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Covid Fall Safety: It can be ugly in the next few months. Here’s how to stay safe in an intensifying pandemic:How to stay safe this fall while the pandemic intensifies


Here are some tips on how to stay safe and free of coronaviruses this fall.

How to proceed with daily life

The cold autumn may make people rethink where they gather, but outdoor hangouts are safer than indoor hangouts (except for large, crowded events that leave no room for social distance). ..

With room for expansion and stable airflow, indoor interactions need to be restricted even when temperatures are low, says David, director of the infectious disease department at Vanderbilt University Medical Center and professor of medicine.・ Dr. Aronov said.

But before going somewhere:

Get a flu shot. Health experts, including Aronov, say This year’s flu vaccine may be the most important you’ve ever had.. By reducing the burden on the healthcare system, which has one less infectious respiratory illness, fewer people may die from both influenza and Covid-19.of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention We recommend that you be vaccinated against the flu by the end of October.
Adults in Covid-19 may be about

Keep the outside warm. Investing in ways to maintain meetings outdoors even in chilly times, such as fire pits, warm coats, and heat lamps, is Dr. Linawen, a doctor in the emergency room and a visiting professor at the Milken Institute for Public Health at George Washington University. Suggests. This also keeps the meeting in a safer place and prevents social isolation.

You don’t always have to wear a mask outside. If you are outside and can keep at least 6 feet away from people you don’t live with, you No need to wear a mask, Wen said. For example, if you’re walking around the community alone and don’t come across your neighbors, you don’t need to wear a mask.

But you definitely need to wear a mask around others. However, if you are in a crowded place or on a street where it is difficult to avoid strangers, wear a mask, Aronov said. He said that cloth masks can prevent the virus from spitting out in the asymptomatic case and prevent the “silent transmission” of the virus.

How to celebrate an autumn holiday

Pandemics certainly complicate holiday celebrations like Halloween and Thanksgiving. All of these revolve around the community and family.

“We now know that much of the Covid-19 epidemic is actually caused by an informal gathering of family and friends, rather than a formal setting with strangers,” Wen said. Told. “Some individuals may be disappointed with their loved ones and their vigilance.”

The coronavirus wants to avoid Covid-19 prevention tips to attract loved ones at the time, but said holidays should not be considered an exception. The virus does not stop the infection of people that day.

The virus that causes Covid-19 “can be transmitted every time people get together,” he said.

“I think people need to take these holidays very seriously. This will not be the season we can get together like before.”

50 fun things to do this fall (choose what you like)

If you risk traveling, reduce your exposure.. Some may be willing to risk a coronavirus infection to meet their loved ones, according to Wen. But to make that decision, she said, cumulative risk needs to be reduced.

For example Fly to visit family and friends For Thanksgiving, Mr. Wen said he should not eat indoors at the restaurant or attend sporting events in the meantime. You may have chosen the risk you are willing to take and have exposed yourself once-the more you continue to expose yourself, the more likely you are to get infected with Covid-19.

Create another vacation plan. Gatherings for trick-or-treats and communal meals carry additional risks during a pandemic. Aronov suggested replacing them for less risky fun.

of The CDC ranked typical fall activities by risk of Covid-19 exposure, And the safest activities according to that standard, involve only members of your household. According to the CDC, carving pumpkins and doing Halloween scavenger hunts among close relatives is safer than traditional trick or treats. And instead of a Thanksgiving dinner with a large family, according to the CDC, the lowest-risk version of Thanksgiving skips Black Friday shopping for virtual sales and attracts only isolated people. ..

Voting method

Wen and Aronov agreed that voting is essential and should not be skipped, even during a pandemic. Whether you vote before November 3rd or November 3rd, you can limit your exposure to Covid-19 by voting.

If possible, vote by mail. The safest way to vote during a pandemic is to completely bypass the polling place and mail the ballot. (Read more about how postal voting works in all states.)

If you want to vote directly, please vote early. The date and time of early voting varies from state to state, but polling stations are usually not crowded before the election date.

If you vote directly, learn about polling stations. According to Wen, learn as much as possible about polling stations before you go. What precautions do pollsters take? How much time do you need to spend indoors when you are there?

Bring your essentials. When voting directly, wear a mask, bring hand sanitizer, and be aware of what you are touching and how far you are from others.

How to overcome pandemic fatigue

We take a pandemic over 6 months. We’ve known it for over half a year, so we’ve lived with mask obligations, travel restrictions, closures and cancellations, and cataclysms in life. Over 200,000 Americans have died in Covid-19. It is jarring and upset, and it is natural for some to react to these changes in rebellion.
This is what happens to your body in isolation for months

But we need to continue to take precautions that know the job. Otherwise, he would live this way for much longer, Aronov said.

“We’re all fed up with Covid-19, which is certainly the predictable effect of a horrifying pandemic that seems to keep coming and going,” he said. “But we haven’t come out of it yet … and in the absence of vaccines, it’s us who continue to play our part in protecting each other from this potentially deadly virus. It depends. ”

Wen likens it to drunk driving without a serious incident. Not being injured or arrested does not mean that their actions are sustainable or safe. The same is true for people who ignore mask requirements and social distance guidelines.

“Someone can get lucky many times,” she said.

However, the more often someone takes dangerous actions, the more likely they are to get sick with the coronavirus.


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