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Abnormal vaginal discharge can be a sign of cervical cancer

Abnormal vaginal discharge can be a sign of cervical cancer


Did you know that abnormal vaginal bleeding or secretions can be a warning sign for cervical cancer? India accounts for almost a quarter of the world’s cervical cancer deaths, with 60,078 deaths and 96,922 new cases in 2018. Most of these preventable diseases cancer Mortality rate of women in India. Read again- Cervical cancer may soon be a thing of the past

Cervical cancer contributes 29% of all cancers in women

According to the Indian Journal of Medical Pediatric Oncology, cervical cancer accounts for about 6-29 percent of all cancers in women in India. The age-adjusted incidence of cervical cancer varies widely between registries. The highest is 23.07 / 1,00,000 in Mizoram and the lowest is 4.91 / 1,00,000 in the Dibrugarh district. Read again- Cervical cancer: knowing risk factors to prevent the condition

Why is cervical cancer increasing?

Cervical cancer is fairly preventable, but the reason for its high incidence is the lack of awareness in women. In addition, if diagnosed early, cervical cancer can be well treated and often cured. Therefore, it is equally important to pay attention to the warning signs of cervical cancer. Cervical cancer may not cause symptoms at first (in the case of precancerous or early cancer), but may later affect pelvic pain or vaginal bleeding. Read again- HPV infection: a natural way to control symptoms

This is 10 warning signs Of cervical cancer you should never ignore:

– Vaginal itching and burning sensation

It is important for you that you pay attention to your body and know what is normal for you. If you are experiencing an unusual burning sensation and itching in and around your vaginal area, you must take this seriously.

– Back pain or abdominal pain

Are you suffering from chronic abdominal pain that is just disappearing? Well, you need to take this seriously. Pelvic pain is another symptom of cervical cancer. Pain and pressure can be felt anywhere in the abdomen below the navel. Many women describe pelvic pain as dull pain, which can also include sharp pain. Pain can be intermittent or constant and usually worsens during or after sexual intercourse.

– Unexplained malaise and cervical cancer

Fatigue is a wide range of symptoms that a normal healthy person can naturally feel, which can be a symptom of cervical cancer patients, especially on medication. Malaise It is defined as extreme physical fatigue that does not go away even after sleep and rest. It is important to note that no matter what type of cancer you have, patients will experience this condition without hard work, lack of sleep, or rest. Fatigue can be paralyzed and may be felt continuously before, during, and after medication.

– Bladder does not work properly

Bladder symptoms such as hematuria (blood in the urine), dysuria (painful urination), and / or frequent or urgent urination

–Abdominal distension

Not all abdominal distension is a symptom of cervical cancer, but it is one of the most common. If you have a feeling of bloating and it does not leave you, you should see your doctor right away to see if there are any health complications as you may have cervical cancer.

– Stinking vaginal discharge

There are many reasons for vaginal discharge, but if it’s watery and has a foul odor, you need to worry. Clear to milky white, stretchy vaginal discharge is perfectly normal, but fishy secretions can be a sign of infection.

– Lower limb edema (fluid retention)

Pain or swelling in the lower extremities is a sign of cervical cancer, but it may not appear until late in the cervical cancer. Lower limb pain is one of the most important and common signs of pelvic cancer. Why do you have foot pain? Well, this happens because of the compression of the tumor in the pelvic wall, which can cause continuous pain and swelling. Leg pain There is no evidence of cervical cancer unless other symptoms of cervical cancer have already occurred.

– Lower abdominal pain

One of the hallmarks of cancer (of all kinds) is that cancer cells spread not only to the site of infection, but to other parts of the body. This can cause infections in these body parts. In the case of cervical cancer, the cervix is ​​infected first, then the cells spread to the bone. Back pain is unavoidable in cervical cancer because the bones are very likely to infect cancer cells. It is usually characterized by burning pain behind the body at all times.

– Rectal symptoms such as rectal bleeding, loose movements, and rectal pain

Never ignore signs such as sudden bleeding from the rectum or abnormal loose movements. Talk to your doctor right away for treatment.

– Low back pain due to pyelonephritis (kidney inflammation) or ureteral obstruction

In most cases, these signs are often not registered as important just because they are very common. For example, many women experience abdominal distension caused by hormonal fluctuations during the menstrual cycle. Postmenopausal women often feel that they need to urinate more often than they did when they were young. Also, most women manage multiple responsibilities and are sometimes very tired. However, it is necessary to understand the difference when the nature of these symptoms is abnormal.

Risk factors that can cause cervical cancer

There is no definitive way to determine what causes what type of cancer, but there are some risk factors that can increase your chances of developing cervical cancer. The following risk factors that can help you make healthy choices:

# Human papillomavirus

Human papillomavirus (HPV) is one of the major risks in developing cervical cancer. There are more than 100 types of HPV infections, but HPV16 and HPV18 strains are most associated with cervical cancer.

# Smoking can cause cervical cancer

The chemical substances contained in tobacco are smoke There is an increased risk of cervical cancer.Indirect smoking can also play a role

# Low immune system

Women infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) are at risk of developing cervical cancer earlier because they may not be able to effectively fight HPV infection.

# Lack of access to health care

Women who may not have access to regular health care or cancer screening may be at increased risk

# Family history

Having a family member diagnosed with cervical cancer is a risk factor

The key to early detection of cervical cancer is for each woman to become familiar with her body and recognize her normal condition. Therefore, women need to pay close attention to the timing, duration, weight of menstruation, and whether they experience back or abdominal pain on a regular basis.

Finally, you may want to search the internet for information about the symptoms of cervical cancer, but it is important to proceed carefully and note that there is a lot of false information there. Don’t be afraid to talk to your doctor about proper guidance and support.

Release date: January 18, 2021 16:42

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