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Studies provide tips on why pregnancy can increase the risk of organ transplant rejection

Studies provide tips on why pregnancy can increase the risk of organ transplant rejection


A study from the University of Chicago shows that during pregnancy, the response of T cells to the foetation is tolerant and can lead to a successful pregnancy, but it sensitizes part of the immune system that produces the humoral response known as antibodies. .. Development of memory B cells that can later help reject organ transplants.

by News-Medical.NetThe results of this study, published yesterday in the Journal of Clinical Investigation, help clarify why the immune system can tolerate the foetation during pregnancy, but can later turn attention to organ transplants and reject them. The sex will be higher.

The immune system is designed to respond and defend against foreign invaders. It recognizes molecules on foreign cells identified as antigens, generates T cells to target foreign cells, enhances the immune response that directly attacks, enhances memory B cells that produce antibodies, and others. Identify foreign cells for damage caused by blood cells.

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Science Times-Research provides hints on why pregnancy can increase the risk of organ transplant rejection

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According to a study by the University of Chicago, the T cell response to the foetation is tolerant during pregnancy, which can lead to a successful pregnancy.

Increased risk of refusal

In most cases, the above system is very beneficial, but during pregnancy it shares only 50% of the genes with the mother and avoids fetal rejection that shows foreign antigens to the mother’s immune system. Needs some adaptation.

This has inconsistent effects and increases the risk of rejection of the transplanted organ after the mother gives birth, especially if the transplanted organ, such as the kidney, is from the father of the child.

This new stud is essentially inspired by previous studies, showing that T cells are now tolerated during pregnancy. That is, they do not respond to fetal antigens.

this New research Inspired by previous studies showing that T cells become tolerated during pregnancy, that is, they do not respond to fetal antigens.

According to Dr. Anita Chung, a professor of surgery at the University of Chicago, the co-lead author of the study states that pregnancy is considered a sensitization “this was paradoxical to the transplant field.”

Chung also said he wanted to know why the pregnancy caused sensitization to the transplanted organs.Allogeneic transplant“From a male partner, it has improved resistance to the fetus and carries the same antigens.

Science Times-Research provides hints on why pregnancy can increase the risk of organ transplant rejection

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The lead author of this study said he wanted to know why pregnancy caused sensitization to transplanted organs. This is also called an “allotransplantation” from a male partner, but it has improved resistance to the same antigen-carrying foetation.

Study of immune response

In the above study, the authors of the study evaluated the immune response of female rats after receiving a “heart transplanted from one of their offspring.”

By following both T cells Responses and humoral responses, they can track both arms of the immune response and investigate their effect on transplant rejection.

Researchers also saw that T cells did not respond to organ transplants, Memory B cells Antibodies to foreign antigens were generated from heart transplants.

Chung explained that it is important for mothers to produce antibodies against infectious pathogens during pregnancy and lactation, so pregnancy cannot proceed to completely eliminate humoral reactions.

This is the only immunity that a mother can transfer to her child. Therefore, the immune system is tuned to make antibodies against the abnormalities during this period. This includes those carried by the foetation.

As a result, the placenta has evolved methods of managing such antibodies to avoid fetal rejection in subsequent pregnancies. Such findings are a promising start for the prevention of transplant rejection in later pregnant people.

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