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The study found that one in five COVID-19 patients was diagnosed with a mental disorder within 90 days.

The study found that one in five COVID-19 patients was diagnosed with a mental disorder within 90 days.


New research published in Lancet Psychiatry Medical journal show COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection) (# If there is no character limit, add parentheses when it first appears It may be related to a series of effects on the patient’s mental health.

According to a study conducted by researchers at the University of Oxford, the diagnosis of COVID-19 was associated with an increased frequency of being diagnosed with several mental states and disorders such as anxiety, insomnia, and dementia.

Researchers said the effects of COVID-19 on mental health have not yet been accurately measured, but are widely predicted.

“I was mainly interested in the question of whether people diagnosed with COVID-19 are at increased risk of developing mental illness,” Professor Paul Harrison of Oxford University, who worked on the study, told CBS News. It was.

According to Harrison, researchers sought to answer this question by examining the proportion of psychiatric diagnoses in patients three months after being diagnosed with COVID-19.

Group used TriNetX analytics networkCollects data from electronic medical records from 54 medical institutions in the United States. This includes data on 69.8 million patients. Of these, 62,354 were diagnosed with COVID-19 between January 20th and August 1st. I was diagnosed with a mental disorder.

For comparison, the researchers also measured the rate of psychiatric diagnosis in patients who experienced six other health events, such as influenza, respiratory tract infections, or major fractures.

“It’s important to try and make fun of it COVID may be the cause It could be due to itself, or the environment in which we live, “Harrison explained.

The researchers looked for a diagnosis of dementia, insomnia, anxiety, and mood disorders in patients with COVID-19 and six other patients diagnosed with health conditions that acted as controls.

“Ninety days after the diagnosis, about 18% or almost one in five people with COVID had some kind of psychiatric diagnosis, the most common being anxiety disorders,” Harrison said.

He said that about 6% of COVID-19 patients who had never been diagnosed with a mental illness were diagnosed with one within three months of being infected with COVID-19. Again, the most common was anxiety.

Harrison said there are two possible causes of mental illness associated with COVID-19. “One possibility is that there is a direct effect of the virus that causes the symptoms. Perhaps what the virus is doing in some people’s brains, or the immune system of some people. It would be the way it reacted to fight the virus, “he said.

“There are some hints that it may be a biological explanation for some people.”

Another possible cause may be a psychological reaction in which people have to be diagnosed with the virus, Harrison said.

“Psychological reactions to people becoming infected with COVID, perhaps for the first time worrying about their lives, or worrying about the future. In a sense, COVID is not a direct viral effect, but just another major. It’s acting as a stressor event, “he said. Said.

Studies have shown that COVID-19 has led to more first-time diagnoses of mental illness, compared to six other illnesses and health events.

“At this point, you can guess that when someone tells you that you have a COVID, it’s more stressful than if someone tells you that you have most other problems,” Harrison said. Said. It’s too difficult to know if this is a clear reason.

Harrison said there were still more questions to answer after the Oxford University study. He also said he suspected people who were diagnosed with a mental illness after the COVID-19 diagnosis was able to recover from the mental illness.

“Looking at almost every other cause of anxiety and depression I can think of, a significant proportion of people get better with either time or treatment,” he said. “In my own clinical practice, I did see that some of the COVID survivors I saw were clearly better and some weren’t.”

“I think we’ll get a lot of results, and we need long-term research that can actually measure them over time,” he continued.

Harrison said the second part of Oxford University’s research was to ask:

“Surprisingly, the answer is yes,” Harrison said. “People who had a psychiatric diagnosis the year before COVID arrived … they wanted to get a COVID diagnosis more than people who didn’t have a psychiatric diagnosis.”

Harrison said he and his colleagues were confused by the discovery. “Is that because people with psychiatric problems also tend to have worse physical health problems?” He asked.

To determine this, a group of researchers managed physical health factors — and their effects persisted. “Therefore, there seems to be some connection between getting a psychiatric diagnosis and the risk of COVID-19,” Harrison said.

“It’s a bit like the first part of the study, but there are really two explanations for it,” he continued. “One is that there is a link between those who are vulnerable to mental illness and those who are vulnerable to COVID,” he said. For example, inflammation plays a role in both of these conditions. I explained that it could be done.

However, other factors that are difficult to measure, such as lifestyle and behavior, can play a role in both mental illness and other illnesses such as COVID-19. “It may explain why they are more vulnerable to catching COVIDs,” he said. “Simply put, they live in a slightly crowded situation, which can increase their chances of getting a virus.”

“The important thing is that there may or may not be a mental illness that poses a risk of COVID. That may be one of these related factors,” Harrison said.

Another study published in Lancet Psychiatry The June journal examined 153 hospitalized patients Severe cases Use COVID-19 to see if you have experienced any neurological and psychiatric complications associated with the virus.The· Research found 125 patients did so.

Over 60% of patients have a stroke, most of which occur in patients over the age of 60.

According to a June study, about one-third of patients experienced “changes in mental status such as brain inflammation, psychosis, and symptoms like dementia.” This includes signs of confusion and behavioral change.

Almost a quarter of patients with altered mental status were diagnosed with a psychiatric condition, and the “majority” was found to have a new onset. However, researchers say the patient may simply not have been diagnosed before developing the virus.


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