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Hell Yes, it’s time to get your flu shot


A bottle of influenza virus vaccine will be found at Minute Clinic at CVS Pharmacy on December 4, 2012 in Miami, Florida.

A bottle of influenza virus vaccine will be found at Minute Clinic at CVS Pharmacy on December 4, 2012 in Miami, Florida.
Photo: Joe Raidle (Getty Images)

Friend: The time has come. Fal’s first dayl, yCan be partially Fill the coronavirus-Vaccine-shaped holes in your heart by being vaccinated against the flu.

I got the flu on Monday. My arm still hurts a little, but it’s okay. Because now it is unlikely that you will get and spread the very bad illness of the flu. It is not great? cheap Widely available A shot that protects the body from virus attacks?

so Typical yearSeasonal flu sickens tens of millions of Americans, hospitalizes hundreds of thousands, and kills somewhere between 20,000 and 60,000. However, 2020 is clearly not an average year, and a pandemic of covid-19 is occurring. Formally have Killed at least 200,000 Americans. Thankfully, new cases, hospitalizations and deaths due to covid-19 have been declining in recent weeks. But experts worry Cold autumn and winter weather, andThe failure of federal public health measures will soon lead to a resurgence of the viral pandemic. Because the normal flu season in the United States runs from October to March, Double whammy The flu and the resurrected covid-19 struck us at the same time.

Not much Current evidence How if you get infected with both viruses at once, it will affect someone; that is It is possible You can make a person sick rather than having only one illness. But apart from that, the two illnesses share Many symptoms, Fever, sneezing, And fatigue, In either case, efforts to identify or treat can be complicated. For example, a person who mistakenly believes that the flu is mild may delay treatment until it is too late to be tested for covid-19. Maybe … Connect potentially resources Spent elsewhere. Influenza still leads to hundreds of thousands of people in need of hospitalization, which can also burden hospitals coping with the outbreak of covid-19 at the same time.

Influenza vaccines are only partially effective in preventing influenza —The effect is different Year by year —Still still prevent Millions of people are infected with the flu each year, tens of thousands are hospitalized, and thousands die. And even a little One less influenza case in 2020 Headaches for hospitals, doctors, and the average person to deal with. In other parts of the world, we have already seen the benefits of taking the flu more seriously this year.

To In Australia, there is an influenza epidemic from April to October, but the flu in 2020 is significantly milder. Many of them Limitation of social distance in countries that limit the spread of covid-19. But also local health authorities Credited Record increase in influenza vaccination by Australians. South American countries are experiencing it as well Low influenza incidence this year..

Currently the US seems to have I started Increased social distance, masking, and Probably artificial immunity.. Optimistically, the country can be placed to survive a pandemic without any bigger waves Through these same measures, as a bonus, we will weaken our annual flu grip. However, it will not take long for the United States to return to the dangerous territory. if of Pandemic history I have been a judge for the last 100 years and a second wave of covid-19 is possible. In that case, being protected from the flu is even more helpful, especially for protection. Vulnerable members of the community.

There is no clear consensus on when to get a flu shot (or nasal spray version)) This year, everyone over 6 months will be vaccinated,Ban Rare exception It seems to be allergic to that ingredient. Vaccines, when taken in early autumn, tend to be less effective in the second half of winter, But decided to get It leaves you at risk of getting the flu later (But don’t feel too late, as getting it at the end of winter can also help). The most important thing is to get the vaccine someday, Especially if you are Or have Contact with someone in a high-risk group, such as the elderly or people with chronic health conditions such as asthma or diabetes. In my case, I just got a free flu shot during my weekly supermarket trip.

If you have had the flu, you know how terrible it is. Much worse than a cold. It kills tens of thousands. You don’t want to get the flu this year, so get the vaccination.


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