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Why Obese People Tend to COVID 19 Like Infections: Treat Root Causes

Why Obese People Tend to COVID 19 Like Infections: Treat Root Causes
Why Obese People Tend to COVID 19 Like Infections: Treat Root Causes



Dr. K. Ravikanth, Surgical Gastroenterologist, Laparoscopic and Obesity Surgeon, ENDOCARE Hospital – Vijayawada

Obese people infected with COVID 19 are 48% more likely to die, 74% more likely to need an ICU, and 113% more likely to be hospitalized than people of normal weight. These amazing statistics were inferred from data from approximately 40,000 rupees of COVID-19 patients studied by an international team of researchers.1..

In addition to COVID-19, obese people are vulnerable to all types of infections and illnesses due to their weakened immunity.

Have you ever wondered why?

When our body is under attack by viruses and bacteria, our body’s immune system causes “good” inflammation. This is the first wave of defense against intruders.However, the fat cells in our body can mimic such inflammation and can mislead our defense mechanisms.2..

Excess fat cells in obese people constantly create and amplify fake news of external attacks, tricking our body’s security forces (immune system) into 24-hour vigilance, even in the absence of real threats. I will not neglect.

As you can imagine, the endless inflammation caused by obesity stresses and weakens the immune system when there is a real seizure, increasing the risk of chronic and serious illness.3..

Is there a solution … is there a chance to fully regain our immunity?

Yes, medicine says. And understanding obesity is an important first step in this pursuit.

Definition of obesity:

Obesity isn’t just measured by your weight. The Body Mass Index (BMI), which measures weight in relation to height, is commonly used to determine obesity and its severity.

The World Health Organization (WHO) considers BMI greater than 30 to be Class 1 obesityFour.. A BMI greater than 35 is Class II, or severe obesity, and a BMI greater than 40 is Class III, or severe obesity.Five..

Diet and Exercise-Do They Work?

Widespread but outdated weight loss guidance gives the false impression that relatively modest dietary changes consistently and progressively result in significant weight loss.6..

A simple approach to the treatment of obesity focused on a restricted diet or increased exercise does not provide help to people suffering from severe obesity7..

In addition, observations have been documented that for patients with a BMI greater than 35, the chances of reaching normal weight over the long term with diet and exercise alone are less than 1%.8..

This is not due to lack of willpower or the wrong diet followed by people suffering from obesity. Obesity is a complex and multifactorial illness that requires professional medical assistance to overcome it.

What is the solution?

If you’ve tried lifestyle changes, dieting, exercising, etc., but you don’t lose much weight or you can’t prevent weight loss for a long time, it’s a good idea to consult a qualified obesity specialist.

Minimally invasive weight loss surgery may be an option if BMI is greater than 32.5 for type 2 diabetes or other obesity-related comorbidities.Or if your BMI is 37.5 or higher without comorbidities9..

Thanks to COVID 19, many doctors offer online consultation. You can make an appointment wherever you like and discuss obesity issues with a specialist at home.

Don’t fall victim to obesity or its stigma. Obesity can be treated with lasting consequences. Now is the time to act on it!

Disclaimer: This article is sponsored by J & J for the public good. The views and opinions expressed in the articles by the participating physicians are based on the judgment of their independent experts. J & J (P) Ltd., BCCL and its group publications are not responsible for the accuracy or consequences of adhering to the views of the experts.

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2Milner JJ, Beck MA. The effect of obesity on the immune response to infection. Proc Nutr Soc. May 2012; 71 (2): 298-306. Doi: 10.1017 / S0029665112000158. Epub 2012 March 14th. PMID: 22414338; PMCID: PMC4791086.

3J. Dobner, S. Kaser, Body Mass Index and Risk of Infection-From Underweight to Obesity, Clinical Microbiology and Infection, Vol. 24, No. 1, 2018, pp. 24-28, ISSN 1198-743X



6Hall KD, Kahan S. Maintaining lost weight and long-term management of obesity. Med Clin North Am. 2018; 102 (1): 183-197. doi: 10.1016 / j.mcna.2017.08.012




Disclaimer: Content created by Dr. Ravicans


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