A new study shows that one can of energy drinks per day increases the risk of stillbirth by 27%.
According to experts, drinking one energy drink a day during pregnancy increases the risk of stillbirth by almost one-third.
Mothers who consume 100 mg or more of caffeine daily (half the recommended amount) have a 27% increased risk of losing their baby after 24 weeks.
The findings urged major charity Tommy’s to ask the government to revisit its official guidelines.
The NHS advises pregnant women to keep their caffeine intake below 200 mg daily, but the World Health Organization (WHO) has set a safety limit of 300 mg.
However, new discoveries from Tommy’s Center for Maternal Research suggest the risk of drinking caffeine, expecting it to be higher than experts believed.
Alexander Heasel, director of the University of Manchester and professor of obstetrics, said many women are unaware of the dangers of overdose of caffeine during pregnancy.
“Caffeine has long been in our diet and, like many of the things we like to eat and drink, can be very harmful, especially during pregnancy.” He said.
“People shouldn’t be worried about drinking coffee from time to time because it’s a relatively small risk, but it’s a risk that this study suggests that many are unaware.
“Anyone planning to have a baby should be aware that taking caffeine during pregnancy can increase the risk of stillbirth and other pregnancy complications.
“Therefore, it is important to reduce as much as possible. National guidelines need to be limits, not goals, and good enough to go beyond that.”
Caffeine poses a risk as it crosses the placenta, and the fetus is life-threatening because it cannot process stimulants like adults do.
Tommy’s scientists said women who drank energy drinks were almost twice as likely to suffer stillbirth.
The next worst criminal was coffee (1.34 times), followed by cola (1.23 times).
Professor Heazell’s team said further research is needed after acknowledging that it is impossible to separate the effects of caffeine from the effects of chemicals such as cola sugar and energy drink taurine.
They asked more than 1,000 mothers at 41 UK hospitals between 2014 and 2016 about caffeine consumption and other risk factors.
Tommy’s team found that 54.5% of women reduced caffeine during pregnancy, while 1 in 20 consumed more.
According to the researchers, most mothers would get caffeine from tea and there was no significant risk.
A 350ml cup contains about 75mg of caffeine.
According to Tommy’s team, an average can of energy drink contains 103 mg.
But that depends on the size of the can. A can of Monster Energy Drink contains 160 mg, but there are warnings that pregnant and lactating women should avoid it.
In comparison, a 250ml can of Red Bull contains 80mg of caffeine, which is about the same as a cup of coffee.
On the other hand, a 330 ml cola can contains about 32 mg.
No association was found between stillbirth and drinks such as filtered or decaffeinated coffee, chai, green tea and hot chocolate.
According to Tommy, their findings highlight a lack of awareness of the amount of caffeine in various drinks and the risk of overdrinking.
In the UK, one in 250 pregnancies ends in stillbirth. This can be caused by a variety of factors, including smoking, drinking, mother’s age, and ethnicity.
What is stillbirth?
Stillbirth is when a baby dies and is born 24 weeks after pregnancy. It occurs in 1 in 200 people in the United Kingdom.
If the baby dies 24 weeks ago, it is known as a miscarriage.
If you are pregnant and worried about your baby, for example, if you notice that your baby is moving less than usual, contact your midwife or doctor immediately. Please do not wait until the next day. If your baby isn’t moving much, it may indicate that something is wrong and you need to check out.
Some stillbirths are associated with placental complications, birth defects, or maternal health. For others, the cause is not found.
Break habits
Professor Heazell said it can be difficult to break habits, but there are switches that can be made.
He added: “Small things like switching to decaffeination or replacing sparkling drinks with fruit juice or squash can really help reduce risk.
“If you’re worried or confused, talk to your doctor or midwife, or use a tool such as Tommy’s Caffeine Calculator.”
The new study was published today in the European Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology.
A previous study published by Tommy’s in 2018 also found that 61% of women consume less caffeine after knowing how much it is “hidden” in a particular soft drink.
Charlotte Stirling-Reed, a registered nutritionist and mother of 3-year-old Raffy and 4-month-old Ada, said:
“It can be difficult to calculate consumption, and many people are just unaware of how much caffeine is in some of their favorite foods and drinks.
“All mothers want the best for their babies during pregnancy and beyond, so everything you can do to break the guidance and give practical tips on why and how to reduce it is really important.”
The UK’s stillbirth rate is 24th out of 49 high-income countries, but campaign participants want to educate their parents about risk, despite the government’s efforts to halve the stillbirth rate by 2025. I’m looking for more to do.
Tommy’s CEO, Jane Brewin, said eight babies are stillborn every day in the UK. The reason is often unrelated to diet and lifestyle, but there are things you can do to reduce your risk.
She added: “In this study, midwives and internet resources had the greatest impact on pregnant women’s caffeine consumption, so we need to make better use of midwives’ influence to support pregnant mothers.
“Risk is a complex concept to communicate, so healthcare professionals may need training to convey these messages.”
In August, another research paper concluded that women who are pregnant or looking for a baby should consider avoiding caffeine altogether.
This study, published in the journal BMJ Evidence Based Medicine, examined data from 37 observational studies.
In a study by Professor Jack James of Reykjavik University in Iceland, 32 of these studies reported that caffeine significantly increased the risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes such as stillbirth, miscarriage, and low birth weight. did.
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