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The blockage will pose more mental health crises, so where is the support?

The blockage will pose more mental health crises, so where is the support?


Shouldn’t we do everything we can to mitigate the impact on the most vulnerable people? (Photo: Ella Byworth in

If there’s one thing we all can agree on, it’s emotionally exhausted this year.

For some, this has been translated into an increasing but manageable level of stress and malaise.But for many others, the effects are much more serious, not only overwhelming emotions, but also depression and anxiety..

Entering the second blockade this winter, it is almost impossible to ignore the possibility of an impending mental health emergency. Still, despite lip services paid by the government many times over the last six months Saturday press conference – We have not been able to provide adequate leadership and guidance on this issue, or effective strategies on how to address the growing demand for mental health services.

“We know the cost of these limits, the damage they do, the impact on work, livelihoods, and people’s mental health,” the Prime Minister said. Boris Johnson At the briefing, with the solemnity facing the front, before moving on immediately.

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And while it’s all good that the government acknowledges the sacrifice of mental health from the second blockade, it’s hard not to feel cynical about its intentions, and our leadership really takes it seriously. It’s even harder not to recognize and care about it. The impending crisis – or just pretending to be it and earning PR points.

This issue does not need to be explored too much to conclude that it is not a policy priority during one of the most difficult years of living memory for many. In particular, all of these mental health etiquettes are still in line with meaningful investment strategies and on-site support for those who are envious of the need for access to care, or who provide it. This is especially true if you think you haven’t done so. ..

As someone who knows exactly What is a nervous breakdownAnd the government’s stance on how isolated, difficult to navigate, and complex recovery is possible is incredibly frustrating. I think I was lucky to get care when I needed it most with my work health insurance, but I’m not so lucky and I think of all the people who are currently invisible to the government. Bleeding. .. Shouldn’t we do everything we can to mitigate the impact this has on the most vulnerable people?

The situation has reached a very critical level, and Paul Farmer, CEO of Mind, Britain’s largest mental health charity, has called on the government to provide a winter mental health support package as needed. ..

Charities call the next blockade “the biggest test of mental health this year” and call it an “emergency”, emphasizing how badly the UK is currently underfunded. I will. I need it. As in many years, it is often charities that are left to regain the slack left by improper policies.

It’s not hard to imagine how tough the next few weeks will be after one blockade already. Especially because the days are short and the weather is cold, I can’t spend much time outside.

If a pandemic occurred three or four years ago, I don’t know what to do.Even after years of treatment With the help of antidepressants, I sometimes had a hard time overcoming the first blockade alone. There were days when I felt calm and unmotivated. I relied heavily on therapy and the support of good friends and family, but without it I wouldn’t know if I could get out of bed someday.

Certainly I wasn’t the only one suffering. A Survey Taken during the initial blockade, it was found that nearly a quarter of those who tried to access mental health support in the last two weeks could not. They reported that they could not contact the GP or Community Mental Health Team, their booking was canceled, they were denied by the crisis management service, and they did not have access to digital alternatives.

Thousands of people without existing conditions were also affected (Photo: Ella Byworth at

According to a Mind survey, 60% of adults reported a decline in mental health during the initial blockade. This emphasized that nearly one in five adults is more likely to experience some form of depression this year, compared to about one in ten before the pandemic. Backed by data.

Another charity, Rethink Mental Illness, said 79% of people in mental health had worsened symptoms due to a pandemic, but thousands of people without an existing condition were also affected. I reported.

New challenges posed by lack of social interaction, isolation, changes in daily life and financial pressure mean that people who may never have been challenged to mental health are seeking help. I will. I think there are many people who are worried about “the trouble” and are suffering in silence.

With such terrible statistics and harsh predictions of the potential for an increase in the incidence of mental illness entering the next blockade, it is immeasurable that the government is doing nothing more. This is only exacerbated by the emphasis on physical health as a result of the pandemic.

In august, the government £ 500m It did not outline funding to help those discharged, but it did not outline the extension of mental health patients. This puts a huge burden on patients and their families (if they are).

Then there’s the time and energy (and money) spent on the Better Health anti-obesity campaign earlier this year. Aside from the apparent weight disgrace promoted by this campaign (which hits the mental health of many people), its massive reach is how effective it is when the government decides to prioritize the issue. Showed if there is.

Given the seriousness of the situation we are facing, it is difficult to understand why the same energy is not being put into mental health strategies.

Existing resources, such as the government’s Every Mind Matters campaign, a resource that provides NHS-approved advice to support youth mental health, are tailored to the unique challenges of the pandemic and are of some help.

But without the provision of a functional mental health infrastructure focused on prevention, these initiatives would be completely meaningless. And processing.

It’s great to know about mental illness and how it affects individuals and families, but a strategy that does little but raises awareness actually addresses only half of the problem.

The mindset needs to be met by the government to meet the growing demand for mental health services over the coming weeks, including amendments to mental health laws, investments in community services, and protection of the most risky people5. Provided two important tests. ..

In the long run, we need a health care system based on equal respect for physical and mental health. This means investing in mental health as a priority. A visible government campaign that explains what people can and how to access support. More funding for community services – and dedicate more than a few words to the subject at a press conference.

When we face one of the most difficult times in life, the overall feeling is that our people suffering from mental health are left to protect themselves.

What is more serious than national happiness? This problem is rarely as urgent as this. And the cost of neglect is higher than ever.

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More : When do people realize that taking antidepressants is not an easy option?

More : How to create a routine and organize it to make you feel better about the second blockade

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