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A family member of a girl with neuroblastoma says Covid may not be treated because of a fundraising campaign.

A family member of a girl with neuroblastoma says Covid may not be treated because of a fundraising campaign.


The family is afraid that the pandemic will prevent their 4-year-old daughter from receiving the treatment she needs after being diagnosed with stage 4 cancer two days ago. Blockade..

Nellie-Rose Culleton receives rigorous treatment for neuroblastoma, a rare cancer that affects about 100 British children each year.

However, her family is struggling to raise the funds needed to send her for professional treatment. Coronavirus The blockade has hampered funding efforts.

The Nellie-Rose family is taking “smart, entertaining, and vibrant” children to New York for a life-saving vaccine that can prevent the recurrence of cancer.

Nellie-Rose Culleton receives rigorous treatment for neuroblastoma, a rare cancer that affects about 100 British children each year.

Nelly Rose was diagnosed with neuroblastoma two days before the UK was blocked in March.

However, the cost of treatment is £ 230,000, and the coronavirus pandemic severely limits funding efforts.

She is currently being treated, but by the end of spring, her family knows that the cancer is more likely to come back in the future, with a less than 10% chance of survival.

Mum Leighann Lynes, 28, from Maidstone, Kent, said finding out that her daughter had cancer was “catastrophic.”

The day before, Nelly Rose had a hard time walking, but doctors initially thought it was a frustrating waist.

However, two days before the country was closed in March, she was diagnosed with stage 4 neuroblastoma.

Lynes said: “I sat there and thought,” Oh, this is real, this is happening. ” It was, to be honest, one of the lowest moments in my life.

“I couldn’t believe what was happening to me. It was absolutely devastating.”

Mum Leighann Lynes, 28, and dad Gavin Culleton, from Maidstone, Kent, said it was “catastrophic” to know that her daughter had cancer.

When she had a hard time walking, her family was warned about Nelly Rose’s condition, and the doctor first thought it was a frustrating hip.Photo: With my uncle Sean Lines running part of a marathon with other groups to support fundraising activities

To make matters worse, the pandemic prevented Nelly Rose and her mother from leaving the room for a week, and her father was initially unable to visit.

They were finally allowed to go home with a chemotherapy treatment plan arranged for a local hospital.

“I think we couldn’t see my mother and my dad because we were blocked. I got the feeling of this fight almost out of nowhere.

“I blocked everything and focused on making sure Nelly would fight this.”

Throughout, Nelly Rose has bravely faced the painful treatments and turmoil of her life.

“Chemotherapy and everything like that is really difficult and tough, but there’s nothing that moves her in stages. She’s very strong and has a very strong will,” Lines said.

The Nellie-Rose family is raising money to take their daughter to New York for treatment, but the coronavirus pandemic severely limits funding efforts.

What is Neuroblastoma?

Neuroblastoma is a rare cancer that affects children and usually begins in the abdomen.

In the UK, about 100 children, usually under the age of 5, are diagnosed each year.

The disease affects about 800 new children each year in the United States.

In about half of the cases, neuroblastoma spreads to other parts of the body, especially the liver and skin.

The cause of neuroblastoma is unknown. There may be a family history link.

The main symptom is usually a lump in the abdomen, which can cause swelling, discomfort, and pain.

If the disease affects the spinal cord, it can lead to numbness, weakness, and lack of exercise in the lower body.

Treatment depends on the stage of the cancer and the risk of recurrence after treatment.

Surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy are commonly used.

Source: Cancer Research UK

“She just walked through all these steps and just got over it. She never asked me why or how, or said it was unfair.

“Before this, she absolutely loved nursery schools. She loves animals and loves being around people.”

Her treatment is scheduled to end in May, but Ms Lynes knows that neuroblastoma is likely to recur. If it recurs, the survival rate of the daughter will be less than one-tenth.

Experimental cancer vaccines are available at the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in Manhattan for approximately £ 230,000.

However, the second national blockade has hampered the family’s ability to raise the funds they urgently need.

“We were really, really lucky to support, but the blockade killed the hope that we could reach this money because we couldn’t raise money and do a bake sale.

“People like to invest in children, they come to see them, and we can’t do that, and many have lost their jobs,” she adds. I did.

“But at the same time, if I didn’t take her to this treatment, I would never forgive myself.”

The family is currently raising just over £ 35,000 against a goal of around £ 230,000.

Nellie-Rose’s uncle Sean Lynes and other groups are splitting the marathon between the two as part of a fundraising campaign. Preparation is only one month.

Access to Nellie-Rose fundraising activities here..

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