Pregnant women excluded from the COVID vaccine phase
During the 16 weeks she was pregnant, Tara Larson closely tracked information about COVID-19.
She knows that if a pregnant woman becomes infected with the virus, she is likely to be seriously ill. Data are limited because she knows that pregnant women have been excluded from the vaccine trial.
The 40-year-old Lemont’s mom is ready to get vaccinated, as the policeman’s husband interacts with the general public every day and for months to get pregnant.
“I’m anxious to go ahead and get the vaccine as soon as possible,” said Larson, who wants to get the vaccine by the July deadline.
But she may not be able to do it anytime soon.
“In June, can I take a second dose before I actually give birth?” She said.
Despite being a risky population, pregnant women are not included in the early stages of vaccine introduction in Illinois. According to the Chicago Public Health Service, they are vaccinated with the general public and are estimated to be May 31st.
Similarly, the state health department does not include early-stage pregnant women, but other qualified pregnant women, such as health care workers, can be vaccinated. “Currently available studies do not provide direct information on the safety and efficacy of vaccines in these groups of people,” the statement said.
This reflects the challenges faced by pregnant women. The risk is high, but the data is limited and there are few options.
Illinois will begin Phase 1b of vaccination on January 25th. This second phase includes people over the age of 65 and front-line essential workers such as teachers and public transport workers. The next phase 1c is set to start on March 29th.
Under 1c, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Immunization Implementation Advisory Board has stated that vaccination is 65-74 years and 16-years with underlying medical conditions that increase the risk of serious complications from COVID-19. We are proposing to include people aged 64.
CDC spokesman Kristen Nordlund confirmed that pregnancy is on the list of medical conditions at high risk of serious illness due to COVID-19.
Guidelines on who will be vaccinated and when and when they can be changed. Nordlund said the CDC made recommendations but understood that there was “some regional adaptation.”
Dr. Emily Miller, an assistant professor of maternal-fetal medicine at Northwestern University, said the potential inclusion of pregnant women in the early stages underscores the need for information.
“This needs to ignite efforts to get good data quickly,” she said.
She advised that women need to think about the risk of getting the virus and the risk of becoming severe. For women with stable exposure, “the risk of not being vaccinated remains higher than the risk associated with the vaccine itself or the side effects of the vaccine.”
Still, she also knows that women are choosing between vaccine uncertainties for which there is no direct data, or potential and unpredictable illnesses.
“There is uncertainty on both sides,” she said. “For pregnant individuals, clinicians and policy makers, that’s an impossible situation.”
Illinois officials say their decisions can change around the number of people vaccinated and access to vaccines. President Joe Biden has promised to release more vaccine doses quickly.
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Many pregnant women in the United States, like Larson, have kept their health in the hope of a healthy pregnancy without the complications of COVID-19.
That caution is needed — data from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention show that infected pregnant women whose immune system changes during pregnancy are more hospitalized than non-pregnant women, are admitted to the intensive care unit, and require a ventilator. Indicates that it is likely to be.
Black and Latina women, who account for more than 70% of COVID-19 pregnancies in Illinois, are at particular risk.
Because of these risks, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommend that women participate in trials and have vaccines available.
However, because pregnant women were not included in the initial clinical trial, obstetricians did not have direct data to guide pregnant patients.
Many recommendations balance this lack of data with the risk to pregnant women by providing the vaccine without directly instructing them to obtain it.
Dr. William Schaffner, a professor of infectious diseases at Vanderbilt University Medical Center and a non-voting member of the Immunization Implementation Advisory Board, said:
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For women who are thinking of becoming pregnant and want a vaccine, Schaffner does not expect another stage for them. The committee is considering feasibility, and he said that individual vaccination of large populations of women of reproductive age is not very feasible.
Many pregnant women who are not front-line workers may choose not to vaccinate and instead limit their risk by staying at home as much as possible. Others may prefer to wait for more data before deciding to get vaccinated when it’s their turn.
However, women should be able to make these decisions, said Nicole Woitowich, assistant professor of research at Northwestern University’s School of Medicine and Social Sciences and secretary general of Women’s Health Access Matters Collaborative.
She has been studying how women have not been studied for years, saying that this is another example of “pregnant women are retrofits.” Without providing access to the vaccine, she said, “You have not given women an agency to make their own decisions.”
As early as June, the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology called on pregnant patients to prioritize vaccines and called the lack of pregnant and lactating patients in clinical trials a “concern.”
The ACOG recommends that patients consult with their healthcare provider and states that pregnant patients who refuse vaccination should be supported in their decision.
For those who are thinking of becoming pregnant, ACOG recommends vaccination and said there is no need to delay pregnancy after completing both vaccinations.
Women breastfeeding were also not included in the exam. The American Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine states that breastfeeding women should discuss the risks and benefits with their providers. In addition to limited data, the academy noted that vaccines generally do not affect breastfeeding safety.
For Larson, the lack of vaccine information and availability only deepened her stress and frustration after struggling to conceive a second child, including multiple miscarriages.
“Of course, I don’t want to hurt my baby, but at the same time I want to protect myself and my baby as much as possible,” she said. “It certainly increases my anxiety.”
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