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UK COVID-19 Update: December Vaccination Program?


These are the stories of the British coronavirus that you need to know today.

December vaccination program?

Details of the coronavirus vaccination program scheduled for later this year have been revealed.

Doctors in West Midlands were asked to prepare for a high-dose coronavirus vaccination at the BBC as early as next month. report October 2nd.

now pulse The NHS says it is discussing the December vaccination program with the BMA and others. He quoted sources close to the negotiations, saying that the chances of it happening are “50/50”.

The government just says it will do everything necessary to deploy a successful vaccine quickly and safely.

Meanwhile, with the new law Change 2012 Human Drug Regulations Introduced to Allow More Healthcare Professionals to Manage influenza Coronavirus vaccine.

After training, this may include independent nurses, related medical professionals, paramedics, physiotherapists, pharmacists, and student nurses and doctors.

The UK will also begin rolling out coronavirus vaccines without European approval when it becomes available this year.

Professor Jonathan Vantam, Deputy Chief Medical Officer, commented: “The COVID-19 vaccine is being developed at a speed that will save lives if successful.

“All vaccines must undergo a three-stage clinical trial and be evaluated for safety and efficacy by regulatory authorities before being administered to patients.

“The measures outlined today aim to improve access and strengthen existing safeguards to protect patients.”

Latest limits

Lancashire We have agreed to force Liverpool to comply with the “very high” Tier 3 blockade. This means the closure of hospitality and other businesses.

No agreement has yet been reached with Greater Manchester. At a press conference in Downing Street, Boris Johnson described the situation as “serious and worsening day by day.”

If no agreement can be reached, the prime minister said he needed to intervene to protect the NHS.

Sir Patrick Valence, Chief Scientific Advisor, confirmed at the briefing: Sage In an attempt to bring the case back to August levels, he proposed a two-week “circuit breaker” in September, but said, “Of course, that’s a different situation for now.”

New regulations have been enforced in Scotland, requiring face covering in work environments, including water bottles.

Wales’ ban on travel from the UK’s virus hotspot begins today at 6 pm.

Italy, Vatican City, San Marino added to the UK Self-isolated travel list From Sunday morning. Crete has been added to the UK’s No Quarantine List.

Family of ventilator doctor “Face deportation”

Dr. Basem Enany, a 44-year-old consultant cardiologist, is currently using a ventilator at Leeds General Hospital with Guillain-Barré complications due to COVID-19.

However, Parents His wife and daughter reported that they would face abduction from Britain when his contract expired at the end of November.

He hadn’t finished his job search and visa paperwork when he got sick. His wife said it was like a “bad dream”.

The Press Association quoted a spokesperson for the home office. “Dr. Enany is here perfectly legal and has all the rights to stay in the UK. Our idea is in his family. We urgently contact them and his employer, We will be able to help you in this difficult situation. Time. Healthcare and social care professionals around the world play an important role in hospitals and care homes across the UK and we are very grateful. . “

Rising infections

Weekly latest National Bureau of Statistics (ONS) Infection investigation The data show that infections are increasing despite the latest restrictions.

An estimated 336,500 people in the UK community had the coronavirus from October 2nd to 8th. This is about 1 in 160 people.

There are about 5.11 new COVID-19 infections per 10,000 people per day, which corresponds to about 27,900 new cases per day.

These were “the highest levels we’ve seen since the survey began in May,” said Ruth Studley of ONS.As in the previous week, the infection was in northern England and teens and It remains the highest among young adults. “

Sir Patrick said the number of infections “has increased significantly again in the last few weeks.”

United Kingdom R number Compared to 1.2-1.5 last week, it is now 1.3-1.5.

“The epidemic is widespread, probably between 4% and 7% per day,” said Sir Patrick.

Growth rates range from + 4% to + 7% per day.

The UK R is 1.2-1.4.

Scottish R It is 1.3-1.6.

Welsh R It is 1.0-1.4.

Daily data

Today’s Daily data An additional 15,650 UK positive tests were reported, killing 136 people.

The hospital has 5311 COVID-19 patients and uses 580 ventilator beds.

Ethnicity risk

We Latest data England and Wales have reviewed previous findings on the increased risk of BAMECOVID-19.

  • Men with a black African-American background had the highest mortality rates, including COVID-19, more than 2.7 times that of white men.

