Covid infection rates in Manchester “may have peaked”-but hospital pressure is not in the weeks
Second wave Covid infection rates may have peaked in Manchester, according to Andy Burnham, but hospital pressure is expected to continue for a few more weeks.
The latest data released by the mayor shows the entire northwest and nine Of the 10 autonomous regions here, there are cases where the community is declining.Meanwhile, new inpatients and inpatient diagnoses also declined slightly across Manchester last week.
Nonetheless, Covid patients increased by another 14% in hospital beds here as people spend more time in hospitals receiving treatment-data leaked to MEN last Thursday showed a large Pennine Acute bed. Other NHS trusts in the northwest show that parts were occupied by people with the virus.
Care home cases continue to grow, with Burnham saying less than in April and May, but still a “cause of concern.”
The mayor said he released new data at regular press conferences and showed “mixed news.”
It reveals that infection rates have declined overall in Manchester across the first week since August 22, and only Trafford has seen a slight rise, he said.
“It was an encouraging picture, but of course we need to point out that these have a high case rate compared to other parts of the country,” Burnham said.
“But nevertheless, some signs of more positive movement.”
Overall, Manchester infection rates have fallen by 9% in the last two weeks and by 18% across the northwest. It’s up 40 percent in the West Midlands, 35 percent in the South East, and 31 percent in the Southwest.
In Manchester, cases of older people aged 65 and over and older people aged 45 to 64 are also beginning to decline, he said, a pattern that both local leaders and governments are “looking very carefully”. Said. Among the elderly, it is more likely to lead to serious illness and hospital cases.
Infections in that age group remain high, but the trend is a “promising sign,” he said.
The number of known new Covid cases in the hospital, and the number of people diagnosed, has also dropped slightly from 910 to 853.
However, it did not relieve pressure within the NHS. This is because once hospitalized, people are being hospitalized longer than in April because they are receiving new treatment.
Last week, the number of beds in Manchester occupied by Covid patients increased by another 14%, with the majority outside the intensive care unit increasing from 1,175 to 1,337.
“Looking at the number of patients in ICU and non-ICU beds, we can see that the number of patients in ICU has increased slightly, but the number of patients in non-ICU beds has increased significantly. Has experienced so much pressure that apparently finds it difficult to discharge patients, which may explain some of the recent pressure on ambulance services, “said the mayor. Said.
He covers General North Manchester, Fairfield, Royal Oldham and Rochdale Clinics, and Pennines Cute is currently under “great pressure” and is likely to be provided with support from elsewhere in the Manchester hospital system. Said.
Tonight’s figures on Covid-19’s death in Manchester Show Pennines recorded 33 out of 53 deaths in metropolitan areas Last day.
That’s 62% of the total, but because this trust is one of the largest in the country, it tends to be higher than some others in the region.
“The death toll has increased” recently in the Pennines, while “other hospitals had similar numbers at different times,” Burnham said.
“Therefore, it is important not to overreact at this stage,” he said, but additional health leaders were discussing the need to provide additional support to the trust to cope with the pressure. ..
Previous leaked bed projection Berry’s Fairfield General Hospital, part of the Pennines, has suggested that in the worst-case scenario there is a risk of running out of beds in the acute phase within a few weeks. General North Manchester was also flagged as under certain pressure under these predictions.
New NHS figures leaked to MEN today indicate that on November 5, Pennines were treating a higher percentage of Covid patients than any other confidence in the northwest.
People infected with the virus occupied 33 pc in bed, and Wrightington, Wigan, and Leigh were just behind 31 pc. In general, hospital managers consider 30pc to trigger selective cancellation. This week it was confirmed that all Manchester trusts would do so..
Meanwhile, 4.1pc care home residents are currently seeing Covid-19 or suffering from symptoms.
That number is steadily rising weekly, at 0.6% at the end of September, a “cause of concern,” the mayor said.
Greater Manchester did not collect that data at its peak in April, but he said the numbers reached 6.7pc in early May.
The current situation “will be comparable to the June period, but it is still growing and we are actually looking very carefully,” he added.
Therefore, Burnham concluded that overall, the situation in the system was mixed this week.
“There are first signs that a second wave of peaks may have been seen in terms of the number of new infections in the community,” he said.
“I think it’s important to me that the pressure on the hospital doesn’t seem to have peaked and is likely to be felt towards the second half of this month.
“That’s certainly what our hospital colleagues are expecting. Therefore, from an NHS perspective, the full impact of the second wave has not yet been confirmed.”
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