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Mental health improves overall physical health

Mental health improves overall physical health


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According to experts, the brain and body are connected, so good mental health can improve overall physical health. FatCamera / Getty Images
  • Scientists say that improving your mental health can improve your overall physical health.
  • They say it’s more than just stress. Your mind and body are connected in many ways.
  • Experts say that good sleep, regular exercise, outdoor access, a nutritious diet, and attention are all ways to improve mental health.

It’s not everything in your head. far cry.

Psychological health directly affects heart health, stroke risk, and other conditions that may be directly attributed to other external forces. Scientific statement It was recently published in the journal Circulation.

“A person’s mind, mind, and body are all interrelated, and they are interdependent in what can be called a” connection between mind, mind, and body. ” Dr. Glenn N. Levin, Professor of Baylor College of Medicine, Texas, and chair of the Statement Writing Committee. “Studies clearly show that negative psychological factors, personality traits, and mental health disorders can adversely affect cardiovascular health.”

“On the other hand, studies have shown that positive psychological attributes are associated with a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease and death,” Levin told Healthline.

This statement describes negative psychological health conditions such as depression, chronic stress, anxiety, anger and pessimism, heart rate irregularities, digestive complaints, elevated blood pressure, inflammation and blood flow to the heart. Is associated with potentially harmful biological reactions such as reduced blood pressure.

Negative psychological factors associated with smoking and unhealthy diets also increase the risk of heart problems and stroke.

This statement suggests that regular mental health screening, psychotherapy, and psychosomatic programs may improve cardiovascular health. General and work-related stress is associated with a 40% increased risk of developing or dying heart disease.

“A great many people are influenced by the biomedical model or dualism that was popular by René Descartes (French philosophers and scientists) in the 1600s. It has a firewall between the mind and body. It suggests that. ” Thomas planteA PhD professor of psychiatry and behavioral science at Stanford University in California told Healthline. “This is clearly not true. Still, these old ideas and actions are difficult to overcome.”

“If you really want to help people get healthy, stay healthy and recover from illness as much as possible, you have to think about doing so in a biopsychosocial and systemic way of mind and body,” he said. Added. “In addition, most of our health problems that kill people, including COVID-19, are heavily influenced by health behavior.”

Dr. Jonathan GoldfingerDidi Hirsch Mental Health Services, CEO of Southern California, told Healthline that the relationship between stress and heart health is not as simple as stress simply overworking the heart.

“Constant or chronic stress can be toxic, and this is where connections become more complex,” Goldfinger said.

“Researchers have found that chronic stress is through both uncontrolled inflammation (the immune system is weakened) and certain maladaptated behaviors that humans are likely to experience during stress, such as smoking, overeating, and overuse of alcohol and substances. I believe it contributes to the disease. Inflammation, “he added.

“The combination of these causes heart disease by damaging the walls of the small blood vessels that supply the heart with blood and the large blood vessels that carry the pumped blood to the brain and body,” Goldfinger said. I have.

Dr. James DotyA professor of neurosurgery at Stanford University, told Healthline that everyone has the ability to change not only their minds but also their bodies.

“We know how connections work, and it occurs in the brainstem and is connected to essentially all organs of the body, especially through the vagus nerve, which is represented by the heart. “Dotty said Author Into the Magic Shop: Neurosurgeon’s Quest to Discover Brain Mysteries and Heart Secrets

Doty explained that the vagus nerve is associated with the human fight-or-flight or reaction, rest, and digestive systems (among other functions he said the brain functions at its best).

“What people are unaware of is their ability to react to external events and therefore control over how their (autonomic nervous system) is involved,” he said. Said.

“In the last 20 to 30 years, we have learned a lot about the connection between mind and body, but in the last 10 years, new imaging tools and new ways to measure how the mind affects the body. So I learned a lot more. “Doty said. “More importantly, we are learning how to use our minds to train individuals to have a positive impact on the body, which reduces the incidence of many illnesses, especially chronic ones. Life will be longer. ”

Dr. Eric Rafra YuanA psychiatrist, a cardiovascular psychiatrist at the University of California, San Diego, told Healthline that the brain-heart connection is “two-way,” both capable of influencing the other.

He said the example is included Panic attack And “Broken heart syndrome” When someone hears the bad news, they suddenly develop heart failure.

“The brain and heart are connected by a network of nerves called the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems,” says Rafla-Yuan.

“The sympathetic nervous system is the accelerator pedal and the parasympathetic nervous system is the brake pedal. Many of the connections between the heart and brain are mediated by this system. Mental or can be taken to influence these. There is psychological behavior, “he explained.

“For example, yoga, tai chi, and other mindfulness practices can improve both cardiovascular and mental health. Mindfulness interventions can improve the psychological and physical aspects of anxiety and panic. It can help both symptoms, “he added.

Goldfinger said it is important to practice seven proven buffers of toxic stress:

  • Healthy sleep habits
  • Good nutrition
  • Regular exercise
  • Outdoor access
  • Mindfulness or meditation
  • Social interaction
  • Mental health care

“Our mind and body are inseparable,” Goldfinger said. “Hope can heal cancer. Heart disease and depression generally occur together. The brain controls other organs such as the heart, adrenal gland, and stomach, and receives feedback from them. It’s also. You can control many physical functions by training your mind, which is one of the reasons we believe that mindfulness and meditation can prevent and heal the damage of toxic stress. . “

“People should focus on how stress is associated with heart health, and all the concrete changes that can be made to protect the heart today,” he added. ..


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