The best type of shampoo and conditioner for use on postpartum hair
Hair loss. Dry hair. Dull hair. All of this is what many new mothers are facing and may not have been ready after childbirth. After months of seemingly unstoppable growth, thickening, and looking great, there are sudden changes.Now i have A lump of hair that has fallen off Towels after washing, hair broken by brushing or combing, or even hair that looks flat.
What happened suddenly when the once bright lock, which had grown like a wildfire, suddenly turned around and stopped thickening, but also fell like autumn leaves from a tree? Like most things during pregnancy, hormonal changes are to blame. In this particular case, it is a rapid decrease in progesterone and estrogen. Pregnant skin specialist,that is Postpartum hair changes.. Fortunately, many of these conditions can be remedied with the help of certain shampoos and conditioners.
There are several types of shampoos and conditioners that can help here Hair fight after pregnancy.
1. Caffeine infused shampoo
Caffeine-injected shampoos and conditioners can dramatically stop hair loss.
According to a 2007 study published in Wiley online library, Caffeine provided “an important stimulus for hair follicle growth”. This resulted in “longer and wider follicles”. Health line, And a long-term window of hair growth.
Caffeine also helps trap water in the hair follicles. This helps to reconstruct the luster lost due to the dryness of the hair as a result of rapid changes in hormones.
2. Vitamin infusion shampoo and conditioner
Shampoos and conditioners that contain vitamins help grow the scalp and make healthy heThe most effective vitamins for hair recovery are:
- Vitamin A: Promotes hair growth.
- Vitamin E: Promotes hair growth.
- Vitamin C: Promotes collagen, which stimulates strong and healthy hair.
- Vitamin D: Promotes hair growth.
- B12 vitamins: Promotes hair growth.
- Biotin: Promotes hair growth.
Anti-dandruff shampoo
Anti-dandruff shampoo is also the best tool to use for hair loss. This is because many people contain pyrithion zinc. This helps prevent the occurrence of hair loss by blocking DHT, which is a known cause of hair loss, according to health lines.
3. Damage prevention shampoo
As a result of the loss of oil in the hair, the hair follicles can dry out and break on the crown, face, or in the middle of the hair. Strong hair.. To combat oil loss, shampoos that contain as little chemicals as possible should be used to prevent residual sebum (oil) from coming off the hair.
According to some of the ingredients to look for in a break prevention shampoo Hairstyle editor include:
- Coconut oil
- linseed
- Elasticin protein
- vitamin
Here are some things to avoid:
- Sodium laureth sulfate
- gluten
- Vaseline oil
- Mineral oil
4. Volumetric shampoo and conditioner
As a result of hormonal changes, the amount of hair can change dramatically.It may look like your hair is lost, but what happened Hair is thin Postpartum than during pregnancy. In this way, a voluminous shampoo can add body to the hair and restore the luster of the lost area.
by Good housekeepingA voluminous shampoo works because “the conditioner contains less moisturizing ingredients”. This prevents the hair from being squeezed by too many ingredients. Therefore, the hair does not curl easily and looks plump.
5. Paraben-free shampoo and conditioner
Many shampoos and conditioners contain parabens. This is to control the growth of bacteria and extend the shelf life of the product. However, the use of parabens is known to cause hair loss. Environmental Working Group.. This occurs as a result of the hormonal disturbances caused by parabens. And since the body has already experienced hormonal changes after pregnancy, it is best to avoid hair care products that contain parabens.
According to the most common parabens found in shampoos and conditioners Shampoo tree include:
- Butyl paraben
- Ethyl paraben
- Methylparaben
- Propyl paraben
- Isobutylparaben
6. Phthalate-free shampoo
Phthalate esters are endocrine disruptors. This means that these chemicals “interfere with the body’s endocrine (hormonal) system.” Top hair loss treatment.. Thus, while the body undergoes severe changes in hormonal balance after childbirth, phthalates can cause additional problems with hormonal imbalances.
Recent studies have shown that there may be a correlation between the use of products such as shampoos containing phthalates and hair loss. More research needs to be done, but if you are already suffering from hair loss, it is wise to avoid shampoos containing phthalates. Therefore, when reading the label, look for the term “fragrance”. If it is included, it means that phthalates are present and you need to choose another shampoo.
For postpartum hair, the good news is that hair loss, lack of thickness, and loss of luster appear to be permanent.For the majority of women, hormones eventually return to pre-pregnancy levels between 6 and 12 months after pregnancy birth.. Therefore, hang there. It may be a process, but in time the hair will re-grow and regain its thickness, returning the former pre-pregnant tufts of hair.
Source: Pregnant skin specialist, Health line, Wiley online library, he, Strong hair, Hairstyle editor, Good housekeeping, Environmental Working Group, Shampoo tree, Top hair loss treatment
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