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Learn from the flu to build trust in COVID Vax in the black community

Learn from the flu to build trust in COVID Vax in the black community


Since the new coronavirus that causes COVID-19 has become a global public health threat, it has been said that the pandemic will not end until a safe and effective vaccine is available. But what is a good vaccine if some people choose not to get it?

Recently the study Indicates that you are hesitant to get the vaccine.This reluctance is especially Racial minority -One of the most vulnerable to viruses.Half Black adult They say they won’t get the COVID-19 vaccine, but not because they’re concerned that it won’t work. Rather, they are worried that it may not be safe.

There are several reasons Behind the distrust Of vaccines between minority groups. Pandemic situations require a faster development process than usual and can foster the misconception that corners are being cut. Similarly, it is not clear whether vaccine trials include racially and ethnically diverse participant samples. People will feel more comfortable if the vaccine is tested with people who share a racial or ethnic background. Finally, the public health community has not yet overcome the deep-seated and legitimate federal anger of the African-American population. Tuskiggy syphilis research..

Overcoming these barriers is essential to ending the pandemic quickly. The vaccine development process is progressing rapidly. There is not enough time to convince people that the vaccine is safe and effective.

Several vaccine candidates are undergoing Phase III clinical trials. These vaccine sponsors may submit an Emergency License Application (EUA) to the FDA by the end of the year.Sponsor already Hundreds of millions of manufactures Of the dose to allow the federal government to begin distributing the vaccine 24hours Of EUA.

COVID-19 is not the first time that vaccine distrust has surfaced. Public health officials have been trying to overcome these same problems for decades. There is nothing but the influenza vaccine, which is one of the most commonly given vaccines.African Americans and Hispanics Decreased influenza vaccination rate From other demographics. Studies on the reasons for this disparity have identified potential solutions. These same solutions can be applied to the looming racial disparity of the COVID-19 vaccine.

1 Survey Dr. Sandra Claus Quinn, a specialist vaccine researcher, found that black patients recommend the flu vaccine over whites and are less likely to offer it on the same visit. This is the process of increasing utilization. Healthcare providers can also succeed in getting patients to get the flu vaccine if they can effectively educate them about how the vaccine can help reduce the health risks associated with influenza infection. This includes explaining how the vaccine works to patients who may not understand the vaccine. The gap in these knowledges related to vaccines is higher in the African-American community.

Ultimately, successful vaccination comes down to one thing: trust. Not just vaccines Medical system as a whole. Existing distrust is the product of systematic racism that has emerged throughout the healthcare system. Decades of persistent and deteriorating health inequalities Limit point In this pandemic. We have just begun to pay worthy attention to the end of institutional racism. This conversation should include ending health inequalities and structural inequality within the health care system.

To build trust, you need a trusted messenger. According to Quinn’s research, only about half of black patients trust their doctor “greatly” or “fully” for the flu vaccine. Culturally competent healthcare professionals can greatly help build trust.the patient More likely Trust the healthcare provider who looks and speaks like them. This confidence must be leveraged to successfully combat African-American distrust of the COVID-19 vaccine.

Transparency is also important for building trust. One of the biggest concerns raised because people are hesitant to get the vaccine is that the vaccine has not been tested against people with racial or ethnic demographics.For vaccine testing Racial representative Research group. Most importantly, the test results should include information about the racial makeup of the study population and whether the results vary by race. Did the side effects worsen in certain demographics? Were vaccination levels consistent across demographics? These are important questions to answer in order to build confidence in vaccines.

The pandemic does not end when the vaccine is approved, but when everyone is vaccinated. Those who are most in need of protection from the coronavirus will continue to be at risk unless they believe the vaccine is effective and safe.

Government plans to distribute the COVID-19 vaccine prioritize front-line healthcare workers and vulnerable people. However, vulnerable people are clearly reluctant to get the vaccine first.If we do not establish confidence in the vaccine, the COVID-19 pandemic will Disproportionately Strengthen systematic racism that affects colored races and has long created health inequalities in our country.

Mary I, MD, O’Connor, MDIs the chairman of Movement is life, A multi-stakeholder organization dedicated to promoting health fairness, is a professor of orthopedics and rehabilitation at Yale University School of Medicine in New Haven, Connecticut. O’Connor also Health inequalities podcast..


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