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Irish Coronavirus: “Rapidly Increasing Growth Rate Nationwide”-814 New Cases of Covid-19 Confirmed, Two More Dead

Irish Coronavirus: “Rapidly Increasing Growth Rate Nationwide”-814 New Cases of Covid-19 Confirmed, Two More Dead


An additional 814 new confirmed cases of Covid-19 have been reported to the Ministry of Health.

He brings the total number of cases in Ireland to 42,528.

Two other deaths related to Covid-19 have also been reported, with deaths amounting to 1,826.

As of 2:00 pm today, 204 Covid-19 patients have been hospitalized, 30 of whom are in the ICU. There have been 16 additional hospitalizations in the last 24 hours.

Of the cases announced today, 226 are in Dublin and 64 are in the goalway. An additional 56 cases are in Donegal, 48 cases in Meath, and the remaining 343 cases in all remaining counties.

Dr. Tony Holohan, Chief Health Officer of the Ministry of Health, said: “It is important for the entire population to consistently incorporate public health advice into their daily lives. Minimize social contact and keep physical distance when they need to leave the house.

“22 of the 26 counties have a 7-day incidence as a percentage of the 14-day incidence of over 50%, which represents a rapidly growing growth rate across the country.”

Of the cases announced today, 430 are male and 381 are female.

70pc is under 45 and the median age is 32.

Mask message

Dr. Jack Lambert warns that the blockade threat is damaging the mental health of the Irish people, instead the government must push a better message about wearing masks indoors and outdoors. Hmm.

Dr. Lambert, an infectious disease consultant at Mater Hospital in Dublin, spoke when a new case was announced tonight.

Dr. Lambert said: “The constant threat of blockades has a negative impact on people’s mental health, which does not help in this situation.

“If you really want to stop the spread of the virus, for now the government absolutely needs to instruct everyone to wear internal and external masks.

“Everyone who is vulnerable or lives with an elderly person should wear a mask when at home.

“This is the best way to keep people safe, and we need to stop using maskless visors.”

On Saturday, more than 1000 cases were reported in just one day. This is the largest total since the heyday of the pandemic on April 15.

Dr. Lambert said: “As seen worldwide, numbers were expected to increase during the fall season.

“We knew that the virus would somehow burn again, but the real question is what we did to prepare for it.

“In March, when the first people with covids came to the hospital, they also had influenza B.

“It was the end of the flu season in March, so in the fall we made it clear that we need to be prepared for the flu as well as Covid.

“But there is currently a shortage of influenza vaccines, and hospitals do not have vaccines for staff or high-risk patients.

“On Friday, there were high-risk patients (at Mater) and no flu vaccine.

“You can blame those who want more cases. The community is happy.

“But the real problem is that the government didn’t have a comprehensive plan to curb the number of Covids in the fall, and now as the numbers grow, we’re reacting to them.

“The World Health Organization says the blockade is a good plan. When you get out of the blockade, there is no recurrence of the virus.

“But during the summer we had an inadequate plan for covid prevention.”

Dr. Lambert said the “Asia” countries were successful in maintaining low numbers and continuing social norms.

He said these countries have been successful thanks to the “continuous message about masks.”

“They kept their business open, they took a vacation,” he said. “And they did because everyone was wearing masks.

“Why do we blame the community for complacency? This is due to a failed message and a lack of government planning.

“Masks are probably the most effective of any Covid vaccine, but I’ve seen older people wearing maskless visors.

“Don’t sell these. It shouldn’t be an option available. I’ve seen people wearing visors in restaurants. And why are there more cases?

“People are said to be blocked when the blockade should be the last resort.

“I’m not saying that if things get out of control and continue to escalate, it won’t happen. It may be the only option left.”

Prevention of blockade

What can you do to prevent the blockade?

“Keeping lockdown every day is not the solution. It’s a horrifying tactic.

“We need to educate people. We are talking about the inability of ICU. The government now needs to stop using visors and for now everyone needs to wear masks inside and outside. “

Dr. Lambert also said that everyone dealing with the general public, including all Gardai, must wear a mask.

And this had to be the “mission of the nation to move forward.”

And when he left Mater and returned home, he wasn’t impressed that the staff members were caught up in traffic delays.

He added that Gardai would receive better service by dealing with “young people who are in arrears” attending large rallies.

“It’s getting worse at a pace”

Earlier today, Irish health service officials warned that the pandemic was rapidly deteriorating.

Paul Reed urged the general public to “become a reality” and play a role in protecting patients and healthcare professionals.

Taoiseach Micheal Martin has promised to provide additional resources to the healthcare system in preparation for the most difficult winters.

HSE Chief Executive Officer said: “Covid-19 is slowing down.

“We all need to become reality and play our part to protect patients and healthcare professionals.

“As more cases occur in the hospital, more people are in the intensive care unit, canceling heart, cancer, and other treatments.

“Do the right thing today and turn this around quickly.”

Meanwhile, the Irish Prime Minister argued that healthcare services are capable of dealing with Covid-19 in the coming months.

He also reiterated that keeping Irish schools open was an “important priority” for the government.

It comes because the country is believed to be in the second surge of viruses.

Martin said: “We have the ability and resources to overcome this and will do so.”

He said in a statement: “For both the winter plan and the entire 2021, unprecedented levels of resources have been allocated to healthcare services.

“This will allow them to deal with Covid-19 and guarantee better medical services that have been reformed for the future.”

With additional reports from PA

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