Middlesex-Strengthening COVID-19 Limits in London
London, Ontario. -Ontario is expected to tighten COVID-19 restrictions in many areas on Friday, and Middlesex-London may be among them.
During Thursday’s daily COVID-19 briefing, Dr. Chris McKee, Health Medical Officer at the Middlesex-London Health Unit, said increasing cases could likely lead to more stringent limits.
The news comes as reported by the health unit A record number of new cases -52-2 days in a row.
Mackie says this is a milestone of concern and means that the community is again facing new levels of risk.
“We are very in the red at this point. In terms of the number of cases, we take 40 cases per 100,000 cases per week, which means that the population per day, we have 2 I’m at the stadium once. The number of cases needed to enter the red zone. “
In addition to the number of cases, other indicators of the transition to red are positive rates above 2.5%, recurrent and / or outbreaks, hospital capacity, and contact tracing capacity.
Ultimately, the state government will issue a decision to move to the red control level of the state’s COVID-19 compliant framework.
The change from the current Orange Restricted Zone to Red Control will further limit social gatherings, limit the scale of religious services, reduce restaurant capacity, change personal care services, and close cinemas.
The recording case number is also the next day Multiple new school cases Added.
But despite the fact that schools in five regions are dealing with the outbreak, McKee says closing schools before Christmas holidays is not what they are thinking about right now.
“We don’t see outbreaks in schools. Schools are safe and in fact safer than other schools.”
As for what drives the spread, McKee says it’s not one factor, but a combination of outbreaks, close contact with family, community spread, and several trips.
London Mayor Ed Holder says the restrictions only work if everyone works together.
“I said it before, I say it again, it’s up to us whether we choose to follow the rules.”
The more stringent restrictions included in the transition from orange to red include:
The limit for organized public meetings is reduced from 10 to 5 indoors
Up to 10 people indoors in restaurants, bars and event spaces without dance, singing or live music
The fitness studio has access to an exercise area or class for 10 people indoors and 25 people outdoors.
There is no team sport other than training (no scrim seriousness)
No athletic activity where individuals come within 2 meters of each other
Up to 10 people can sit in the food court of the mall
Retailers should maintain a distance of 2 meters between the stores in line
All cinemas and performing arts facilities are closed except drive-ins
Detail is Available here..
What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online
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