Identical twins are not always genetically identical, according to a new study ::

CNN — The same twins may not be as identical as we thought. Icelandic researchers have discovered genetic differences that begin early in embryogenesis.
Scientists have long used the study of identical twins to study the effects of nature and nurturing. Since they share the same gene, it is accepted that such physical or behavioral differences between siblings must be due to external influences.
But that may not be the case, a new study published Thursday in the journal Nature Genetics suggested.
Monozygotic twins come from a single fertilized egg, or zygote.
In any embryo, cell division can cause mutations, but this type of genetic difference has not previously been measured between identical twins.
Over the course of a four-year study, a team of Icelandic researchers from Reykjavik’s biopharmacy company DeCode Genetics found that singing or singing twins have genetic differences that begin early in embryogenesis. I found that.
Scientists have sequenced the genomes of 387 pairs of identical twins and their parents, spouses, and children to track mutation differences. The authors found that twins differ by an average of 5.2 early developmental mutations.
In about 15% of twin pairs, one sibling had many of these mutations that the other twin did not have.
A gene mutation is an error or change in DNA. Mutations occur when the genetic code sequence is broken or changed in some way. Most mutations are harmless, but some are serious and can lead to diseases such as cancer. Mutations can also affect physical attributes such as hair color.
This is not the first study to suggest a difference between so-called identical twins. A paper published in The American Journal of Human Genetics in 2008 revealed some genetic differences between siblings. But new research has taken a step beyond that by including the DNA of extended families.
Genetic difference
Some of the subjects of the study revealed surprising differences, the study co-author Cali Stephanson told CNN.
“We found a pair of identical twins that were found in all cells of one body but not at all in the other twin. Then, mutations were found in all cells of the body. I found the twins I found, one twin, but only 20% of the cells in the other, “said Stephenson, founder and CEO of DeCode Genetics, a subsidiary of the US pharmaceutical company Amgen. ..
The significance of this is important because, according to Stephenson, the study concluded that the “role of genetic factors” in shaping the observed differences between identical twins was “underestimated.” ..
He acknowledged that both science and the wider society are fascinated by singing twins, adding that “the connection between icing twins is magical.”
But his team’s work is more about splitting than integrating them.
“Imagine that identical twins are raised apart. If one of them develops autism, the classical interpretation is due to environmental factors, but our job is Before concluding that it was caused by the environment, the twin genomes for understanding the cause of autism. “
The “mutation differences” he told CNN can cause a variety of “catastrophic childhood illnesses,” including severe epilepsy and various metabolic disorders.
“It’s absolutely amazing that a significant proportion of such horrific syndromes in very early childhood are due to genomic mutations,” he said.
“This is an extraordinarily exciting and insightful effort to identify the early cellular mechanisms that explain the genetic differences in MZ (monozygotic) twins,” said the twins at California State University, Fullerton. Nancy Seagull, the author of the study and a professor of psychology, said. I am involved in research.
“It is well known that MZ twins do not show complete similarities and some dissimilarities may reflect genetic differences. This study describes the causes of differences in MZ twins. We will provide new information, “said Segal, who is also the director. CSU Twin Study Center.
The study “did not deny environmental factors in early and late development,” she added, but showed that “some twin models underestimate genetic effects and require modification.” ..
According to Segal, the study also questioned how the findings should be applied, including whether to intervene before birth to correct a particular genetic disorder.
“There are many intriguing questions raised by this extraordinary study,” she said.
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