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Has Irrfan Khan left Bollywood for Malayalam films? Wife Sutapa Sikdar reveals

Has Irrfan Khan left Bollywood for Malayalam films?  Wife Sutapa Sikdar reveals


This week the world honored Irfan Khan on the fourth anniversary of his untimely death. While we all remember him for his work, we also remember how he remained unmoved by opinions and did what was best in films. Apparently, the actor was clearly impressed by Malayalam cinema. His wife Sutapa Sikdar recently revealed in an article that Irrfan allegedly immediately called Dinesh Vijan (his Hindi Medium and Angrezi Medium producer) to develop a film with him and Diljit Dosanjh after Sutapa was excited about the latter's most recent film , Imtiaz Ali's musical biopic Amar. Singh Chamkila.

Has Irrfan Khan left Bollywood for Malayalam films?

She wrote: It's been 4 years, three days since Irrfan left me. Four years? A feeling of guilt invades my body. 4 years that we LIVED without him, with added sadness, fear, despair and severe helplessness. And then I thought but I still lived more with him. I've known him since 1984, so that's 36 years since I knew him and until my death, I would have spent more time with him than without him. And then I wondered if he had been physically with me in 2024, what our conversation would have been like? Because that's what I miss the most.

Imagining a conversation with her love Irrfan, she wrote: “He would come home mostly in 2024 straight after filming and pet our cat and read.

Me : you have to see Chamkila

He: would not have looked up immediately (never while reading)

Me : he is so good.. I loved his performance.

He :Accha? WHO?

Me :Arre yaar Diljit Dosaanj..he is so unstructured and all hearted..he makes me feel.:

He (now looking at me) Accha.. you think he's so good!!

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Me Yes!!! You and him should work together, it will be magical, you should play a Sardar again after a story like Quissa and two brothers.

He : hummm (his phone rings) hey dinu (Dinesh Vijayan) yaar yeh sutapa says hai Diljit dosanj is very good.. :

Me Nothing is very good…

He. Haan yaar let's do something.. let's do something about punjabi sufi poets.. main dekhta hoon Aaj chamkila OR

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He would listen on his headphones when he comes in.. Arre yaar sutup kya likha hai irshaad ne.. (he loved Irshad kamil) ufff khatarnaak.. suna hai tumne vida karo.. what a song.. He and his manager manpreet are sitting and he says get me a malayali movie. I want to work with this director where Fahadh Faasil is there. Yaar I forget the name I'll tell you if Bollywood doesn't improve etc etc. I'll make a Malayali film! This is what we will mainly talk about in 2024.#irrfankhan#vidakaro#irshadkamil#fahadfazil#dilljitdosanjh.

This wonderful note acts as a bag of information for admirers and a meaningful keepsake for everyone.

Irrfan Khan died on April 29, 2020 after a long battle with neuroendocrine cancer. Irrfan's latest film is Angrezi Medium, directed by Homi Adajania.

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