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Oregon Nursing Home Starts Vaccination with COVID-19

Oregon Nursing Home Starts Vaccination with COVID-19
Oregon Nursing Home Starts Vaccination with COVID-19


Healthcare professionals will receive the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine at the Women & Infants Hospital in RI Providence. Residents and employees of the first Oregon nursing home will begin receiving the vaccine on Monday.

Healthcare professionals will receive the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine at the Women & Infants Hospital in RI Providence. Residents and employees of the first Oregon nursing home will begin receiving the vaccine on Monday.

David Goldman / AP

Staff and residents of Oregon’s first nursing home were vaccinated against Pfizer coronavirus on Monday.

The vaccine is available at most nursing homes and assisted living facilities in Oregon through partnerships with the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and pharmacy chains such as CVS and Walgreens, which transport and manage shots.

Oregon chose to use 10,725 doses from the initial allocation to start the program.Marquis Companies, which operates many elderly care facilities in Oregon, also said that it was a Pfizer vaccine. to start Vaccination people today.

The vaccine provides some help to some of Oregon’s vulnerable populations, members of demographic groups most likely to die during a pandemic, and workers who care for them daily.

Caregivers make up a small portion of Oregon’s population, but account for about half of the state’s deaths from COVID-19.

The first institutional group to vaccinate on Monday is Rose Villa Senior Living, a retired community of about 300 people in Oak Grove, just south of Portland.

Vassar Byrd, CEO of a nonprofit organization, said: “Everyone is just excited.”

CVS pharmacist Carrie Barfield (left) will vaccinate Rosevilla receptionist Nancy Daniels with the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine on Monday, December 21, 2020.  145 staff and 35 24-hour care residents.

CVS pharmacist Carrie Barfield (left) will vaccinate Rosevilla receptionist Nancy Daniels with the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine on Monday, December 21, 2020. 145 staff and 35 24-hour care residents.

Kristyna Wentz-Graff / OPB

Bird said he learned on Friday that CVS would bring the vaccine to Rosevilla on Monday after a few weeks of preparation. To get ready, Rose Villa needed to create a physically distant station where four travel pharmacy staff could administer the vaccine.

Bride estimates that about 180 people, including 145 staff and 35 residents, will be vaccinated. All staff at the facility, including health care providers, restaurant workers, transportation drivers, and housekeeping staff, are eligible to receive the vaccine.

Only those who have been cared for through Rosevilla’s licensed nursing services are vaccinated.

The state, along with other healthcare professionals, has chosen to include a wide range of nursing home staff in the so-called “1A” group, which prioritizes first vaccination. Residents of nursing homes are also part of that 1A priority group.

However, in Oregon, the dose of vaccine available to everyone, which is considered a top priority, is not yet sufficient.State Vaccine sequencing program Let’s take a closer look at who will be treated first in the 1A group.

Blanca Rokstad, CNA of Rose Villa, Portland, shows vaccination records after vaccination with Pfizer COVID-19 on Monday, December 21, 2020.  145 staff and 35 24-hour care residents.

Blanca Rokstad, CNA of Rose Villa, Portland, shows vaccination records after vaccination with Pfizer COVID-19 on Monday, December 21, 2020. 145 staff and 35 24-hour care residents.

Kristyna Wentz-Graff / OPB

There are several types of licensed care facilities in Oregon. The sequencing program specifies that the first available dose will be sent to residents in two categories: nursing homes and memory care facilities. Residents receiving livelihood support are eligible to ship the vaccine later.

In preparation for the vaccination clinic, Rose Villa investigated the staff. 70% said they would be vaccinated soon, 20% asked for more information and 10% chose not to be vaccinated.

According to Bird, vaccination may change in the future, but so far Rosevilla does not require staff to be vaccinated. Rosevilla focuses on educating people about vaccines and encouraging staff and residents to ask questions and discuss with doctors.

“It’s a matter of personal autonomy in some respects,” Bird said. “And I respect the ability of those who make that choice. At the same time, if I can’t secure myself in that environment, at some point I may not be able to work with a frail elderly person. . “

This story will be updated.

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