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Research has begun on whether seaweed products can prevent Covid-19


Research has begun on whether nasal sprays that boots sell over-the-counter can prevent people infected with Covid-19.

< class="">< style="display:block;padding-top:53.3605%;"/>Fiona Houston, CEO of Mara Seaweed.
Fiona Houston, CEO of Mara Seaweed.

A study at Swansea University will examine the effectiveness of Boots Dual Defense, a nasal spray that sells for just £ 6 per 20ml bottle.

Sprays used to treat the symptoms of colds and the flu contain Iota Carrageenan, a type of seaweed.

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A human trial of 480 front-line NHS workers has begun in Swansea, with successful laboratory studies suggesting that Iota carrageenan can reduce the risk of Covid-19 infection.

< class="">< style="display:block;padding-top:66.6000%;"/>
Dr. Zita Jessop, Senior Researcher.

The new exam, named ICE-COVID, will be conducted by researchers at Swansea University and Professor Ron Eccles, a cold and flu expert at Cardiff University and former director of the Cold Center.

Dr. Zita Jessop, Principal Investigator and Clinician Scientist at Swansea University’s Clinical Trials, said:

“If the results of this randomized placebo-controlled clinical trial are positive as expected, this may add additional preventative strategies to the fight against Covid-19.”

Richard Evans, Executive Medical Director of the Swansea Bay University Health Commission, said: “We are pleased that the Swansea Bay University Health Commission can contribute to this research.

“While the potential for effective vaccines is imminent, it is still crucial to explore all the opportunities to explore new treatments for COVID-19 and we are delighted to be able to participate.

Nasal sprays form a gel when particles of the cold or flu virus enter the body and act as a barrier, reducing the potential for infection and the severity of symptoms.

The results of the ICE-COVID study are scheduled for March 2021.

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Fiona Houston, founder and CEO of Edinburgh-based seaweed producer Mara Seaweed, who harvests at Fif, said she wasn’t surprised to start the study because of the many natural health benefits of seaweed. ..

“It doesn’t surprise me at all. There is a lot of other science that shows that seaweed is full of wonderful properties that are good for human health,” she said.

She added: “Seaweed is rich in fiber and is very effective in controlling inflammation. It is a prebiotic that improves gut flora and improves overall health and the ability to prevent infections.

“Another amazing thing about seaweed is that it is rich in micronutrients, especially local seaweed, which affects overall health by promoting metabolism. Iodine, which is essential for thyroid function, and potassium and magnesium. , There is calcium.

“Seaweed has many wonderful properties, and unlike modern generations, our ancestors knew this and ate it. Since then, we have forgotten it.

“Most of the rest of the world wasn’t. Japanese and Koreans eat seaweed every day, and they have the longest-lived people with the lowest incidence of cancer.

“What seaweed does is take nutrients from the ocean and the sun and convert them into the most concentrated sources of minerals on the planet. No fertilizers, no soil depletion, no heavy machinery.”

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