Pregnant women can be vaccinated with COVID-19 vaccine
December 18, 2020-Pregnant or lactating mother wanting COVID-19 vaccine According to experts, you need to get one.
According to guidance from the CDC, the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ACOG), and the Maternal and Fetal Medicine Association, this is true despite the lack of safety data in these groups.
Pregnant women who choose not to be vaccinated should also support the decision, the ACOG practice recommendations recommend.
In addition, women do not have to avoid get pregnant After receiving Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine, according to the CDC. The FDA issued an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for the vaccine on December 11.
Researchers excluded pregnant women from the vaccine Clinical trialExperts believe that non-live vaccine mRNA vaccines are “less likely to pose a risk to pregnant people” and “not considered a risk”. Breastfeeding Toddlers, “says the CDC.
At the same time, the absolute risk of severe illness is low, but pregnant women may be at high risk of severe COVID-19. COVID-19 may also increase the risk of serious pregnancy outcomes such as preterm birth.
“If pregnant people are part of a group that is recommended to be vaccinated with COVID-19 (for example, healthcare professionals), they may choose to be vaccinated,” the CDC said. I will. According to the guidance, patients can consult their healthcare provider if they need more information.
Recognize side effects and uncertainty
ACOG’s recommendations support that approach. The group says it expects the safety profile to be similar to other groups, even if the vaccine has not been tested in pregnant women. However, they added as a warning, “There are no safety data specific to the use of mRNA vaccines in pregnant or lactating individuals, and the potential risk to pregnant individuals and the foetation is unknown.” ..
In clinical trials, some participants were mild influenza-Reactions at the point of firing, malaise, chills, muscle and joint pain, like post-vaccination symptoms, headache.. In participants aged 18-55 years, fever above 100.4 F occurred in 3.7% after the first dose and in 15.8% after the second dose. Most symptoms ended in a few days.
Pregnant women need to treat fever AcetaminophenAccording to ACOG guidance, “fever is associated with the negative effects of pregnancy.” This drug is safe to use during pregnancy and is unlikely to affect the vaccine. Patients may also treat side effects of other vaccines with acetaminophen, such as pain at the point of injection.
More data expected
According to the CDC, data from animal studies are expected soon. Pharmaceutical companies are also following people who participated in clinical trials that became pregnant during the study.
Pregnant women and their physicians weigh the extent of COVID-19 infection in the community, the risk of patients infected with COVID-19, the risk of COVID-19 to patients and babies, the effectiveness of the vaccine and its aspects, etc. is needed.Impact, and lack of data during COVID-19 vaccination pregnancy..
The Maternal-Fetal Medicine Society recommends making the COVID-19 vaccine generally available to pregnant and lactating mothers and recommends including these groups in vaccine trials. The academy suggests that medical professionals “advise patients that the theoretical risk of fetal harm from mRNA vaccines is very low.” This week, we unveiled resources for doctors and patients focusing on COVID-19 vaccination and pregnancy.
In a review published online on December 10th American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology MFM“There is a theoretical risk of harm to the fetus from untested medical intervention, which is the same with the COVID-19 vaccine,” said Amanda M. Craig, MD, MD, MD, of the Duke University Health System in Durham, NC. “.
“Will pregnant individuals work with obstetric donors to weigh the potential risk of severe maternal disease against the unknown risk of fetal exposure and accept the vaccine until pregnancy safety data are available?” You should be given the opportunity to make autonomous decisions about what to do, “they write.
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