Honor Health prepares for the first phase of COVID-19 vaccine distribution
Arizona should receive the first shipment of the COVID-19 vaccine by mid-December, and it’s time to solve the complex logistics for distribution.
On Friday, Honor Health had a dress rehearsal in the parking lot to deploy the vaccine. There, the car went through a process from check-in to a tent, where the driver rolled the window, presented his shoulders, and received a simulated vaccine shot.
Honor Health, which operates six hospitals in Maricopa County, has been assigned by the county to vaccinate health care workers and first-end responders in the northeastern part of the county. The county has designated five sites throughout the region, primarily to distribute the first stage of the vaccine to healthcare professionals.
The HonorHealth site is ready to vaccinate about 1,000 people daily. It is still unknown how many times the county will take it.
“We are really, really excited,” said John Pope, Chief Health Officer at HonorHealth Scottsdale Shea Medical Center, who has helped coordinate the clinical aspects of vaccination planning.
“Being caring for patients, I think it gives hope (to healthcare professionals). We help them continue to care for patients in our community and improve their health and well-being. First, I want to protect them, and to keep everyone safe until the entire community is vaccinated. “
Healthcare professionals and first responders go first
HonorHealth started with healthcare professionals and first responders inside and outside the organization, officials said.
A reservation is required to enter the site. HonorHealth prioritizes individuals based on COVID-19 risk and exposure so that the highest risk person is vaccinated first and then the lowest risk person is vaccinated as long as the dose allows. It is working.
Healthcare professionals and first responders have already begun answering questions about their duties and exposure to COVID-19 so that algorithms can be prioritized from high risk to low risk. I will. Individuals will be notified when it is their turn to schedule two doses.
The Pope said there are approximately 15,000 to 20,000 health care workers and first responders in the northeastern region of Maricopa County who may fall into the first vaccination phase. However, it is too early to know how many people can be vaccinated and when.
According to the county’s vaccine distribution plan, “Phase 1A” from December to early next year is aimed at healthcare professionals, emergency care services, long-term care, livelihood support, and skilled care facility staff and residents.
The county initially focused on immunizing 123,000 healthcare workers throughout the county, prioritizing them based on their risk of infection, but there may not be enough doses to do so. .. More vaccinations will be given as the federal government assigns additional vaccines to the states and the states give them to the counties. State Health Director Dr. Cara Christ said Friday that Arizona plans to 383,750 vaccinations in December.
According to the county’s plans, the general public may not be able to start vaccination until spring or summer. After Phase 1A, other health workers, law enforcement agencies, teachers, adults in collective environments, childcare workers, high risk, more than 65 individuals and essential workers, followed by critical workers and the general public There is.
The Pope said health care workers working near COVID-19 patients would be prioritized in the initial assignment. This could include people such as nurses, patient care technicians, respiratory therapists, and employees cleaning hospital rooms, he said.
First responders are at risk of COVID-19 infection because they are often in a situation where there are unknown or potentially infected people, especially given the high current community rates.
Large-scale logistics business
The logistics of vaccine distribution rehearsed at Honor Health reflect the complex task of understanding how to prioritize and distribute vaccines quickly and on a large scale.
The car will be pulled into a large parking lot and your booking will be confirmed. If you do not have a plan, we will leave. Those who are confirmed to be registered will be instructed to drive to one of the five tent stations. Each tent station can accommodate several cars.
A healthcare provider wearing full PPE asks the driver to turn off the car and verifys personal information. The pharmacist has already filled the syringe with the vaccine dose, so the vaccinated person only administers the shot. The car is then guided to a parking lot, where the patient waits for 15 minutes and immediately confirms that there are no harmful side effects. Then, a few weeks later, I’ll be back for a booster shot.
“This is a national directive, a percentage we haven’t seen since World War II,” said Todd Larson, vice president of workplace and public security at Honor Health, about a broader vaccination project. Larson oversees the safety and security of vaccine storage and storage.
“This involves federal, state, and local governments. It includes public security. It includes hospitals, clinicians, and healthcare professionals. It includes vaccines and pharmacies,” he said. It was. “The vaccination process is complex. We include site safety, traffic flow, security, and clinicians giving shots. Then wait 15 minutes to monitor them, then the event. Must be closed. “
According to Larson, the biggest challenge was the complexity of the event and all the moving parts that had to come together to flow smoothly and quickly. The practice helped work through traffic flow and staffing logistics to maximize efficiency and safety, he said.
We need 70-80 staff to hold the event daily, and we plan to vaccinate about 130 people per hour. Scottsdale and Phoenix emergency medical and law enforcement agencies go to the scene to address health, safety and security issues.
Since vaccines are expected to require ultra-low temperature storage, Honor Health purchased several ultra-low temperature freezers with padlocks in the building next to the drive-through area.
Bina Patel, director of the Honor Health Pharmacy Systems, simulated vaccination of drivers during an hour-long test run on Friday.
Wearing a mask, face shield and gloves, Patel acted as a “vaccine” vaccination driver who inhaled saline into a syringe and pulled it into a tent. No one was injected on Friday, but they got a band-aid and waited the required 15 minutes after being shot.
The second such dress rehearsal on Friday’s event went smoothly, Patel said. She said there were many planning meetings for this event and she was excited to start taking the COVID-19 vaccine soon.
Contact the reporter at [email protected] Or at 602-444-4282. Follow her on Twitter @alisteinbach..
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