Mild vs Moderate vs Severe Covid-19 Symptoms: Expected:
Even after he had a fever and a cough, they were still calm.
But one of the factors that complicates Covid-19 is how quickly it changes.
According to doctors treating patients with Covid-19, Trump’s case progressed rapidly from mild to severe. They made that assessment based on the details shared by the president’s medical team. Trump was hospitalized and treated with monoclonal antibody therapy, antiviral remdesivir, and the corticosteroid dexamethasone recommended for use in Covid-19 patients receiving oxygen supplementation.
According to doctors, all coronavirus infections begin mildly and most (about 80%) remain.
However, mild infections are a broad description that captures many possible symptoms. Covid-19 can also be long and uncomfortable, even in mild cases.
What does the mild Covid-19 look like?
“I don’t feel good, but I’m not always in the hospital with me,” Dr. Rochelle Warrensky, director of the infectious disease department at Massachusetts General Hospital, told CNN.
“Generally there is no shortness of breath, and there are no abnormal chest x-rays or imaging tests,” said Walensky. “… So,” I’m sure I’m sick. Why don’t you stay at home? It seems that you can take care of yourself safely at home, “said the people. It is a mild and mild illness. “
There are asymptomatic cases of Covid-19, and people may be asymptomatic or the symptoms may be very mild and unrecognizable. However, asymptomatic people who test positive can continue to develop symptoms and spread the virus.
“If you’re diagnosed with Covid, you’ll be told to go home and stay there and not come to the hospital until you start shortness of breath,” said Dr. Carlos Del Rio, an infectious disease expert at Emory University. .. Medicine told CNN.
“They don’t have shortness of breath,” Del Rio said of people with mild illness-but they have no signs that they may be progressing to a more serious form of illness or their oxygen. You should monitor the level.
“The majority of people with mild (symptoms) remain mild,” Del Rio added.
However, mild may not be easy. Some patients experience symptoms of Covid-19 long after they expect to feel better, and even after stopping the positive test.
“Even if you have a mild covid, you can continue long-distance transport,” said Del Rio, who has mild coronavirus symptoms such as fever, cough, sore throat, muscle aches, and loss of taste and odor. Mentioned people who would experience for several weeks. A few months after the virus tested positive.
What is a moderate Covid-19 infection?
As Covid-19 progresses, patients may begin to show evidence of lower respiratory tract disease, but they still have good oxygenation, said infectious disease specialist Walensky. It is a moderate illness.
“I’m starting to get short of breath and my chest x-rays are starting to get abnormal, but I don’t need oxygenation because my oxygenation levels are above 94%. It’s moderate,” she says.
The National Institutes of Health recommends careful observation of patients with moderate illness.
Not all moderate cases of Covid-19 look the same.
Some people do not need to be hospitalized for treatment, Del Rio said. But others will. And from there, the illness can get worse.
What is Severe Covid-19 Disease?
According to the CDC, risk factors for severe Covid-19 include old age, lung disease, heart disease, or obesity.
“The older you get, the more likely you are to get a serious illness,” says Del Rio.
“Severe” is when you actually start to feel short of breath, breathe fast, usually more than 30 times a minute, and less than 94% oxygenated, so you usually know that you are short of breath. It means. I need oxygen supplementation. “
“When the president’s oxygen saturation fell below 94%, he went from a mild illness to a severe illness,” Del Rio explained.
However, Del Rio pointed out that this is not the case in all cases related to the White House. First Lady Melania Trump, who described her symptoms as “mild” early on, has not been hospitalized.
“Both started with a mild illness. As far as we know, she remained a mild illness, but he continued to develop a severe illness,” said the First Lady, 50, president. Said he was 74 years old.
“30 percent of the 74-year-old president’s demographics need to be hospitalized, and about 10 percent of them need to be in the ICU,” Warensky said.
What is a serious Covid-19 infection?
The coronavirus can also progress to what NIH classifies as a serious illness.
“A serious illness is someone who has signs of respiratory failure and needs a respiratory tract,” says Walensky. She said the patient may experience other organ dysfunctions and shocks.
“It’s important, generally ICU-level care.”
“Severe cases of COVID-19 may be associated with acute respiratory distress syndrome … cardiac dysfunction, elevated multiple inflammatory cytokines that cause cytokine storms, and / or underlying comorbidities. Exacerbation. In addition to lung disease, COVID-19 may also experience heart, liver, kidney, and central nervous system disorders, “NIH said in a description of serious Covid-19 disease. ..
According to Warensky, all critically ill patients with Covid-19 started with a mild illness and progressed until ICU treatment was needed.
And in the case of critically ill patients who eventually recover, they progress in reverse-from severe to severe, then to moderate illness, and finally to mild illness.
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