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Dad, who died in Covid-19, was told to make a final call to his loved one before surgery

Dad, who died in Covid-19, was told to make a final call to his loved one before surgery


The three healthy, healthy fathers described the horrifying moment when Covid-19 was told to make a “last call” when he almost died.

Darren Butrick, 49, said he thought “this might be” because doctors warned that the body was “shut down” when the virus hijacked the lungs in March.

Darren, who lives in Coven, Staffordshire, recalled how he was called by the NHS and said he tested positive despite the absence of underlying illness.

“I remember seeing the news of the day. They said they were reporting the first 2,000 cases. Coronavirus In the UK – and I thought I was one of the first 2,000 people to have it. I thought I was really out of luck. ”

Darren, who works at O2, suspects he was infected with the virus while commuting to London for a business trip.

“I started to feel sick, it was just sick at first. Four days later, I was taken to Newcross by ambulance and the temperature was very high and I had difficulty breathing.

Darren Batric, 49, said Covid-19
Darren, 49, said Covid-19 was “healthy and healthy” but “almost killed me.”

“At that time, Covid wasn’t identified. It was so early in the pandemic that I honestly didn’t really think I got it.”

He quarantined himself, waited for the results of the Covid-19 test, and was called on March 17 and said to be positive.

Darren’s condition gradually deteriorated during the week until he slept early one night and began to become “dyspnea.”

“My daughter came and I heard me out of breath. She asked if I was okay. I asked her to take her mother. I could open my eyes. I couldn’t. I was scared.

Photograph of a suitable doctor for Covid who treated Darren
Photograph of a suitable doctor for Covid who treated Darren

“It was like being out of breath and strangling.”

He is taken to A & E, where he recalls being surrounded by PPE doctors and nurses and saying that he would take oxygen.

“But they said I passed it and my body started to shut down,” he said.

“They told me it would be intensive care in a ventilator and coma-they said they had no choice, and that was now the only way to save me.

“I was told that there is still a risk because it is an unknown virus.

“I was told I had 15 minutes while I was preparing to call and tell my loved one. I have to prepare myself that this could be my last call. Whatever I want to say , You are very, very ill.

“I was crying and begging them.’Don’t let me die.'”

“I was thinking, I might never wake up-this could be that.”

Darren had been on the ventilator for 6 days, but had side effects on her body when she removed it, so she had to use the ventilator again.

“The nurse told me it was okay, I survived, I was away from the ventilator.”

Darren was moved to another ward, where he spent another two days before being discharged home.

He says it took a good month to reach “about 90 percent of the mood” to recover afterwards.

Darren is trying to defeat the virus and make a 15th donation of antibody-rich “convalescent plasma,” which is being clinically tested as a treatment for other coronavirus patients.

Plasma is transfused into patients who have difficulty developing their own immune response. Antibodies can slow or stop the spread of the virus and can save lives.

“Now we can donate weekly, so we donate weekly for the past four weeks,” Darren said.

“For me, it was about giving back. The NHS saved me, I know how very ill I was. Asthma, heart problems, liver problems, people do it I think I’m prone to developing it, but I don’t have any underlying health problems and I’m not taking tablets. I’m going to the gym. “M Fit and health.

“But it hijacked my lungs. My official diagnosis was severe respiratory failure with Covid-19 pneumonia, which my discharge letter said.

“It can happen to anyone. I’m a normal middle-aged man, married to three children, healthy and healthy, with no underlying health, but almost died.

“Donating my plasma helped me overcome the emotions of having Covid and the bad ways I had it-it helped my emotional recovery.

“It’s a feeling of gratitude and helping others. I’ve donated 14 times now. 14 people avoid intensive care, coma, ventilators, and ultimately death I hope you helped.

“I will continue to donate until my body tells me I can’t.”


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