Experts say the “second wave” of mental health devastation by COVID-19 is imminent

The world is struggling to manage the first wave of death and turmoil caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, but a “second wave” related to the rate of increase in mental health and substance use disorder is being built. There is increasing evidence that it is possible. An article published in JAMA School of Medicine on Monday. “The second wave of devastation due to the effects of COVID-19 on mental health is imminent,” authors Dr. Naomi Simon, Dr. Glenn Saxe, and Dr. Charles Marmar all write from New York. Grossman School of Medicine at the University. “The magnitude of this second wave can overwhelm the already worn mental health system and lead to access problems, especially for the most vulnerable people.” This second wave of mental health is suicide. It poses additional challenges, such as increased mortality from drug overdose and drug overdose, and has a disproportionate impact on the same groups that the first wave did: black and hispanic people, the elderly, socio-economic groups and health care. employee. “Short-term deaths of this scale are an international tragedy on a historic scale,” the authors said. “This loss of interpersonal relationships is exacerbated by social turmoil.” A central concern was “ordinary grief and distress turned into symptoms of long-term grief and major depressive disorder and post-traumatic health problems.” It is to do. ”Longer-lasting grief, affecting about 10% of the bereaved family, is characterized by intense longing, immersion, or both for at least 6 months, and has a relationship with the deceased. Emotional pain; loneliness; difficulty in re-engaging in life; avoidance; feeling life is meaningless. Increased risk of suicide. These conditions can also become chronic with additional comorbidities such as substance use disorders, the authors said. , The author said. This means that it is estimated that there will be 2 million bereaved families in the United States, “therefore, the impact of COVID-19 death on mental health is significant.” Of particular concern to the author is the psychological risk of health care and other essential workers. “Supporting the mental health of these and other essential workforces is important in preparing to manage the recurrence of a pandemic,” the author said. COVID-19 is already affecting mental health The pandemic has already brought about a mental health crisis. From the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Also, according to a new report, Americans are experiencing more coronavirus-related mental health problems than people in other countries. According to CDC survey data, nearly 41% of respondents suffer from mental health problems due to pandemics. The problem is related to the pandemic and the measures set up to contain the pandemic, such as home orders and social distance. Nearly 41% of respondents reported one or more behavioral or mental health conditions, including substance use and symptoms of depression. According to the CDC, the number of Americans reporting anxiety is three times that of the same period last year, and some studies show that pandemics have hit blacks and people of other colors the most. Is shown. According to the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association, it is also damaging caregivers. A national analysis of at least 6.7 million caregivers insured by the association found that 26% of unpaid caregivers trying to balance work and family for COVID-19 were more stressed than before the pandemic. I felt that my physical health was bad. The solution requires more funding for mental health. Extensive screening to identify those at highest risk. Doctors and mental health professionals trained in the treatment of people with long-term grief, depression, post-traumatic stress, and substance abuse. We work diligently with families and communities to creatively restore the approach we have used to manage loss and tragedy across generations.
The world is struggling to manage the first wave of death and turmoil caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, but a “second wave” has been built to relate to the rate of increase in mental health and substance use disorders. There is increasing evidence that it may be. According to an article published in the medical journal JAMA on Monday..
“A second wave of devastation due to the effects of COVID-19 on mental health is imminent,” wrote Dr. Naomi Simon, Dr. Glenn Saxe, and Dr. Charles Marmar, authors of Grossman School of Medicine at New York University. ..
“The magnitude of this second wave can overwhelm the already worn mental health system and lead to access problems, especially for the most vulnerable people.”
This second wave of mental health poses additional challenges, such as increased suicide and deaths from drug overdose, and has a disproportionate impact on the same groups that the first wave did: Blacks and Hispanics. People, seniors, socio-economic groups and health care workers.
“Short-term deaths of this scale are an international tragedy on a historic scale,” the authors said. “This loss of interpersonal relationships is exacerbated by social turmoil.”
The central concern is that “ordinary grief and distress turns into symptoms of long-term grief and major depressive disorder and post-traumatic health problems,” the author writes.
Longer lasting sadness
Prolonged grief, which affects about 10% of bereaved families, is characterized by intense longing, immersion, or both for at least six months and is associated with the deceased. Emotional pain; loneliness; difficulty in re-engaging in life; avoidance; feeling life is meaningless. Increased risk of suicide. These conditions can also become chronic with additional comorbidities such as substance use disorders, the authors said.
The 10% affected by long-term grief are likely to underestimate the grief associated with COVID-19 death, killing about nine families each time they die. This means that the United States is estimated to have 2 million bereaved families, and “therefore, the impact of COVID-19 death on mental health is enormous.”
Of particular concern to the author is the psychological risk of health care and other essential workers. “Supporting the mental health of these and other essential workforces is important in preparing to manage the recurrence of a pandemic,” the author said.
COVID-19 is already affecting mental health
According to data from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the pandemic has already created a mental health crisis. And, according to a new report, Americans are experiencing more coronavirus-related mental health problems than people in other countries.
According to CDC survey data, nearly 41% of respondents suffer from mental health problems due to pandemics. The problem is related to the pandemic and the measures set to contain it, including home orders and social distances.
Nearly 41% of respondents reported one or more behavioral or mental health conditions, including substance use, symptoms of depression, and suicidal ideation.
According to the CDC, the number of Americans reporting anxiety is three times that of the same period last year, and some studies show that pandemics have hit blacks and other people the most. Is shown.
According to the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association, the pandemic also hit caregivers. According to a national analysis of at least 6.7 million caregivers insured by the association, 26% of unpaid caregivers trying to balance work and family for COVID-19 are more stressed than before the pandemic. I felt that I was feeling ill.
The NYU authors suggest that this solution requires more funding for mental health. Extensive screening to identify those at highest risk. Doctors and mental health professionals trained in the treatment of people with long-term grief, depression, post-traumatic stress, and substance abuse. We work diligently with families and communities to creatively restore the approach we have used to manage loss and tragedy across generations.
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