Northwest Houston Doctors Encourage Annual Breast Cancer Screening For Women Beginning At 40
In November 2019, just before Thanksgiving, Spring Minnie Kimble was surprised and felt something in her chest. A few days later she was getting a mammogram at the hospital.
A week later, Kimble was diagnosed with HER2-positive breast cancer, confirming suspicion of cancer. Kimble said the cancer is occurring in her family because she is the youngest of nine siblings, five of whom have been diagnosed with certain types of cancer.
Since then, Kimble has undergone three important stages of treatment when undergoing chemotherapy, surgery, and is about to finish radiation therapy at Woodlands Hospital, the final day of St. Luke’s Health.
Despite the fact that this type of cancer is growing rapidly, Kimble is cancer-free as of June and is within 5 shots of radiation therapy.
“It was a little scary, maybe the size of a pearl,” Kimble said. “So I asked the doctor, why could I have missed this … I had the last mammogram and wasn’t there, so I couldn’t get better than a year or more did.”
Kimble was initially told that the cancer was in stage 3, but when he asked for a second opinion at Woodlands, he found that it was really just stage 2. She said there was no surprise in the announcement.
“I didn’t cry, it seemed okay, which cancer?” Kimble said. “My father died of cancer in the pancreas, so my brother died of cancer two weeks ago, and I have two sisters who died of cancer.”
Kimble initially rebelled against treatment. She said she had already seen what had happened to her brother and didn’t want to have the same experience, so she thought it was time to go.
However, Dr. Angela Kosio told Kimble that the results obtained from drugs used to treat this type of cancer had promising results. Kimble’s chemotherapy began on January 9, and by early March she said no lumps were found.
Coscio is a breast oncology scholar and director of oncology at CHI St. Luke’s Health-The Woodlands for the Houston suburban market location for Springwoods Village and The Vintage. The major cancer centers and breast oncologists are based at the Dan L Duncan Comprehensive Cancer Center in The Woodlands.
According to Coscio, a general recommendation is to screen women over the age of 40 on a mammogram annually. She said that more than 10 percent of women diagnosed with breast cancer are under the age of 45 and women should start at the age of 40 unless there is a reason not to be screened.
“over 20”
Coscio states that there is no recommended age limit when someone should stop screening, and people who are healthy enough to have breast cancer surgery are generally offered the opportunity to be screened if found. He added that it should be.
She said there are several groups of women who should not delay screening, such as those with a history of breast cancer or those at high risk of breast cancer due to genetics. She said there are several breast cancer risk assessments that can tell patients what the lifetime risk of breast cancer is.
“People with a lifetime risk of breast cancer of 20% or more need to be screened on time each year,” says Coscio. “Beyond that, screening should not be pushed significantly due to COVID-related concerns.”
Kosio said there was a difference in the number of women coming to mammogram screening when the outbreak of COVID-19 began, but now they are beginning to see the numbers return to their previous locations. She said people are starting to feel more comfortable and are beginning to see first-hand how much attention staff are paying to follow health protocols.
According to Coscio, the hospital has one entrance for non-staff and patients who need to be screened for symptoms, checked for temperature and always wear a mask. She also said that all staff went through the same process every day, leaving no one in the building unscreened, and the number of people walking the door from the beginning was limited.
“Everyone walking in our building is screened, everyone in our building wears a mask and is at a social distance … I think it gives people comfort,” Coscio said. Said.
Dr. Ainel Sewell, a radiologist at the Breast Care Center at Houston Methodist Willowbrook Hospital, said mammogram screening is the basis for everything related to breast cancer.
She said the number of patients visiting the hospital at the time of the first outbreak decreased, but she has since continued surgery by providing diagnostic mammograms and all procedures related to breast imaging with the necessary safety measures. It was.
“We are spacing patients in time and space,” Sewell said. “In time, we don’t have many patients at the same time, which surprises more patients …. Patients no longer gather in the waiting room …. Wipe the center of the breast every day.”
“Low price”
According to Sewell, the system complies with the standards of the American College of Radiology and the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology, and women must be screened annually from the age of 40.
She said she knew if a woman had breast cancer and the only way to avoid the problem was to screen the mammogram.
“Early detection means screening mammograms, and there are no signs of symptoms that the body tells us that we have breast cancer,” Sewell said. “Actually very quiet, most women don’t know they have breast cancer. They are painless and there is nothing on their skin that you can say, they do it. I don’t feel it.
“You can get it early, at which point you have more treatment options, and it is more likely that the cancer has not spread elsewhere.”
Kimble said he received chemotherapy from January to April, with six treatments lasting about six hours every three weeks. She then said she had a 30-day waiting period before surgery, confirming that she was walking, eating, and strengthening to avoid delays.
Surgery was done in late May to get rid of the cancer, followed up in June, and Kimble was informed that he had no cancer. Then it took two months to heal before the radiation started. It was a total of 20 treatments in about 4 weeks of burning her skin.
Kimble had the option of rejecting the radiation, but agreed because he said it would reduce the chances of the cancer coming back. Now she has to take one shot every three weeks, which lasts 30 minutes, and hopes December 15th will be her last scheduled visit.
“It’s a small price,” Kimble said of radiation. “Scorched, okay. Furious, OK. But it’s healing, it means I kicked that ass. It wasn’t easy.”
‘long haul’
Sewell said patients unfortunately need to be aware that the pandemic will continue for some time, so they cannot push their testing and medical needs forward.
For example, she said that for many patients who come to the emergency room with heart symptoms, the presentation is too late and the patient’s outcome is poor.
“Ignoring the problem is not recommended because it is a long distance,” says Sewell.
“I’m a very stubborn person, but I’m also a very organized person. If I could do this, it wasn’t easy, but they can do it too,” Kimble says. “I want women to know that if they have this type of cancer, they can kick their hips …. They listen to their bodies, pay attention to them, and sleep all day when they can. You just have to wake up on a day when you feel better, but you can take this. “
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