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No major hospital system required, but “strongly” encourages COVID-19 vaccine for employees

No major hospital system required, but “strongly” encourages COVID-19 vaccine for employees


Illinois’ major hospital system does not require employees to be vaccinated with COVID-19 with federal approval.

The first dose of the vaccine developed by Pfizer and BioNTech could reach the hospital as early as next week, launching a mass vaccination campaign in the hope that experts will mark the beginning of the end of the pandemic.

“This is an incredible landmark,” said Dr. Robert Citronberg, Executive Medical Director of Infectious Diseases and Prevention at Advocate Aurora Health. “The fact that this vaccine could be developed in such a short period of time is one of the great scientific achievements of our time.”

Limited vaccine supply means that hospitals will take direct care of COVID-19 patients and prioritize shots of health care workers who are at greatest risk of being infected with the virus. However, at this time, hospital leaders say they strongly encourage staff to receive doses.

“I don’t think we have enough information to mandate it,” Citronberg said. “I also don’t think it’s the right strategy at this point. Encouragement and education is a way to get people vaccinated. Now, in the coming months, that policy may change.”

The suburban Edward Elmhurst Health Hospital and Northwestern Medicine Hospital also do not force employees to be vaccinated. Advocate Aurora Health is one of the largest systems in the Midwest, with 10 hospitals in Illinois and 16 hospitals in Wisconsin.

Citronberg cited the lack of data on possible long-term effects, but the US Food and Drug Administration Advisory Board will meet to recommend a permit for emergency use.

“The vaccine is incredibly effective and prevents COVID in about 95% of people who get the vaccine,” said Citronberg. “It’s not without side effects. Vaccines are expected to have side effects, but there is no doubt that the benefits of vaccines far outweigh the risks.”

Reported effects of the double-dose Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine include muscle aches, arm pain, transient malaise, and fever, which are signs that the immune system is responding to vaccination, Citronberg said. Said.

“These are all good signs. There were no significant safety concerns reported in the trial, and in balance, this is a really really positive report on efficacy and safety,” he says. I did.

Advocate Aurora officials did not yet have details on the amount of vaccine the system would receive on its first shipment to Illinois and Wisconsin.

“We are really ready for what amount of vaccine will come in every state,” said Citronberg. “At this point, we are prioritizing vaccination for team members. When the vaccine becomes available within the next week, we will be ready and start immunizing team members.”

Throughout the system, hospital leaders reported treating a total of 960 COVID-19 patients as of Wednesday. This reflects a slight downward trend, but they are preparing for a comeback for the holidays.


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