptoms of Covid-19 do not need to be tested. It faces scientific thinking. Asymptomatic individuals are the ones who need the most testing because they can be undetected and infect others.

“It’s a mind-boggling thing,” said Konindyk. “I don’t know if Redfield hasn’t resigned yet. He was a party to a policy that he couldn’t fully defend.”

Consistent messaging

Public health experts emphasize the importance of a consistent and clear message in the fight against the pandemic. Mr. Trump’s message is at least almost consistent, but fatally misleading.

From the beginning, the president downplayed the severity and danger of the virus and downplayed easy ways to reduce the spread of the virus, including masks. Until July 11th, I refused to wear the mask in public. He has a coronavirus Miraculously disappear, He said America until last weekRound the corners“.

Donald Trump entered the White House Rose Garden for a press briefing on May 29th.

Donald Trump entered the White House Rose Garden for a press briefing on May 29th. Photo: The Washington Post / Getty Images

We now know that Trump’s soothing story was a lie to Americans. Recorded interview The February Trump record released by journalist Bob Woodward for his new book, Rage, says he “because the virus is” deadly “and” doesn’t want to panic. ” He admitted that he knew enough that he had neglected.

One thing you don’t want to panic is. If you fail to act to prevent the death of perhaps hundreds of thousands of Americans, you become a completely different person.

Racial difference

One of the most disastrous aspects of the Covid disaster in the United States was how the disease over-affected African Americans and other racial and ethnic minorities.

Data suggest that blacks are in between nationwide 2 times and 3 times More likely to die of Covid-19 than white Americans. Bays are even more prominent in some parts of the United States, with Latin Americans in Minnesota testing to be virus-positive. 7 times Per capita percentage of whites.

The Trump administration sought to dismiss Covid’s consequences of racial inequality by condemning underlying comorbidities such as obesity, diabetes and high blood pressure. However, health professionals have called for a deeper look at what is behind these comorbidities that often thrive in poverty.

Minority groups are likely to live in cramped homes where the virus is easily spread, and even when the infection peaks, front-line workers whose minorities are disproportionately leave the home. I am forced to work. Questions were also raised as to whether African Americans could be given equal access to testing and medical care.

Although these racial disparities have been revealed Early in the pandemic, The Trump administration seems to have done little to try and deal with them. The CDC has been accused of failing to record the latest and most comprehensive Record Covid-19 cases and deaths from racial groups.


One of the areas in which the federal government is actively working in response to a pandemic is to seek prompt approval of the coronavirus vaccine. Trump launched Operation warp speed Since May, we have repeatedly promised early access to the vaccine. Forecast You may be ready before the presidential election on November 3rd.

The use of Trump in the Vaccine Outlook as an election tool has raised fears that he is politicizing the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the federal agency with the ultimate authority to approve or withhold new vaccines. It was. Topol It pointed out Stephen Hahn, FDA Commissioner, states that he has already violated two basic scientific protocols.

He gave urgent approval for hydroxychloroquine after Mr. Trump inaccurately claimed to be a “miracle drug.” I also gave Hahn False information Therefore, he apologized at a Trump press conference in honor of the “historic breakthrough” in convalescent plasma.

“We have the FDA and are involved in issuing false reckless approvals. Whether or not we approve vaccines, it is a good foundation for making the greatest public health decisions for generations. Not, “said Topol.

Failures in processing vaccine rollouts on the part of the Trump administration can have dramatic consequences. Concerns about the safety and efficacy of vaccines are already growing, with 35% of Americans recently Gallup voting He said he did not agree to vaccination, even though the product was free and fully FDA approved.


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