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Fear rises in South Korea over suspected death from influenza vaccination


Citizens will be vaccinated against free flu on October 19, 2020 at a medical center in Seoul.  (Yonhap News Agency)

Citizens will be vaccinated against free flu on October 19, 2020 at a medical center in Seoul. (Yonhap News Agency)

Seoul, October 21 (Korea Biz Wire) — — Concerns about the safety of seasonal flu shots have risen after reports of possible deaths from flu shots on Wednesday, exposing health officials to boiling water to control the “cold.” ..

So far, five people have died this year after being vaccinated under the state-led free influenza vaccination scheme, but there is evidence that these deaths are related to influenza vaccination. Could not be located.

As of Tuesday, 8.3 million people had been vaccinated against free flu under a state program.

According to health officials, a 68-year-old man on Jeju Island, a resort island in the south of the country, and a 78-year-old man in Daegu were shot dead, increasing the death toll to five.

Health officials said they were investigating whether there was any causal link between their death and the flu vaccine, noting that both men had an underlying illness.

Fear of the flu vaccine surfaced last Friday after a 17-year-old boy in the western port city of Incheon died two days after being vaccinated against the flu.

A 78-year-old man in Gochang, Jeollabuk-do and an 82-year-old man in Daejeon reported similar deaths on Tuesday. Both were vaccinated against the flu on Monday.

“We regret people’s concerns about influenza vaccination and are investigating the situation in a serious way,” Kim Gungrip, deputy health minister, said at a news conference. “But first, we have to find the exact cause of recent death.”

According to health officials, the deceased people obtained the Korean vaccine, the flu vaccine manufactured or distributed by Boryung Biopharma, LG Chem, or Shinsung Pharm.

However, other people who received these vaccines on the same day have not yet shown abnormal symptoms, health officials said.

Citizens are waiting in line to get a free flu shot at a medical center in Seoul on October 19, 2020.  (Yonhap News Agency)

Citizens are waiting in line to get a free flu shot at a medical center in Seoul on October 19, 2020. (Yonhap News Agency)

Experts said it was too early to decide whether to stop flu vaccination because the link between recent deaths and the flu vaccine has not been established.

“There are no 100% safe drugs or vaccines, but we need to know that influenza vaccines have been around for over 70 years since 1945,” said Ki Mo-ran, a professor of epidemiology at the National Cancer Center. Stated.

“If there were so many deaths associated with the flu shot, we wouldn’t have used the flu vaccine.”

According to the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency (KDCA), authorities have found only one death associated with influenza vaccination.

In 2009, a 65-year-old woman was diagnosed with Miller Fisher’s Syndrome, a rare neurological disorder, after being vaccinated against the flu and died a year later.

Many people are already concerned about influenza vaccination after it was discovered that some of the inactivated influenza vaccines handled by Shinson Farm were exposed to room temperature during shipment last month before suspected influenza vaccination. I was expressing. I later recalled a product that was mishandled.

Earlier this month, Seoul’s drug safety observer believed that the vaccine’s efficacy and safety were not compromised, but after confirming that white particles were found in the vaccine, the Korean vaccine was given 615,000 doses of influenza vaccine. I ordered to recall.

“Suspicious vaccines need to be recalled to prevent major problems,” said Kim Woo-ju, a professor of infectious diseases at Korea University Guro Hospital in Seoul.

“At times like this, the government should stick to that principle, but the problem is that people are worried.”



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