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New technologies enhance breast cancer treatment options | News, sports, work

New technologies enhance breast cancer treatment options | News, sports, work


Angelica Klein

For many years, the main treatment available to women with breast cancer has been total mastectomy.

It consists of a modified radical mastectomy with axillary lymph node dissection, which removes the affected breast and lymph nodes from under the arm.

Through technological advances and ongoing research, treatment options have improved significantly.

Early-stage breast cancer is currently being treated with a mastectomy (partial mastectomy) and a biopsy of the sentinel lymph node, which is being evaluated because it is the first area of ​​metastasis. Radiation therapy is given after surgery to prevent local recurrence.

Breast cancer is detected by examination or mammography (breast image). Mammography detects early-stage cancer, but breast masses can be found by self-examination and provider examination.

These tumors usually grow larger because it takes time for the cells to grow into a test-detectable mass. Therefore, screening mammography is highly recommended for women over the age of 40.

Mammography can detect small, palpable lesions. The radiologist may perform an ultrasound or an additional view to assess the abnormality.

Digital mammography, including tomosynthesis (3D digital mammography), ultrasound, breast MRI, needle positioning, and biopsy, is available at Mount Nittany Health’s Breast Care Center at 1850 E. Park Ave. Localization and biopsy are available at Mount Nittany Health’s Breast Care Center. , 1850 E. Park Ave.

Biopsy and


Abnormal mammogram results lead to re-examinations within specific time intervals or breast biopsy recommendations determined by a radiologist. This can be done using ultrasound or MRI images that show the location of the tumor. A biopsy is done and the marker is left in place. The biopsy is then sent to a pathologist for evaluation.

If the biopsy finds cancer cells, the patient will undergo additional surgery. If the mass is found to be palpable or substantial, a mastectomy can be performed. This includes a sentinel lymph node biopsy to assess metastases. Metastasis is when the cancer has spread from its original site. If the mass is not palpable, wire-localized mastectomy and sentinel lymph node biopsy (a typical procedure that has been used for many years) can be used. Wire localization biopsy requires the wire to be placed in a mammography suite prior to mastectomy. In the operating room, the wire is traced to the tumor and the specimen is removed. The specimen is then reimaged to confirm that the lesion has been removed.



Recently, a new wire-free procedure using radar technology has become available and is used at the Mount Nittany Medical Center. A small reflector called SAVI SCOUT is placed on the tumor and the surgeon can find it with a radar waveguide locator. This will give you an accurate location of the tumor. When the mastectomy is complete, the radar waveguide locator confirms that the abnormal area has been removed.

chemical treatment

Some patients require chemotherapy before or after surgery. Many factors are considered, including stage, receptor status, age, genetic testing, and cell type. In the early stages, estrogen-positive and lymph node-negative patients can undergo the oncotype DX test, a genomic test that estimates the likelihood of recurrence. This will help you determine if chemotherapy is beneficial.

Radiation therapy

It is standard treatment for patients after removal of the breast mass to continue to receive radiation therapy or topical treatment to prevent recurrence. If the sentinel lymph node biopsy of the metastases is negative, the patient can be treated with short-term radiation therapy. If patients have metastatic disease to the axillary lymph nodes, they continue radiation therapy to the breast and local lymph nodes, also known as conventional radiation therapy. If the patient undergoes a mastectomy and has metastases to the axillary lymph nodes, treatment is given to the chest wall and surrounding lymph nodes.

Some patients ultimately choose mastectomy at the end of treatment, depending on their pathological and genetic outcomes. This can be done with or without reconstruction, and different types of reconstruction surgery are available to suit the needs of each individual.

It is important to remember that early detection is the key to a better prognosis. Women are encouraged to continue breast self-examination and annual mammography.

Angelica Kline is a Physician Assistant to the Mount Nittany Physician Group and is engaged in radiation oncology. At Mount Nittany Health, she is a member of the Cancer Commission, Oncology Commission, Breast Cancer Conference, Lung Cancer Conference, Urology Cancer Conference, and Advanced Medical Providers Committee. She is a graduate of Loretto’s St. Francis College Doctor Assistant Program.

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