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First detailed image of coronavirus helping scientists find vaccines-Science News

First detailed image of coronavirus helping scientists find vaccines-Science News


A team of Chinese scientists created the first image of the COVID-19 virus, an important milestone in finding vaccines and cures.

Dr. Sai Lee, a structural biologist at Tsinghua University in Beijing, worked with a virologist who was creating the virus at the Biosafety Lab in Hangzhou, the Daily Mail reported.

They treated the virus with chemicals to make it harmless and sent a liquid sample filled with the virus to Li.

He and his team reduced the virus to a drop, and Li flash-frozen it and then examined it under a cryo-electron microscope.

“I saw a screen full of viruses,” Lee told The New York Times, seeing something less than a millionth of an inch.

“I thought I was the first man in the world to see a virus with such a great resolution.”

Li’s research has allowed scientists to learn how some of the viral proteins slip into cells.

They learned how the twisted gene inherits the biochemistry of the body.

Researchers have observed how some viral proteins can help bring havoc to our cell factories, while others build nurseries to make new viruses.

Also, some researchers want to use supercomputers to create complete virtual viruses and use them to understand how real viruses can spread so easily and catastrophically. ..

Romy Amaro, a computational biologist at the University of California, San Diego, said:

Amaro and her team have been studying a protein called spikes that is studded with the surface of the virus.

Spikes are used to allow the virus to catch on cells in the airways and allow the virus to enter.

Using Li’s image, her team noticed that the spikes weren’t stiff, but were always bent.

Gerhard Hummer, a computational biophysicist at the Maxplanck Institute for Biophysics, and his colleagues used Li’s method to photograph spike proteins embedded in the viral membrane, with spikes rotating on three hinges. I have created a model that shows that it is.

“You can see these flowers waving at all kinds of bending angles,” Hummer said. “It’s very surprising to have long, thin stems that are very flexible.”

Hummer believes that the flexibility of the spikes maximizes their chances of swirling and latching on cells in the airways.

However, its flexibility means that it is more vulnerable to attacks from antibodies.

Scientists know that sugar molecules act as a shield for spikes, swirling around the spikes and protecting them from antibodies.

Amaro is currently using images to investigate how the virus spreads.

She is building a virtual virus on a supercomputer, each consisting of 500 million atoms, the newspaper reported.

The computer can simulate the movement of the virus every femtosecond. That is one millionth of a second.

When an infected person exhales, talks, or coughs, small drops of water containing the virus are released. It is not clear how long COVID-19 can survive with these drops.

Amaro plans to build these drops on his computer, down to the individual water molecules.

Then she adds the viruses and monitors what happens to them.

Scientists are excited about new images that evaluate how viruses control our biological processes and believe they can work to stop them.

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