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Indiana black doctor died of COVID-19 after publicly appealing for racist treatment in hospital


“I don’t trust this hospital,” said Dr. Susan Moore from her hospital bed in Indiana, through an oxygen tube connected to her nose. “It’s not the way you treat patients.”

Moore, a doctor in Indianapolis who was being treated COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection) (# If there is no character limit, add parentheses when it first appears He died of a virus this week at Indiana University Hospital North.Earlier this month she posted Video to Facebook She shared her belief that she was black and did not receive proper medical care.

Moore tested positive for the coronavirus on November 29, stating that her symptoms included high respiratory rate, high heart rate, high fever, and hemoptysis. She described the difficult battles she faced when receiving medical treatment from white doctors and nurses in the hospital. This includes soliciting the antiviral drug remdesivir, waiting time for painkillers, and requesting a CT scan of the chest to prove that the pain is genuine.

She said her scan detected pulmonary infiltrates and inflamed lymph nodes, but she kept waiting for painkillers for hours.

“All I know is that I’m in severe pain,” Moore said in a tragic video, adding that the doctor downplayed her pain. “”[The doctor] I felt like a drug addict and he knew I was a doctor. ”

She spoke to the patient’s advocate and said she told her she couldn’t do anything. She asked to be transferred to another hospital, but she was told she should just go home.

“This is how blacks are killed,” Moore said. “When you send them home and they don’t know how to fight for themselves.”

As a doctor, Moore knew exactly what to look for, but her condition deteriorated and she struggled to keep asserting herself.

“I’ve put it forward and insist that if I were white, I wouldn’t have to experience it,” Moore said. “And [the doctor] I didn’t come back and apologize. ”

Moore was eventually sent home, but within 12 hours she had a fever and her blood pressure plummeted, so she returned to the hospital.

A photo of Dr. Susan Moore shared by Alicia Sanders and Rashad Elby, who organized GoFundMe for their families.


“They were trying to kill me. Obviously, everyone must agree to fire me soon,” she wrote. “They are currently treating bacterial pneumonia and covid pneumonia.”

Like COVID-19, Moore’s story has become very common to black Americans. Disproportionately Devastate the black community across the country. Black Americans are 4.7 times more likely to be hospitalized with COVID-19 than White Americans, 3x chance Die from the virus.

according to GoFundMe Moore’s 19-year-old son, Henry Muhammad, founded to cover the costs of her family, is “healthy” but now has to deal with her death and her grandparents’ dementia. Dr. Moore was the only donor in the family.

Dr. Susan Moore and her 19-year-old son, Henry Muhammad.


Henry was previously enrolled at Indiana University to study biochemistry and mathematics, but withheld school education to take care of his mother and grandparents. According to the latest information from GoFundMe, some of the money will be used to continue his schooling.

“Susan was a phenomenal doctor,” the organizer said in a statement. “She loved medical practice, loved to be a member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, loved helping people, and didn’t apologize for it.”

In a Facebook post by Moore, she said the hospital’s chief medical officer would receive diversity training for her staff, and she would receive an apology from the doctor who was treating her.

“I’m very sad to hear about Dr. Susan Moore’s death, and our hearts are directed at her friends and family,” the hospital said in a statement Wednesday.

“As an organization working to reduce fairness and racial disparity in healthcare, we take discrimination accusations very seriously and investigate all allegations. Treatment options are provided by healthcare professionals in a variety of disciplines. Often agreed and considered, we support that effort. Caregiver expertise and the quality of care provided to patients daily. ”


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