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US Coronavirus: Forch says the country’s “division” is damaging Covid-19’s response


In the United States, three large-scale adult vaccine trials are underway, with eight doctors commenting on the medical journal Clinical Infectious Diseases published Friday on children who are “stuck in neutral”. There is no target yet.

Dr. Buddy Kulich, a pediatric infectious disease specialist at Vanderbilt University, and the author of the commentary.

“This is a call to say, rather than waiting for us to see if there is a vaccine that works for adults. At least we’re starting to evaluate vaccines for adolescence and the ever-decreasing age. Let’s do that, which gives us a good bead for medication, the dosing schedule, and the potential efficacy of that type of vaccine, “Kreech said.

In the United States, 200,000 people died of Covid-19.  This exceeds the total number of US combat deaths in the five wars combined.
Moderna, another company using the vaccine Phase 3 exam A spokesperson said in a statement to CNN that the United States plans to begin clinical trials in children “in the near future, subject to regulatory approval.”
So far, more than 6.88 million Americans have been infected and at least 200,710 have died since the outbreak of the pandemic, according to the report. Johns Hopkins University

The FDA is considering measures that will put the vaccine past election day

The US Food and Drug Administration is considering new rules for urgent approval of the Covid-19 vaccine, which will push for approval beyond election days, according to three sources familiar with the situation.

Sources have described two different scenarios that the FDA is evaluating before a drug company is granted an emergency license for its vaccine.

“In any case, Thanksgiving will take place as soon as possible before companies get the EUA,” or an emergency permit will be issued, the first sources said.

One source is expected that the FDA will require vaccine manufacturers to wait two months before applying for approval after a second vaccination of all study participants in Phase 3 trials.

Second sources are expected to require companies to wait 60 days after giving a second dose to half of the trial participants before the vaccine is approved, according to senior government officials. There is.

The move is designed to monitor the safety of vaccines, even if clinical trials have already determined the efficacy of the vaccine.

Dr. Ashish Jar told the Joint Economic Commission on Tuesday that the country should have good data on the safety and efficacy of vaccines in November, adding that he believes the vaccine will be available by the end of the year. ..

Jha, Dean of the Brown University School of Public Health, said he was “very supportive” in Operation Warpspeed, a White House effort to speed up the production of vaccines and Covid-19 treatments. ..

“I think that’s right, because I don’t want to wait once I have proof of safety and effectiveness,” Jha said.

Ah Recent polls More than half (54%) of Kaiser Family Fund respondents said they would not be able to get the vaccine if it was available for free by the presidential election on November 3. Along the party line, 60% of Republicans and 56% of independents said they wouldn’t. Half of the Democrats said they would.

Fauci: Country division is hampering messaging

The current state of division of the country is one of the obstacles to a clear and consistent message in that regard. Covid-19 in the United States Dr. Anthony Forch said the country is currently in a divided state.

“We are in a very conflicting state in society and tend to be politicized,” a leading infectious disease expert in the country said at a “daily show with Trevor Noah” on Monday night. ..

“It’s almost on one side,” Forch said.

America is now Deep moon Navigate COVID-19 Pandemic Some security measures are still at issue- Including face mask.. Many across the country have accepted the expert’s recommendation to wear a face cover to prevent the spread of the virus, but others are protesting its use.
CDC suddenly removed guidance on aerial coronavirus infection, update posted with error & # 39;

“People stand on either side, such as whether to wear a mask. This is a political statement and this is really unfortunate. Because this is a purely public health issue. You shouldn’t be in conflict with each other, “Forch said.

But this week, even Americans who want to follow expert guidance on Covid-19 have come across a confusing message. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has updated its guidance Covid-19 says it can spread in the air But a few days later Sudden return Returning to the guidance posted a few months ago-the virus is thought to be transmitted primarily among people in close contact, “breathing that occurs when an infected person coughs, sneezes, or talks. Through the droplets of the vessel. “
Some studies have shown that the virus can spread Through small particles in the air.

“It’s very confusing,” Dr. Lina Wen, a CNN medical analyst and emergency medicine doctor at George Washington University, told CNN. “And such whiplash can be confusing and unfortunately lead to a lack of trust in the CDC as a whole, unless specifically explained directly by the CDC.”

Confusion can contribute to spikes

What is the United States heading for with the arrival of autumn? CDC Director Dr. Robert Redfield predicts It may be one of the “most difficult times” in American public health. One expert told CNN this week for the next few months “Apocalyptic fall”
A new sign of Covid-19 complacency as US deaths approach another terrifying milestone

“that is This happens because it forces schools to reopen in areas of high prevalence. “Dr. Peter Hotez, Dean of the National School of Tropical Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine, said. Take leadership nationwide, wear masks to keep social distances, and tell people to do everything we need to do. “

The United States could see a surge in another case, which could be added to the flu season, and health officials warned that things could be complicated-very much. Currently reported by at least 24 states Rise in new cases Many of them in the central and Midwestern United States compared to last week, according to data from Johns Hopkins University.


Dr. Jeanne Marazzo, an infectious disease expert at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, says there are several factors that may have contributed to the increase, including the fatigue of the pandemic-like state of the population.

“And the second thing is … a completely contradictory message we’re receiving, including not only false information, but confusion about how things are spreading.”

More than 4,000 students and school staff infected in Texas

Increasing cases also occur after many students across the country return to class at both school and college.

Infections have been reported at universities in all 50 states, and local leaders are being urged to take new steps to control the spread of the virus on university campuses and towns.

Baltimore educators are tracking students to combat low virtual attendance

Infection is also increasing among young students and those around them.

In Texas More than 4,500 positive cases According to data from the Texas Board of Education, the number of Covid-19 among students and staff in state public schools since the beginning of the new school year.

Over 2,300 of these cases are students.

Number of children under the age of 18 in Florida The number of people infected with the virus increased by 26% Since many of the state’s public schools opened.
Experts are still studying the role of children in the transmission of the virus, but some studies have shown that they can also spread it-often. As much as an adult.
And the report recently released by the CDC is: Children can not only spread the virus, but they can Even if they show mild or no symptoms.

CNN’s Steve Almasy, John Bonifield, Shelby Lin Erdman, Jamie Gumbrecht, Madeline Holcombe, and Holly Yan contributed to this report.


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