15.7% of Ohio Youth Are Obese
According to a new study by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, about 15.7% of children aged 10 to 17 in Ohio are obese.
“Ohio ranks 20th in the country for childhood obesity in its age group.Childhood Obesity Status: Prioritizing Child Health During a Pandemic ”Report Released on Wednesday.
The childhood obesity rate in Ohio is about the same as the national average of 15.5%. According to the report, the rate has been stable in recent years.
According to the report, about one in seven children across the country is obese.
“Childhood obesity is still prevalent in the country,” Jamie Bassell, senior program officer at the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, who leads the efforts of nonprofits to prevent childhood obesity, said in a news release.
“The COVID-19 pandemic and ongoing recession exacerbate many of the wide range of factors known to contribute to obesity, including poverty and health inequalities. We are all children and families in the United States. We must confront these current crises in a way that supports their long-term health and equality. “
Childhood obesity is very prevalent, said Dr. Marnie Walston, a pediatrician in the Healthy Active Living Program at Akron Children’s Hospital.
Childhood obesity poses a risk to children for complications such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes, and musculoskeletal problems such as joint pain.
Children also suffer from mental health problems and the social consequences of obesity, Walston said.
She pointed out a study showing that obese children have a lower quality of life than healthy weight peers and are more likely to experience bullying from both peers and adults.
Obese children may also be at increased risk of serious illness from COVID-19. According to the report, the new coronavirus vaccine may be less effective for people with underlying health conditions such as obesity.
The coronavirus pandemic may also contribute to obesity. Some risk factors include reduced physical activity, an unhealthy diet, more screening time, and an inadequate sleep schedule, Walston said.
“We know that what really matters to children is their daily structure and their daily lives,” she said.
She said that without that structure, children would have an irregular sleep schedule, tend to sit down, and be more likely to have a bad diet.
Many children also rely on schools for healthy eating and guided physical activity. She said the household was in a difficult situation when the school was cancelled.
The report also shows the economic, racial and ethnic disparities in obesity rates. Young people living in households with incomes below federal poverty levels can be more than twice as obese as young people living in high-income households.
“We have seen these disparities over decades when it comes to childhood obesity,” Bussel said in a release. “This year, the COVID-19 pandemic has hit people of color and low-income earners the most. In both cases, these results have resulted in dozens of specific communities and groups of specific people. It reflects a year-long investment cut.
According to Walston, children in low-income households often have less access to resources such as recreational programs, extracurricular activities, and parks.
She said the families could also live in food deserts with inaccessible health foods or lack the money, cooking skills and equipment to make healthy meals.
“All of this makes it much more difficult,” she said.
In that report, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, based in Princeton, NJ, outlines some policy recommendations for combating childhood obesity.
This includes raising the maximum benefit level of SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) by 15%. We also encourage you to continue the exemptions associated with the Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Program, and to allow schools to provide free meals to all students throughout the 2020-21 year. I recommend it.
“SNAP, WIC, and school meals have all proven to be beneficial to children and families,” Bussel said in a release. “Given the unprecedented situation facing families, we must ensure that they reach all qualified people, so that during this pandemic children and It will help families stay healthy and reduce their risk of obesity in the long run. “
At home
Walston encourages parents to establish routines for their children, even when studying remotely. Children need to set bedtime and wake-up times, as well as scheduled learning, lunch, and outdoor activities.
She said that just eating at home would allow children to have a healthy lunch the night before school.
For families struggling to buy healthy food, Walston recommends using frozen and canned vegetables and fruits.
She said some families could use food banks and pantry to secure staple foods such as bread and cereals and save money for other products in the store.
She said parents of children of all ages need to model healthy behavior.
And if a child is obese, that is not the natural conclusion that he or she will always be obese. Parents should consult with their child’s doctor about how to slowly carry out their child’s growth and healthy changes. Children in need of additional assistance can be referred to a specialist.
“When this matters, it’s definitely better to start early,” Walston said.
Contact Jessica (330-580-8322 or [email protected]) on Twitter: @jholbrookREP.
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