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Studies say restaurants, gyms and hotels are at highest risk for COVID-19


The reopening of restaurants poses the greatest risk of spreading COVID-19, according to a recent study that tracked nearly 100 million Americans on mobile phones.

Researchers at Stanford University and Northwestern University used anonymization Phone data From March 1st to May 2nd, we will map the movements of people in the 10 largest metropolitan areas in the United States, moving from their neighborhood to over 500,000 different destinations, including restaurants and places of worship. Then I overlaid the data on the model. How the virus spreads to determine the pattern of infection.

“When you think of restaurants, people stay there for a long time, and many of them are small places packed with people,” said Jelly Rescobeck, lead author of the study. Release Journal Nature Tuesday. “The density of people there is much larger than in grocery stores and department stores, which are not as packed as restaurants.”

Gyms, coffee shops, hotels and chapels are also more likely to get infected, but research shows that the risk is about one-quarter that of restaurants.

As the number of cases of COVID-19 increases nationwide, cities are setting new restrictions.In New York, Governor Andrew Cuomo on Wednesday Imposed a 10 pm limit At restaurants, bars and gyms. Measures were taken after new infections frequently traced visits to these types of venues, Kuomo said.

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In Chicago, researchers have found that only 10% of so-called points of interest (dense on-the-go sites from full-service restaurants to car dealerships) account for more than 80% of COVID-19 infections. .. Studies show that one-third of the U.S. population will be infected with COVID-19 within a month without restricting people’s circulation or implementing other containment measures. I will.

“This means that the virus spreads very quickly, and staying at home with social distance is an effective way to prevent the spread of the virus,” Rescobeck said.

Studies have shown that uptime caps are an effective resumption strategy.If Chicago restaurantFor example, according to Rescobeck, resuming at 20% volume reduces coronavirus infection by more than 80% compared to when it is completely occupied. On the other hand, these eateries only reduce the overall number of visits by 42%.

This is because the relationship between the expected infection and the number of visits is non-linear. “A slight reduction in visits can achieve a disproportionately large reduction in infection,” the author writes.

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“What we show very well is that early store openings aren’t all or zero. Reopening with reduced occupancy is a very effective way to reduce the number of infections.” Rescobeck said.

Studies have also shown that low-income earners are more susceptible to infection.It’s partly Less work from home, Or you need to have groceries delivered and contact more frequently with individuals who may be infected with COVID-19.

“In richer areas, people can stay at home,” said Rescobeck. “But people in poorer areas may have to go to work or they may not be able to afford food delivery.”


What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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