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Much Ado to Die reviews an actor uncle's courageous and loving record in recent days | Movies

Much Ado to Die reviews an actor uncle's courageous and loving record in recent days |  Movies


FMovies about filmmakers and their friends and relatives are sometimes seen as selfish, self-indulgent, or even everyone's favorite smear word these days, narcissistic. Director Simon Chambers' heartbreaking film about his relationship with his old Uncle David is none of these things; I know of few documentaries more honest, more introspective and more revealing about aging, family love and its limits, and the whole tragicomic process of death. It's the kind of thing that could be described as crude in the sense that the wounds are raw but the know-how is never crude, despite the obvious lack of budget.

Chambers, primarily a voice narrating the story, and occasionally a screen presence, explains how he was actually called back to London from Delhi where he was making a film about cars. (The clips we see look promising and hopefully they'll finish it one day.) He had to come home because his David, a former actor and school teacher, was having trouble coping alone with the life. Virtually housebound with a serious hoarding habit, David was not mentally or physically disabled enough to benefit from state intervention, but neither was he truly capable of taking care of himself.

Filming himself and David during his frequent visits, Chambers paints a portrait of David that is both deeply affectionate and full of exasperation with the stubborn, confused, eloquent, grandiloquent and utterly charming man, who came out as gay in his sixties but never really had a lover. Chambers, who mentions that he is also gay but a little luckier in love, admits to seeing himself a little at his uncle's house. This sympathy partly explains why he ends up taking on much of David's care, just as his own mother, David's sister, did years ago with her own aging parents, a responsibility that seems increasingly heavier with time. Anyone who has had to care for an elderly parent will relate this, and one can only admire Chambers for his honesty when he admits towards the end that he thinks it might have been easier for everyone if David had died months ago. earlier.

In a lesser film, constant allusions and quotes from King Lear might have seemed too obvious, but here it's a touchstone that emerges organically from the subjects, a piece that clearly resonates deeply with David. Like Lear, he is at times a foolish old man, carelessly wasting his money and possessions, railing through the night as Guy Fawkes fireworks or neighboring Jack Russells go off in response to his groans of pain. Chambers embraces the roles of Fool and Cordelia, bringing a wry sense of humor where you least expect it. And after seeing this, you may never be able to hear Hot Chocolates You Sexy Thing without thinking of David's vigorous rendition while lying in a hospital bed, swaddled in incontinence pants.

Much Ado About Dying is in UK cinemas from May 3.




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