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New Virus, New Term-News-Hot Springs Village Voice


During the global pandemic of COVID-19, many people are hearing medical terms related to the virus. This article tries to gather many of these terms in one place.

Asymptomatic—A person who is infected with the virus but has no signs of illness.

Fatality rate (CFR) —The risk of death from a once infected virus. Calculated by dividing the number of deaths by the number of cases.

CDC — The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, Georgia, is responsible for research on epidemics and epidemics for information and prevention.

Close contact—Long term within 6 feet of a person infected with the virus.

Verified Case—Sick and the test was processed by the CDC.

Coronavirus—The surname of the current novel virus.

Infection / spread to the community—Infection within the community, not related to outbound travel or known cases.

Contact tracking—Track where the person infected with the virus was and was contacted to stop the infection.

Cordon sanitaire — Quarantine of a specific area, not an individual.

COVID-19 — The name of the current new virus, previously designated 2019-nCoV, Corona is CO, Virus is VI, Disease is D, and Year of Discovery was 19.

Curve—A graph showing the predicted number of cases over time.

Drive-Through Test—A test system where the patient stays in the car while the medical professional performs the test from outside the car using complete protective gear.

Spray infection / spreading—when sneezing and coughing, and sometimes normal respiratory moisture, causes respiratory illness to spread.

Elective surgery—A procedure that is not urgent or essential to the health of the patient.

Epidemic—the regional spread of a particular disease.

Essential Business—The place of business needed to provide the supplies that people need to survive.

Curve flattening—Slows virus spread to reduce the number of hospital beds needed during peak infections.

Fomite—A means by which a disease can be transmitted between people.

House Isolation-When a person who is virus-positive and does not require hospitalization is instructed to stay home until it recovers.

Immunosuppression—Immune people are not as strong as the average because of other health conditions.

Isolation—Separate sick and unsick patients.

N95 ventilator—a specific face mask that protects the wearer from air and liquid contamination.

Negative pressure room—A room in a hospital with a ventilation system to keep contaminated air from spreading to other parts of the building.

New virus—a new virus. It has no treatment, no vaccine, and knows nothing if a scientist is discovered.

Pandemic-the worldwide spread of certain viruses.

Personal protective equipment (PPE) —Equipment such as masks, gowns, caps, and shoe covers used by healthcare professionals to prevent contamination.

Presumptive positive case—A person who has been diagnosed with a virus at the state or local level due to illness.

Quarantine—Limited interaction with asymptomatic people for several days; current recommendation is 14 days.

R-0 (R naught) —Infection rate of a particular virus. This number depends on how many people can become infected during the infection process. The latest number of COVID-19 is 2.4.

Rendesivir—An drug with minimal proven effects, but is given to alleviate some symptoms.

Ventilator-A device that prevents harmful inhalation by humans.

Screening—The process of determining whether an individual has symptoms that require a virus test.

Self-Isolation—When an individual chooses to stay away from home after suspected exposure to the virus.

Shelter-in-place—find and stay in a windowless room in your home.

Social Distancing—Limit human interaction with people outside the household, working from home if possible.

At home—At the state level, orders that residents stay at home where possible and leave only when absolutely necessary.

Surveillance—observation of the virus, its behavior, and spread from scientists at all levels.

Ventilator-A machine that circulates air through the patient’s lungs when the patient cannot breathe on his own. Healthcare professionals need to insert the tube under the throat into the lungs and also need to sedate the patient.

Virus excretion—The amount of time a virus replicates in a person and still releases it.

WHO —The World Health Organization in Geneva, Switzerland, is responsible for monitoring the health and illnesses around the world and how they spread and have therapeutic potential.

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