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Most people try to avoid Covid-19.But thousands of people are intentionally signing up to be public

Most people try to avoid Covid-19.But thousands of people are intentionally signing up to be public
Most people try to avoid Covid-19.But thousands of people are intentionally signing up to be public


As most of us are obsessed with avoiding Covid-19 absolutely, a group of fast-growing people around the world say they are intentionally ready to get infected with the virus. I will.

Tens of thousands of people have signed up for a campaign by a group called 1 Day Sooner to get vaccine candidates and face them. Coronavirus With controlled settings.

Among them is Estefania Hidalgo, 32, a photography student living in Bristol, England. He pays the bill at the gas station.

“I work night shifts there, and it can be very lonely,” she recalled on a sunny day near her house. She describes as a moment of revelation, discovering challenge trial moves and listening to volunteer motives to spend a long blockade time on podcasts alone and keep the company alive.

“I was upset,” she said. “No one should be left behind. Old people, poor people, colored people. Everyone just deserves good health.”

“This is how I get control of the situation, I feel like I’m in a non-desperate place, in a non-desperate world, and OK, I can do this. I chose not to be afraid to make it better. “

So-called Human Challenge Trials are sometimes controversial, but not new. They have also been used for cholera, typhoid fever, malaria, and even colds. However, unlike these diseases, if the vaccine fails, there is still no completely effective treatment for Covid-19.

According to experts, challenge trial volunteers are usually paid for their time and participation, but organizers should be careful not to pay anything that could exceed their coercion.

Critics also say that the use of challenge trials is limited because the young and healthy people who participate do not represent the wider population.

However, as of last month, the British government said there was lively discussions about cooperating with the world’s first such test for the coronavirus.

Already, some major vaccine developers, such as AstraZeneca, Sanofi and BioNTech, have stated that they are not interested in participating. Eleven vaccine candidates are in Phase 3 trials, and tens of thousands will be given vaccine candidates, released for daily living, and monitored for Covid-19 infection.

“It’s not always clear that the first vaccine evaluated will be the best vaccine,” said Peter Smith of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. “I think there is a very strong case for investigating a challenge trial to evaluate a large number of potential Covid vaccines under development.”

The Challenge Trial debate is so advanced that the UK Medical Research Institute (HRA), which needs to approve human studies, is a panel to assess the medical ethics behind potential proposals. Waiting for

“Few studies have zero risk,” said Terence Stephenson, head of HRA. “Every day in this country and in every country, healthcare professionals are at risk of voluntarily caring for others.

“People who, at their discretion, may be willing to do it for the benefit of the wider society-I personally don’t find it surprising.”

The 18-year-old Alastair Fraser-Urquhart will soon agree that his decision to volunteer is unobtrusive.

“It was a common sense idea at that very moment,” he said. “The risk to me is negligible, but taking that small risk to myself could prevent thousands of other people from getting infected without consent.”

Fraser-Urquhart was so fascinated by this idea in June that he participated in 1 Day Sooner and is currently leading the UK Government’s campaign to promote the first Coronavirus Challenge Trial. He postponed the start of college for a year to work on the project.

If everything goes according to plan and passes the screening, he wants to check in at the bio-containment facility, get a vaccine candidate, and stay in the room for weeks.

In routine phase 3 trials, there is always a placebo group (some people are not vaccinated) with a baseline of infection. However, in the medical setting, there is a big difference between tracking an infection in daily life and intentionally exposing it.

There are some disagreements about whether a placebo group is needed for coronavirus testing. Stevenson suggested not to do so, but Smith is not so convinced.

“The problem is basically that after vaccination of a group of volunteers, if you try them and no one develops the disease, the vaccine was prophylactic or something went wrong. How did you challenge them to prevent them from getting infected? And without a control group, that question cannot be answered clearly. “

It’s no wonder that Fraser-Urquhart’s enthusiastic participation gave his father a momentary break.

“Obviously, you’re not at the top of the list of what you want your son to do,” said Andrew Fraser Urkhart, 52. “Three weeks on his computer,” he said with a laugh.

They talked about what it contains, and despite the “lump in the throat,” he never stopped Alastair talking about the complexity of challenging exam science in a way that believes in his teens. I noticed.

“It’s at the forefront of science and technology,” Andrew said. “It benefits others. It’s pretty brave. It’s a little different. And it’s him in a nutshell. So, in that sense, no, it’s totally surprising.”

Simply put, he is definitely proud of his son.

Of course, the risk is small, but not zero. Less than 1% of Covid-19 deaths in the United States were under the age of 34. However, the long-term health consequences of being infected with the virus are still poorly understood.

For Alastair, that’s why it’s a challenge trial, accelerating the end of the pandemic, and helping more people in the general public avoid facing those long-term consequences.

“If it’s time to push the boundaries, discover how quickly we can do things, and how well we can do things, and take the risks of others. It’s now. “

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