  • Women of ethnic background in the Black Caribbean were the highest, almost twice as many as white women.

  • People with a South Asian ethnic background in the United Kingdom had a higher prevalence of cardiovascular disease and diabetes associated with increased COVID-19 mortality, and people with a Chinese background had the lowest prevalence.

Ben Humberstone of ONS commented: “Our statistical modeling shows that most of the differences in COVID-19 mortality risk between ethnic groups can be explained by demographic, geographical and socio-economic factors such as place of residence and occupation. We also found that certain existing conditions generally increased the risk of death from COVID-19, but did not explain the remaining ethnic background differences in mortality. “

Healthcare worker PTSD

A review of published evidence from the University of East Anglia (UEA) found mental health problems, including: Post-traumatic stress disorder, Anxiety, and depression It is common among medical staff during and immediately after a pandemic.

In a statement, UEA trainee clinical psychologist Sophie Allan said, “There is some evidence that mental health symptoms, such as post-traumatic stress symptoms, improve spontaneously over time, but I’m not sure about this. Hmm. In the study we examined, the method was very different.-For example, we used different questionnaires about mental health, so we need to be aware of the results. “

The survey results are published in European journal of psychotraumatology.

Obey the blockade

latest Our data Regarding compliance with UK regulations, 17% of people who met people from other households outdoors or indoors sometimes show that they did not maintain social distance very often or at all. ..

An international survey, led by the University of Cambridge and with 101,000 participants in 55 countries, found that personality plays a role in complying with blockade rules.

The lead author, PhD researcher Friedrich Götz, commented: “Diplomats are sociable and sociable, and found it particularly difficult to be trapped in a house and not see others. They are most likely to break blockade rules and spend less time at home. People of other personality types between March and April. “

The survey results are published at American psychologist.

5 minute test

Oxford physicists have developed a rapid SARS-CoV-2 test that produces results within 5 minutes using fluorescent labeling and machine learning.

The work is described in Preprint, Has not been peer reviewed yet.

Professor Achilles Capanidis commented: “Unlike other techniques that detect delayed antibody reactions and other techniques that require costly, laborious, and time-consuming sample pretreatment, our method quickly detects intact virus particles. “”

The test will be available next year.

Today, Boris Johnson emphasized the importance of new, rapid testing and said that hotspots such as Liverpool and Lancashire will have priority access to it.

Cytokine storm blood test

Scientists have identified blood cytokine profiles that may help identify COVID-19 patients at risk of experiencing potentially life-threatening immune-mediated inflammatory diseases, commonly known as “cytokine storms.” Has been identified.

Univadis in Medscape report How researchers at the University of Southampton analyzed blood samples from 100 COVID-19-positive patients admitted between March 20 and April 29, 2020.

Survey results published in the journal Respiratory research Elevated levels of blood cytokines interleukin (IL) -6, IL-8, tumor necrosis factor, IL-1β and IL-33 on admission are associated with increased risk of requiring intensive care and mechanical ventilation I showed that I was doing it. Of mortality. The risk was most pronounced with IL-1β and IL-33.

Blood tests for the five cytokines help doctors identify individuals at greatest risk of exacerbations.

Professor Tom Wilkinson, who led the study, said, “It is becoming increasingly clear that COVIDs are very heterogeneous. Only by applying these techniques to stratify the condition is it optimal for the individual. Treatment can target the major mechanisms of the disease. “

Second Wave HIV Guidance

Englishman HIV Association (BHIVA) Updated guidance HIV service in the light of the second COVID-19 peak, Univadis in Medscape report.

The key points are:

  • BHIVA does not recommend extending the regular monitoring interval for more than 12 months.

  • The service must do everything possible within its capabilities to support the people participating in the survey.

  • Even if normal monitoring is not possible, ART should be prescribed, except in exceptional cases.

  • Core service elements need to be maintained during the pandemic

BHIVA plans to enroll suspected / confirmed cases of COVID-19 among HIV-infected individuals, and services to document relevant cases are encouraged.

Miss England

Junior Doctor Bhasha Mukherjee, 24 from the derby The longest serving in Miss England, Yahoo News reported.

Winners of 2019 will hold the crown for 20 months before the contest is held again next year due to COVID-19.

See more Medscape Global Coronavirus Updates Coronavirus Resource Center.


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