US set record in case of COVID-19 hospital
The number of Americans hospitalized for COVID-19 has reached a record high as coronavirus infections continue to surge across the country.
The· COVID tracking project As of November 10, 61,964 Americans were reported hospitalized with COVID-19. This is the most recorded hospitalization since the start of the March pandemic. And as hospitalization is weeks behind new cases, that number will continue to grow.
As COVID exit strategy According to the website, the spread of the coronavirus is uncontrolled in 47 states, and the trend is not good in 2 states. Due to the increasing number of incidents across the country, yesterday some state governors began imposing new restrictions on trying to curb the spread of the virus. Among them is Minnesota, which ordered bars and restaurants to end face-to-face service between 10 pm and 4 am and limit indoor and outdoor gatherings to 10 people.
so Online addressGovernor Tim Walz also urged the public to wear masks, practice physical distance, wash their hands, and stay home if they feel unwell.
“This inevitably puts us in a crisis,” Waltz said. “But if we don’t do these things, we’ll certainly be there.”
According to Johns Hopkins COVID-19, the United States added 136,325 new COVID-19 cases yesterday, killing 1,415 people. Dashboard.. A total of 10,353,604 confirmed cases and 240,688 deaths since the outbreak of the pandemic.
Impact on Western and Midwest Hospitals
At a media briefing today by the Infectious Diseases Society of America, Andrew Pavia, MD and FIDSA, heads of the Department of Pediatric Infectious Diseases at the University of Utah School of Medicine, talked about how infectious diseases and hospitalization surges are affecting hospitals. explained. Midwest and western states that weren’t hit hard during the early spring and summer waves.
“The impact is huge,” Pavia said. “These are states where medical resources tend to be concentrated in some big cities.”
Pavia said hospitals are “extremely stressed” as current public health resources are overwhelmed in states such as Utah, where care is very prevalent. And it’s not just the capacity of the bed.
“One thing that many western states have in common is the relative shortage of people who need to take care of very ill people,” he said. “Across the region, people are facing a staffing crisis … the situation must be described as truly dire.”
Pavia explained that under normal circumstances, a hospital could have one full-time nurse per patient in the intensive care unit (ICU). However, at this time in many hospitals in the region, the ratio is 1 nurse and 4 or 5 ICU patients. In addition, many hospital-created overflow ICUs have clinicians who have not worked in the ICU for some time.
“To help someone survive such an illness, we need a great deal of care from highly skilled people,” he said. “And care isn’t very good because we need to spread these resources thinly.”
Utah, which enacted a state-wide mask mandate and temporarily suspended all school extracurricular activities earlier this week, reported 2,517 new coronavirus infections yesterday, continuing daily with more than 2,500 new cases. It was. Salt Lake Tribune.. Currently, 435 patients are hospitalized with COVID-19 in the state, and the number has been steadily increasing since October.
Meanwhile, the surge in hospitalizations in Iowa prompted Governor Kim Reynolds. order Mask obligations for large public meetings and restrictions on certain types of public meetings yesterday. Reynolds has rarely enforced coronavirus restrictions so far, but the state has reported more than 4,000 new cases a day for several days, and hospitalizations have increased by 84% in the past month, so the governor forgive. did not.
However, Eli Perencevich, MD, MS, an infectious disease specialist at the University of Iowa, Des Moines Register That Reynolds command is not enough. “If you’re fined, closing bars and indoor restaurants, canceling all after-school activities, closing schools, and banning meetings outside the family, what’s less than state-wide masking obligations is a curve It’s not effective in bending and saving money. Our hospital. ” “It’s a pig lipstick.”
New CDC position on the mask
In other US developments:
- The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) yesterday New document The cloth mask states that it provides protection for both the wearer and the surroundings from SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. The CDC’s previous position was that masks act as “source control” primarily by reducing the amount of viral particles that the wearer exhales. “Experimental and epidemiological data support community masking to reduce the spread of SARS-CoV-2,” CDC said. “The protective effect of masking comes from a combination of source control and personal protection for the mask wearer.”
- Biotechnology company Moderna Announced today Sufficient COVID-19 cases have occurred for the planned interim analysis of COVID-19 vaccine candidates. According to the company, the initial interim analysis is expected to include more than 53 cases, as case identification increased significantly across Phase 3 study sites last week. Phase 3 trials of mRNA vaccines will involve 30,000 participants.
- New York Governor Andrew Cuomo announced today that starting November 13th, private indoor and outdoor gatherings will be limited to 10 people, and gyms, bars and restaurants will need to close at 10 pm. New York Times Report.. The move, which was the epicenter of the US pandemic in the spring, was done to prevent the second wave of the state with the lowest infection rate in the country since then. The average positive rate for seven days in New York reached 2.43 today, the highest since June.
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