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The new blockage sends a tremor to my spine

The new blockage sends a tremor to my spine
The new blockage sends a tremor to my spine


This story about new limits, tiers, and local lockdowns all trembles in my spine.

There is a flashback to a complete blockade.

If more people postpone seeing their GP, they may have missed the signs of cancer


If more people postpone seeing their GP, they may have missed the signs of cancer Credits: Instagram / Deborah James

Forget the fight for Ruroll Panic buying Pasta, I have a full-fledged meltdown on cancer.

Not just me, my cancer for change.

I’m in full catastrophe mode and I’m worried about what would happen if more people postponed going to see their GP.

What happens when more people are afraid to go out or get caught and ignore the signs and symptoms of cancer? COVID??

What if I postpone going to a hospital appointment to check for possible symptoms of cancer?

More deaths, what is it.

It sounds morbid and a little dull, but that’s the reality we’re facing.

If the country returns to blockade-more cancer deaths can occur


If the country returns to blockade-more cancer deaths can occur Credits: Instagram / Deborah James

Again, strict statistics show that this week the true victims of the coronavirus far exceed the virus itself.

New numbers from the National Bureau of Statistics Deaths from major cancers at home have halved in the last six months..

Prostate cancer Deaths surged 53%, with more than 46% of men dying from intestinal cancer.

breast cancer Deaths have increased by 47%, but heart deaths have skyrocketed to more than a quarter, and Alzheimer’s disease has killed many at home.

Further action from the government needs to be seen to protect cancer services and save lives

Deborah James

Deborah said more lives would be lost if people postponed going to their GP


Deborah said more lives would be lost if people postponed going to their GPCredit: Instagram

The report again suggests that worried people are moving away from the NHS and missing potentially life-saving treatments.

It only gets worse if we bring the country back Blockade..

That doesn’t mean we don’t have to act-and now.

Infection rates are rising, even if Death is not skyrocketing at the same pace..

If that continues and the NHS is forced to stop selective care again, we will be in a dire situation.

“More lives are lost”

Matt Hancock Recently, he warned that if the coronavirus epidemic was not stopped, cancer services would be compromised.

That’s not enough.

As a result of the pandemic, up to 35,000 additional cancer deaths are projected to be recorded this year.

That’s 35,000 people who die too early.

We know what happens if more people postpone getting help or get the treatment they need.

Thousands of lives will be lost.

We know that the blockade of collateral damage has caused cancer patients for several months.

In June, I was interviewing patients and experts about it for the BBC Panorama.

Deborah is depicted above during the BBC panoramic documentary


Deborah is depicted above during the BBC panoramic documentary

Still, all that the government seems to be doing is peddling the same message, Help Us, Help You.

This is a campaign they launched a few weeks ago and encourages people to seek help from their GP if they are worried about possible symptoms of cancer.

It’s a really good message, but it doesn’t seem to work.

Every month, we find that emergency cancer referrals haven’t returned to where they should be.

Further action from the government needs to be seen to protect cancer services and save lives.

They need to fence their cancer treatments and plan to ensure that patients receive the treatment and diagnosis they need in the face of this second wave of Covid-19.

It requires tremendous logistics.

Facing the unknown

If they can whip Nightingale Hospital Why can’t they do the same for cancer in no time?

They can start by using as many private hospitals as possible and turn them into cancer hubs.

Staff and resources cannot be diverted from the care of cancer patients.

Why is that right? You shouldn’t choose who has access to care, but that’s exactly what happened.

Undoubtedly, when the coronavirus struck earlier this year, we were faced with an unknown enemy in the form of a coronavirus.

Yes, there is no doubt that drastic action was needed just to give time to think about how to deal with Covid.

But science is incredible and we now have more answers. And the truth is that it’s not as bad as we all thought.

Deborah said it should never be forgotten more than it can always do


Deborah said it should never be forgotten more than it can always doCredits: Deborah James / Instagram

Yes, many have died, and each death is a tragedy.

However, if you continue to treat the coronavirus as if it were the only threat to your health, many families will lose their loved ones.

We must do something to stop the wave of death from cancer.

I’m not saying it’s an easy crisis, but it’s urgent and requires action, not just words.

All I want is for people to burst the pandemic bubble for a moment and look beyond Covid.

To date, more than one million people worldwide have died from the coronavirus.

About 10 million people worldwide die of cancer each year, which will be exacerbated.

Yes, if we don’t manage Covid, the numbers will skyrocket, and we already know the danger of cancer being diagnosed too late, but we still seem to shrug and accept.

One in two of us will get cancer at some point in our lives and half will die again.

We must never forget that we have to do more. When we can catch and treat cancer, we cannot sit down and kill more people unnecessarily.

We just want a chance to fight, do you ask too many questions?

Sun columnist Deborah James thanked Lorraine for the unsung NHS document after a scan showed her to be “gun free.”

What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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