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The immune system of recovered Covid patients may fight coronavirus variants: study


New York: People who have recovered from COVID-19 are new for at least six months, perhaps much longer, according to a study that the immune system evolves throughout the infection and can block even mutants of the virus. Protected from coronavirus, such as South African variants.

The study, published in Nature, pointed out that antibodies are produced by evolving immune cells due to continued exposure to viral debris, apparently hidden in intestinal tissue.

According to scientists, including scientists at Rockefeller University in the United States, the study is “the most powerful ever” that the immune system “remembers” the virus and continues to significantly improve antibody quality even after the infection has diminished. Providing “proof”.

They suspect that the next time the recovered patient encounters the virus, the response will be faster and more effective, preventing reinfection.

“This is really exciting news. The type of immune response seen here provides protection for quite some time by allowing the body to initiate a rapid and effective response to the virus upon re-exposure. It’s possible, “says Michelle C. Nussenzweig. Co-author of a study from Rockefeller University.

Antibodies to coronavirus remain in plasma for weeks or months, but early studies have shown that their levels drop significantly over time.

However, researchers have shown that instead of the immune system constantly producing antibodies, it produces memory B cells that recognize the coronavirus and quickly releases new rounds of antibodies the second time it is encountered.

Because the novel coronavirus replicates in cells of the lungs, nasopharynx, and small intestine, they believe that residual viral particles hidden within these tissues may be driving the evolution of memory B cells.

In the current study, scientists studied the antibody response of 87 people at two time points, one month and six months after infection.

Antibodies were still detectable at 6 months, but their numbers were significantly reduced, and laboratory experiments reduced the ability of participants’ plasma samples to neutralize the virus by a factor of five. Became clear.

In contrast, researchers found that the number of memory B cells in patients, especially those that produce antibodies to the coronavirus, did not decrease.

The study also noted that these cells also increased slightly in some cases.

Scientists have also discovered that memory B cells have been mutated multiple times, even after the infection has resolved.

As a result, the antibodies they produced were much more effective than the original, the study said.

According to researchers, these antibodies were able to firmly anchor to the virus and were recognizable even in mutated versions.

“The total number of memory B cells that produced antibodies that attack the viral Achilles tendon, known as the receptor-binding domain, remained the same,” said Christian Gabler, another co-author of the study.

“This is good news, because it’s what you need if you come across the virus again,” Gabler said.

This story was published from the Wire Agency Feed without changing the text. Only the heading has changed.

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