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New guidelines call for reducing the use of surgery to treat valvular heart disease


According to new guidelines, people with valvular heart disease have more treatment options to avoid surgery, except in the most severe cases.

A recommendation jointly developed by the American Heart Association and the American College of Cardiology to advise healthcare providers is more invasive for conditions in which the heart valves open and close normally and block blood flow in the heart. Wants to use low treatment. ..

People with severe valvular disease should be evaluated by a dedicated team to determine the best treatment, following guidelines co-published Thursday in the AHA Journal Circulation and the Journal of the American College of Cardiology. The new guidelines are updates to the last published guidelines in 2017.

“Current research and new technologies continue to transform the treatment of valvular heart disease as modern lifestyles and medication guidance have evolved and less invasive procedures have replaced traditional surgery in many patients. “Dr. Catherine Otto, co-chair of the Guidelines Development Committee, said in a news release. Otto is a J. Ward Kennedy-Hamilton Endowed Course in Cardiology at the University of Washington School of Medicine in Seattle, Professor of Medicine, and Director of the Cardiac Valve Clinic.

About half of all people over the age of 65 have some form of valvular heart disease. Stenosis can cause the valve to narrow or stiffen, limiting blood flow. Regurgitation causes the valve to leak and blood to flow back into another heart chamber. Untreated valvular heart disease can lead to heart failure and death.

Over the past few years, there has been a growth in less invasive treatment options for people with these conditions. Stenosis can now be treated with catheter-based valve replacement instead of surgery. There are also less risky and more durable treatments for repairing or replacing “leaky” valves that are involved in regurgitation.

Those with severe valvular heart disease who need valve repair or replacement should be evaluated according to guidelines by a dedicated team working with a primary or comprehensive valve center. These facilities have the resources and capabilities to perform a wider range of procedures.

The new guidelines were written to help physicians keep up with rapidly changing areas, said Dr. Rick A. Nishimura, co-chair of the Guidelines Development Committee.

“Today, medical knowledge can explode and overwhelm clinicians,” Nishimura said in a news release. He is Professor Judd and Mary Morris Layton of Cardiovascular Disease at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. “This is especially true in the area of ​​valvular heart disease, where multiple trials are rapidly conducted and released, making it very difficult for individual clinicians to keep up with the optimal treatment for each particular patient. Become.”

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