COVID-19: Why high standards are important in the development of coronavirus vaccines

The immune system needs to be trained to respond most effectively to future highly pathogenic coronaviruses. Some coronaviruses are more dangerous than they are today, he says.
Athletes understand that there are two very different approaches that can be taken when training their body. For example, lifting heavy weights is a great way to achieve maximum strength. In contrast, low-intensity, repetitive training is ideal for developing the stamina needed for endurance sports.
Surprisingly, our immune system can be trained in a somewhat similar way. You need to choose from two different responses to dangerous pathogens, both of which lead to antibodies that target white blood cells called T cells and infectious organisms. However, the types of these T cells and antibodies depend on whether the pathogen lives outside the cell, like many bacteria, or inside the cell, like a virus.
Initiating an antibacterial response to the virus may not be the ideal way to get rid of the viral infection. In fact, the wrong type of immune response can actually exacerbate the disease, as observed in vaccinated mice attacked with the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) identified in 2003. There is.
Importantly, initial exposure to pathogens by nature or vaccination should adopt either of these two biases in the future when responding to the same or similar pathogens for the rest of our lives. You can train your immune system. Immunologists call this “trained immunity.”
First exposure
Our research program is in the area of ​​vaccine development, including viral infections, immune responses to viruses, respiratory pathogens such as influenza virus, and vaccines against SARS-CoV-2, the causative agent of coronavirus disease that emerged in 2019. It straddles. 19.
I would like to convey the importance of trained immunity in the context of the COVID-19 vaccine. This is because it may affect the ability of the immune system to respond appropriately to highly pathogenic coronaviruses in the future.
Over the last 17 years, there have been three major outbreaks of highly pathogenic coronavirus. The first SARS-CoV in 2003, the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus in 2012, and now SARS-CoV-2. Based on this history of new highly pathogenic coronaviruses appearing approximately every 10 years, it is expected that further treatment of these viruses will be needed in the future. This means that the current move to develop a COVID-19 vaccine needs to consider future outbreaks of coronavirus.
The method of training the immune system to respond to SARS-CoV-2 can affect how well our body can respond to future coronaviruses. Vaccines, when properly developed, are trained in the optimal type to initiate a protective immune response against future infections not only with SARS-CoV-2 but also with coronavirus and / or related vaccines. It provides an opportunity to induce immunity.
Tuberculosis reaction
Interestingly, some scientists have suggested using the concept of immunity trained in relevant situations. Specifically, there is evidence to suggest that individuals vaccinated against tuberculosis may be partially protected from SARS-CoV-2.
Tuberculosis is a respiratory illness caused by bacteria. In contrast to many bacteria, it lives inside cells like a virus. Vaccine preparations use live but attenuated (modified or weakened) bacteria that are very similar to those that cause the disease. Being a living bacterium, it can infect cells in the same way as the bacteria that cause disease.
The result is the right immune response of the same type that is optimal for the virus. Therefore, scientists may be training the immune system so that the tuberculosis vaccine can ideally respond to other intracellular pathogens, including viruses like SARS-CoV-2. I concluded.
Evaluation of the answer
Emphasis is placed on the quantitative aspects of the candidate COVID-19 vaccine, such as whether it produces high levels of antibodies. Many health regulators are ready to approve COVID-19 vaccines that reduce the burden of illness but do not elicit immunity to completely prevent infection and infection. However, they should be cautious and ensure that these vaccines do not train our immune system for suboptimal reactions.
Thorough assessment of the nature and duration of the immune response elicited by future COVID-19 vaccines can ensure a specific, effective and sustained response to SARS-CoV-2. .. Specifically, vaccine developers should be able to answer these questions.
Did the vaccine elicit an optimal immune response against the virus? A balanced antiviral response must include antibodies to prevent the virus from infecting the host cell and replicating inside it, and T cells to kill the virus that crosses the antibody barrier. There is. Importantly, the antibody must be of antiviral type.
Is there an antibody reaction in the respiratory tract and do these antibodies effectively neutralize the virus? Although the focus is on measuring antibody responses in the blood, SARS-CoV-2 infects mucosal surfaces, including the respiratory tract, so it can be confirmed that the vaccine induces antibodies at these relevant locations. It is important. It should also be noted that the proper antibody response to the virus is usually much smaller than that to extracellular bacteria. Large amounts of antibodies may look promising, but their amount is not as important as the type and location of these antibodies.
The take-out message is that we need to insist on maintaining very high standards for the COVID-19 vaccine. It induces a qualitatively appropriate immune response that protects us from SARS-CoV-2 infection.
Like athletes, we need to avoid training our immune system in ways that contradict our ultimate goal. For long-term health, the immune system is trained to respond most effectively to future highly pathogenic coronaviruses that may prove to be more dangerous than the current ones. You need to make sure that you are.
Byram W. Bridle, Associate Professor of Viral Immunology, Department of Pathology, University of Guelph; Samiram Barreka, Laboratory Physician-Scientist, Laboratory Pathological Biology, University of Toronto,and Shayan Sharif, Professor of Immunology and Vice Dean, Research and Graduate Studies, University of Guelph
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