This nasal spray may prevent coronavirus infection – BGR

- A team at Columbia University has developed a nasal spray that prevents the coronavirus from infecting ferret nose and lung cells for a full day.
- Drugs work by blocking important chemical processes that occur when a virus attempts to infect cells. This is the only place where the virus can propagate.
- Scientists need to prove that the drug can provide the same protection to humans in clinical trials.
Dr. Anthony Fauci recently described the first coronavirus vaccine You may not be able to block the infection.. Doctors want this drug to prevent a serious COVID-19 disease. It is premature to tell exactly how vaccinated people will deal with COVID-19 because no studies of Phase 3 trials have been published, but one possible scenario is vaccination. This is a test that will be positive later. The virus can infect the nose, which is usually the first stage of infection. However, by the time the virus settles, the body is already trained to recognize and neutralize it. This prevents the virus from descending into the lower respiratory tract and propagates to the extent that respiratory complications appear.
Scientists are also working on drugs that have the potential to completely stop the infection. One idea is Monoclonal antibody, This may provide a boost of neutralizing antibodies that give the patient temporary immunity.Also, there is a medicine called in the work Ivermectin, Showed suspicious efficacy in tests in India. But one of the most exciting ideas to date is nasal sprays, which can protect you from infections all day long.
Ferrets given a spray are protected from the coronavirus all day long, New York Times Report.. Scientists need to study human compounds to see if they also work on humans.
Columbia University scientists are leading an international effort to develop substances with antiviral properties. The drug can prevent the virus from infecting cells in the nose and lungs by interposing between cell receptors and spike proteins that act as keys to open those cells. Without access to cells, the virus cannot replicate itself. The spray sounds like a vaccine that produces neutralizing antibodies that block the same spike protein.
The study was announced Pre-review form Further investigation is needed. However, the results so far are promising.
Researchers used a spray on six ferrets, splitting the ferrets into three pairs and placing each in a different cage. Placebo spray was given to two ferrets in each cage. Researchers then brought ferrets infected with SARS-CoV-2 into their cages. The ferrets lived together for a day and were then tested by researchers.
None of the ferrets that received the drug were infected. All placebo ferrets became ill. “Virus replication has been completely blocked,” the author said.
If this works well in humans, it may be safe to sleep in bed with an infected person or with an infected child, “Dr. Anne Moscona said. Times.. The spray attaches to cells in the nose and lungs and lasts for about 24 hours.
The spray contains lipopeptides made of cholesterol particles bound to a chain of amino acids. The lipopeptide exactly matches the amino acid sequence of the spike protein used to attach to the cell.
Researchers explained that the spike protein thawed, exposing two amino acid chains and linking to the cell wall. The cell zips back and completes the process successfully. But that is where the lipopeptide inserts itself, and the virus cannot be trapped by the cell. This process is similar to a spaceship trying to dock to a space station in a movie. If the two cannot latch according to a given set of events, the spacecraft will not be able to connect to the station and spill its contents (people on board) to the station.
“It’s like having a zipper, but it doesn’t fit on both sides because it has another zipper inside,” said Columbia University microbiologist Matteo Porotto.
Interestingly, the amino acids come from a stretch of spike proteins that rarely mutate. Researchers have used lipoproteins in four different strains of coronavirus, including the Wuhan and Italian strains. They also used it for the other two coronaviruses, SARS and MERS, that have caused a nasty epidemic in the last two decades. The particles completely protected the cells from SARS-CoV-2 and partially protected them from SARS and MERS.
That’s not the only good news, as lipoproteins can be produced at affordable prices. It comes as a lyophilized white powder that does not require refrigeration. The substance is then mixed with sugar and water to produce a spray. As a result, medicines are now available everywhere without causing logistics problems. Some Phase 3 test vaccines need to be kept below freezing. Countries that lack the right infrastructure will have a hard time deploying these vaccines.
Nasal sprays will be more accessible than monoclonal antibodies that are deployed intravenously in hospital settings.
However, I’m not sure if the spray is just as effective for humans. Tests are also needed to determine the safety of the drug before the use of the spray is approved.
The team will apply for a patent on the product and will need additional funding for clinical trials. The ferret study was funded by the National Institutes of Health and Columbia University Medical Center.
Other researchers are also working on COVID-19 spray and aerosol treatment.One of them Provides interferon In the respiratory tract to treat existing infections.Another suggests Custom particles For the same purpose.Then there is that project Developed antibody-like nanoparticles Can be used with a nebulizer. Finally, Hong Kong researchers We are working on a dual coronavirus-influenza vaccine provided via nasal drops.
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