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Dan Brennan: What you need to know about COVID-19 | Your health Instant news
Test, test, test.
It is on our mind. We are all wondering how the test will help us out of the Corona / COVID-19 virus crisis.
There are two types of COVID-19 tests to know: nasal smear test and antibody blood test.
Nasal smear test
A nose swab test can determine if you currently have COVID-19.
The COVID-19 nasal swab test requires that the swab be pushed deep into the nasal cavity.
For those who have experienced discomfort from swabs that enter the nasal cavity, respiratory secretions are tested for the presence of the COVID-19 virus.
A positive nasal smear test means you have COVID-19. A negative test means that you may not have COVID-19.
Unfortunately, some nose swab tests have a false negative rate of up to 30 percent. This means that many who test “negative” for COVID-19 are already suffering from this disease.
Antibody blood test
An antibody blood test can determine whether you have COVID-19.
This is called an “antibody” or “serology” test, and this test is a test of whether your immune system produces specific IgM and IgG antibodies.
A positive antibody test shows that you have immunity to COVID-19. A negative antibody test shows that you do not have immunity to COVID-19, either because you have not had an infection or that your immune system has not created immunity.
The first generation of antibody testing was introduced. It takes time to understand the reliability of this test.
What are antibodies?
Antibodies are proteins your body makes to fight germs.
What is IgM?
IgM, also known as Immunoglobulin M, is an antibody that is produced by the immune system when your body first exposes germs. Your IgM level will rise for a short period of time. These levels will start to decrease when your body produces another antibody called IgG.
What is IgG?
IgG, also known as Immunoglobulin G, is an antibody that provides you with long-term protection.
The first generation of the antibody test kit.
IgG antibodies protect you from infection by “remembering” your germs before. If you have IgG antibodies to some germs and you are exposed to them, your immune system knows to attack them.
Your doctor can test IgG to see if you have a specific virus.
We know that not all immune systems are the same. While some people who get COVID-19 will develop a strong immune response and make IgG antibodies, others may not.
What are the benefits of testing?
Doctors benefit from reliable, real-time testing to diagnose and treat their patients.
The test is required by public health officials to determine the level of disease in a community. Our antibody test will determine who has been infected and who has immunity to COVID-19. What was accomplished within a few weeks is just a medical miracle.
What are some test limitations?
While we want to get out of isolation, we haven’t gotten there yet. Even after extensive testing, we still have to be patient.
We do not know how accurate the first generation antibody test. We don’t know how long a person’s COGID-19 IgG immunity will last. We don’t know if COVID-19 will change in a way that allows someone to be re-infected with a mutated virus type.
It takes time to take tests, collect data, perform further tests, calculate numbers, and draw accurate scientific results.
It is important to know the accuracy of our tests before making important policy decisions, such as when “immune” workers are safely released in the workforce.
Is there a chance COVID-19 was arrested last fall?
We had a severe cold and flu last fall. Some people ask if a flu-like illness in November was really COVID-19. I have heard optimistic speculation that California citizens may already be immune.
While I really hope this is true, I think it is very unlikely. This is why.
California residents will not have immunity against COVID-19 in November. If COVID-19 circulates, the virus will spread quickly and our emergency room and intensive care unit will be filled with acute respiratory disease. There will be unjustified death. The doctor will take care of that.
After starting the antibody test, we will have a better idea of how many sick and immune California citizens. Until then, we all need to follow for narrow distances.
When does everything return to “normal”?
I wish I knew that, but I did not know.
Unless the virus disappears as the seasons change, we should expect some element of social distance until an effective vaccine or treatment is found. If you feel that your community has not been severely affected, rely on your neighbors for social action.
California has taken many radical steps from the start, and I think this has helped delay a significant increase.
The word “Delay” is the keyword. COVID-19 here. Because testing is limited, our data is not strong. It should be assumed that the number of actual cases is greater than the number of reported positive tests. I’m not saying this to cause anxiety, but because it is important for all of us to continue the social distance so that more data can be collected.
Until we apply diagnostic tests and extended antibody tests, we will not have data to know our “curves” and where we are on the “curves”.
California has not yet reached its climax. Because of the social distance, it seems that we curve the curve to its peak in May or June.
Scientific data will come. The better the data, the more accurate our model will be. We must be patient and follow the flag.
good news
The good news for us is that in other parts of the world in the next few months. We have the ability to incorporate their data and expertise into our planning.
California has announced that a more comprehensive nose test is still ongoing. Antibody test will be available soon. More testing means more data to come.
Our medical and scientific community is united, cooperative, and moving at a low speed. Treatments and vaccines are actively studied.
Although it may seem time, but testing and maintenance is slow, they are not.
Look for the silver layer
Take this time to be present with your loved one. slowly. More aware. Eat three times together. Clean backgammon. Puzzles. Enjoy a family movie night with popcorn. Laughs. Find the silver lining and talk to your children. You may not get another chance like this.
Turn off TV news coverage 24/7. The death sequences are cause for concern. Joking back and forth leaves us with unrealistic expectations and timetables.
Let’s continue to do our part to smooth the curve while staying at home and reduce shopping and shopping trips.
Let our scientists and epidemiologists experts at the time they need to collect and sort data.
Together, we will follow the scientific path of the COVID-19 crisis.
– Dr. & Brennan, a certified pediatrician at Sansum Clinic, thanks you for staying home to protect your tribe and helps prevent the spread of COVID-19. Please call the doctor at 805,563.6211. [email protected] Or visit
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